Figure 1. Type-B genetic correlation (rg) across measures and generalized measures of heritability (H2) of 2016−2019 shade field trials evaluated for canopy height (CH), dark green color index (DGCI), percent living ground cover (%GC), and turf quality (TQ) in Citra (FL), Raleigh (NC) and Tifton (GA). * Entry variance significant by LRT at 0.05 probability level.
Figure 2. Spearman correlation estimates of 2016−2019 seashore paspalum shade field trials evaluated for canopy height (CH), dark green color index (DGCI), percent living ground cover (%GC), and turf quality (TQ) in Citra (FL), Raleigh (NC) and Tifton (GA).
Figure 3. Multi-trait principal component analysis using the predicted values of single-location analysis from seashore paspalum shade field trials evaluated for canopy height (CH), dark green color index (DGCI), percent living ground cover (%GC), and turf quality (TQ) in Citra (FL), Raleigh (NC) and Tifton (GA).
Figure 4. Entries Best Linear Unbiased Predictors (BLUPs) of seashore paspalum shade trials evaluated for canopy height (CH), dark green color index (DGCI), percent living ground cover (%GC), and turf quality (TQ) in Citra (FL), Raleigh (NC) and Tifton (GA). DGCI was not evaluated at Raleigh, whereas the BLUPs of %GC at Raleigh and Tifton, and TQ at Tifton were close to zero. * Entry studentized Best Linear Unbiased Predictors significant at 5% probability by t-Student test.