Figures (2)  Tables (8)
    • Figure 1.  Average daily air temperature and daily precipitation from January 2018 to December 2020; and in the bottom right the maximum and minimum recorded air temperature and average annual precipitation during the experiment period from on-site or nearby weather stations for each site during 2018 to 2020.

    • Figure 2.  Cumulative turf performance index score at each location, which is the number of times a treatment occurred in the top statistical group across all parameters. The maximum possible turf performance index number is the following: Indiana (14), North Carolina (12), Georgia (7), Arizona (5), and California (4). Treatments with a blank cell with x indicate the entry or check was not planted at the location.

    • IndianaNorth CarolinaGeorgiaArizonaCalifornia
      Location, CityW.H. Daniel Turfgrass Research and Diagnostic Center, West LafayetteLake Wheeler Turfgrass Field Lab, RaleighCoastal Plain Experiment Station, TiftonEvergreen Turf, StanfieldAmerican Sod Farms, Escondido
      Latitude and Longitude40°26′31″N; 86°55′47″W35°44′18″N; 78°40′39″W31°28′30″N; 83°31′34″W32°55′23″N; 111°56′17″W33°5′26″N; 117°0′24″W
      Soil typeSilt loamSandy loamLoamy sandSandy loamSandy loam
      Climate classificationaWarm temperate, no dry season, hot summer (Cfa)Warm temperate, no dry season, hot summer (Cfa)Warm temperate, no dry season, hot summer (Cfa)Hot arid, desert, hot summer (BWh)Arid, steppe, hot dry summer, cool wet winter, (BSk)
      USDA plant hardiness zoneb5b
      (−26.1 to −23.3 °C)
      (−15 to −12.2 °C)
      (−12.2 to −9.4 °C)
      (−3.9 to −1.1 °C)
      (−1.1 to 1.7 °C)
      2018 planting date22 May10 July1 June29 May30 May
      a From Köppen-Geiger climate map[23,24]. Map retrieved from
      b Average annual extreme minimum temperature in parentheses and USDA map retrieved from

      Table 1.  Site information.

    • EntryWinterkillaTurf colorbDensityc2019
      Drought resistancee
      Avg turf qualityfAvg ball liegAvg leaf texturehTPIi
      20192020Spring 2019Summer 2019Autumn 2019Spring 2020Summer 2020Autumn 202020192020
      PURZ 16026.3 a-dj7.0 a-d5.7 ab6.3 d-f6.0 b-f6.0 bc7.3 ab7.0 efg5.0 b-e8.7 a5.7 cde5.7 b-f6.8 abc38.9 b-e5.2 de6
      PURZ 16036.0 bcd6.3 a-e6.7 a4.7 h4.7 fg5.7 bcd6.0 cd6.0 hi5.3 bcd6.3 b-e6.0 bcd4.7 e-h6.5 a-d32.0 d-h4.2 fg3
      PURZ 16067.3 ab6.0 b-f6.7 a5.0 gh5.0 efg6.0 bc6.0 cd6.3 gh5.7 abc6.3 b-e7.0 abc4.3 e-h6.8 abc32.0 d-h3.3 h5
      PURZ 17017.0 abc7.3 abc7.0 a5.0 gh5.0 efg6.3 b6.0 cd6.7 fgh6.0 ab8.0 ab8.3 a7.0 abc7.5 a24.1 ghi4.0 g8
      PURZ 17025.0 def5.3 d-g4.3 bc6.3 d-f4.3 g6.0 bc6.3 bcd5.3 ij4.0 c-g5.7 c-f4.7 d-g3.7 gh5.3 d-g38.4 b-e4.7 ef0
      XZ140554.0 efg7.3 abc3.3 cd9.0 a7.0 abc6.0 bc8.0 a8.0 bcd3.7 d-h8.0 ab4.3 d-h6.0 b-e6.0 a-e49.2 ab6.5 b7
      XZ140692.7 g-j6.0 b-e1.3 e8.7 ab7.3 ab5.3 b-e7.0 abc8.3 abc2.0 hi5.3 def2.7 ghi6.3 a-d4.0 gh52.3 a7.2 a6
      XZ140705.3 cde6.3 a-e4.0 bc6.7 c-f5.7 c-g5.3 b-e6.7 bcd8.0 bcd4.0 c-g6.3 b-e5.0 def6.7 abc5.8 b-f47.5 ab5.5 cd3
      XZ140712.7 g-j5.6 c-g3.0 cde8.2 abc7.5 ab4.7 c-g6.4 bcd8.5 abc3.1 e-i6.1 b-f4.1 d-i6.1 a-e5.5 c-g41.5 a-d6.8 ab5
      XZ140725.0 def6.3 a-e3.3 cd7.0 b-e5.7 c-g4.7 c-g6.0 cd6.7 fgh4.7 b-f8.7 a5.7 cde7.0 abc6.8 abc34.3 c-g6.7 ab4
      XZ140741.3 ijk0
      XZ140923.7 efg5.5 c-g2.5 cde6.9 b-f5.0 efg5.0 b-f7.0 abc6.5 fgh2.9 f-i4.3 ef3.4 f-i4.5 e-h4.1 gh37.6 b-f6.8 ab1
      ZG090048.0 a6.0 b-f7.0 a5.0 gh5.0 efg5.0 b-f6.3 bcd6.0 hi7.3 a5.7 c-f8.7 a6.7 abc7.0 abc17.2 i4.2 fg6
      ZG090557.3 ab6.0 b-f6.7 a6.0 e-h5.3 d-g5.3 b-e6.0 cd5.3 ij5.7 abc5.3 def7.7 ab6.0 b-e6.9 abc22.0 hi4.0 g5
      ZG090621.7 hij5.9 b-g1.5 de8.7 ab5.5 c-g2.8 ij8.0 a7.5 c-f1.5 i6.7 bcd2.6 ghi6.4 a-d5.0 d-h39.4 a-e6.4 b4
      09-TZ-54-91.7 hij6.0 b-f2.0 de7.5 a-e5.5 c-g5.0 b-f6.5 bcd9.0 a1.9 hi6.3 b-e2.4 hi7.0 abc4.6 e-h51.1 ab5.8 c4
      09-TZ-89-731.7 hij4.0 g1.7 de6.3 d-f6.0 b-f2.0 j4.0 e7.3 def1.7 i4.7 ef2.7 ghi5.3 c-g3.8 h45.8 abc5.8 c1
      10-TZ-9947.3 ab7.7 ab7.0 a6.0 e-h5.7 c-g6.0 bc7.3 ab7.0 efg7.3 a9.0 a8.0 a6.7 abc7.4 a48.8 ab4.5 fg10
      10-TZ-12542.7 g-j5.7 c-g2.0 de9.0 a8.0 a3.3 hi7.3 ab8.0 bcd2.3 ghi7.3 a-d4.0 e-i8.0 a6.2 a-d29.5 e-h5.5 cd7
      15-TZ-117661.0 jk0
      16-TZ-120363.7 efg4.3 fg3.0 cde6.3 d-f4.7 fg3.0 ij7.3 ab7.7 cde3.7 d-h5.3 def3.3 f-i3.3 h4.5 fgh46.7 ab6.5 b1
      16-TZ-127831.0 jk0
      16-TZ-134631.0 jk0
      16-TZ-141143.5 e-h6.0 b-f2.0 de7.0 b-e6.3 b-e3.7 ghi6.7 bcd7.7 cde2.7 ghi8.3 ab5.7 cde8.0 a7.0 ab30.2 d-h5.2 de3
      Chisholm4.0 efg6.0 b-f4.3 bc6.7 c-f5.3 d-g4.7 d-g5.7 d7.0 efg3.7 d-h7.3 a-d4.7 d-g7.3 ab6.4 a-d28.4 e-h4.7 ef3
      Meyer7.3 ab8.0 a6.3 a5.3 fgh5.7 c-g6.3 b6.7 bcd6.7 fgh6.3 ab8.7 a7.0 abc6.0 b-e7.5 a36.8 b-f5.5 cd7
      Empire2.7 g-j6.7 a-d2.0 de8.3 ab6.7 a-d4.3 e-h6.3 bcd8.0 bcd2.0 hi8.0 ab3.3 f-i6.7 abc6.0 a-e43.1 abc5.3 cd7
      Jamur3.3 fgh7.0 a-d2.0 de7.7 a-d6.7 a-d4.3 e-h6.7 bcd8.7 ab2.7 ghi8.0 ab5.0 def7.3 ab7.0 abc38.3 b-e5.3 cd7
      Zenith3.0 ghi4.7 efg2.7 cde6.7 c-f5.7 c-g4.0 f-i6.7 bcd7.0 efg2.0 hi4.0 f2.3 i4.0 fgh3.7 h5.3 cd0
      'Riviera' bermudagrass2.3 g-j7.5 abc2.0 de8.5 ab2.5 h8.0 a8.0 a4.5 j2.4 ghi7.8 abc5.4 c-f8.0 a6.0 a-e33.8 c-g6.8 ab7
      P-value< 0.00010.0035< 0.0001< 0.0001< 0.0001< 0.0001< 0.0001< 0.0001 < 0.0001< 0.0001< 0.0001< 0.0001< 0.0001< 0.0001< 0.0001
      a Winterkill ratings: 9 = fully green; 1 = no green tissue.
      b Spring green-up/seasonal color/color retention ratings: 9 = darkest green; 6 = minimally acceptable color; 1 = straw brown turf.
      c Density: 9 = maximum density; 6 = minimally acceptable density; 1 = lowest density.
      d Uniformity: 9 = maximum uniform turf; 1 = lowest uniformity.
      e Drought stress resistance: 9 = no wilting or leaf firing; 100% green-no dormancy; 1 = complete wilting, 100% leaf firing or complete dormancy
      f Quality: 9 = maximum quality; 6 = minimum acceptable quality; 1 = lowest quality. Turf quality means (n = 33) calculated from 11 collection dates during 2019−2020.
      g Ball lie: Percentage visible golf ball within the turf canopy. Means (n = 45) calculated from five collection dates in 2019−2020 where percentage of three visible golf balls were measured within each plot from using the method developed by Richardson et al.[25].
      h Leaf texture: 9 = fine and 1 = coarse. Leaf texture means (n = 6) calculated from two collection dates during 2019−2020.
      i TPI is the turf performance index representing the number of times an entry occurred in the top statistical group (max 14), not including leaf texture ratings.
      j Means within each column (except TPI) with a common letter are not significantly different according to Fisher's protected LSD (α = 0.05).
      k Entry or check either did not survive 2018−2019 winter or not enough replications remaining to analyze.

      Table 2.  Year 2019 to 2020 data and cumulative turf performance index (TPI) for treatments in West Lafayette, Indiana, treatments that ranked in the top statistical group in ≥ 50% of the parameters are highlighted in bold

    • EntryWinterkillaTurf colorbDensitycUniformitydAvg turf
      Avg ball
      Avg Leaf
      20192020Autumn 2018Summer 2019Autumn 2019Summer 2020Autumn 20202019202020192020
      PURZ 16023.3 ji7.3 abc2.7 fgh8.0 a4.7 c-f7.1 bcd4.5 e-i7.0 bcd6.5 b-f7.0 a-d6.0 bcd5.9 d-g59.26.3 efg3
      PURZ 16034.3 ij7.0 abc2.0 h6.7 cd4.0 efg6.7 cde4.0 ghi6.0 ef5.3 fg7.0 a-d6.7 a-d4.9 ij50.15.3 hi3
      PURZ 16064.3 ij7.7 ab2.0 h7.7 ab3.7 fgh6.7 cde3.3 i6.0 ef4.3 gh7.3 abc7.7 a4.8 j51.24.5 j4
      PURZ 17015.3 f-i8.0 a2.3 gh7.0 bcd3.7 fgh5.7 ef3.3 i6.3 de5.3 fg7.3 abc7.3 ab4.9 ij47.25.2 i3
      PURZ 17024.3 ij6.5 a-d2.0 h7.0 bcd2.5 hj6.0 ef7.0 a-d5.5 e-i59.76.1 fg2
      XZ140555.3 f-i6.0 a-d4.7 b-f8.0 a5.0 b-f7.6 abc6.0 bcd7.3 ab5.5 efg6.7 a-d5.5 d5.7 e-h59.17.2 cd5
      XZ140698.7 a8.0 a6.0 ab8.0 a6.3 a7.3 bc6.7 ab8.0 a8.0 a7.0 a-d6.3 bcd7.1 a74.98.0 a10
      XZ140708.0 ab6.7 abc4.0 b-h8.0 a5.0 b-f7.6 abc5.0 c-g7.7 ab7.0 a-d6.7 a-d6.5 a-d5.8 d-g57.26.8 de8
      XZ140716.7 b-f7.3 abc5.0 a-e7.7 ab5.7 abc6.7 cde5.3 c-f7.3 ab6.3 c-f7.0 a-d6.7 a-d6.1 de52.67.2 cd7
      XZ140727.7 abc7.7 ab3.7 c-h8.0 a4.3 d-g5.1 f4.5 e-i8.0 a7.5 abc7.7 ab6.5 a-d6.2 cde59.27.3 bcd7
      XZ140747.0 b-e3.0 ef4.0 b-hj0
      XZ140924.7 hij4.0 def2.7 fgh8.0 a3.9 e-h6.9 b-e6.0 cde5.2 g-j49.36.9 de1
      ZG090046.7 b-f7.3 abc2.7 fgh7.3 abc3.3 gh6.7 cde4.3 f-i5.3 f4.3 gh7.0 a-d6.7 a-d4.8 j37.45.0 ij4
      ZG090555.0 ghi5.3 cde2.3 gh7.3 abc3.3 gh7.3 bc3.7 hi6.3 de4.0 h7.0 a-d7.7 a5.1 hij50.95.2 i3
      ZG090625.3 f-i2.7 f4.0 b-h7.7 ab4.3 d-g7.3 bc6.3 abc7.0 bcd7.7 ab6.3 bcd7.0 abc6.4 bcd52.47.7 abc4
      09-TZ-54-96.7 b-f7.7 ab4.3 b-g8.0 a6.0 abc7.0 bcd6.7 ab8.0 a8.0 a6.0 cde6.0 bcd7.0 ab47.87.8 ab7
      09-TZ-89-736.7 b-f3.0 ef5.3 a-d6.3 d4.3 d-g6.1 def5.5 b-f7.0 bcd6.5 b-f7.0 a-d6.0 bcd5.7 e-h60.56.5 ef2
      10-TZ-9946.0 d-h6.0 a-d3.7 c-h8.0 a4.0 efg8.7 a5.0 c-g6.3 de6.7 b-e6.0 cde7.3 ab5.6 e-h44.26.0 fg4
      10-TZ-12547.3 a-d6.3 a-d7.0 a7.7 ab4.7 c-f6.7 cde7.5 a7.3 ab7.3 abc8.0 a7.7 a6.4 bcd52.76.5 ef9
      15-TZ-117667.0 b-e6.3 a-d4.0 b-h8.0 a5.4 a-ej6.4 cde7.0 a-d5.9 def65.76.2 fg4
      16-TZ-120366.0 d-h4.0 def5.0 a-e7.7 ab5.5 a-d7.1 bcd5.0 c-g6.7 cde6.5 b-f6.0 cde7.0 abc6.1 cde50.76.8 de4
      16-TZ-127835.7 e-i4.0 def5.7 abc8.0 a4.0 efg8.0 ab6.7 ab7.7 ab7.3 abc7.7 ab5.7 d6.8 abc57.17.2 cd8
      16-TZ-134635.7 e-i5.5 b-e4.0 b-h8.0 a5.1 a-fj6.1 def4.0 f5.8 d-g7.3 bcd2
      16-TZ-141146.0 d-h6.0 a-d5.7 abc7.3 abc3.0 gh7.1 bcd6.0 bcd6.7 cde7.0 a-d7.7 ab8.0 a5.9 def60.36.2 fg6
      Chisholm6.7 b-f6.7 abc3.7 c-h7.3 abc4.7 c-f7.0 bcd5.3 c-f6.0 ef6.7 b-e5.7 def6.7 a-d5.7 e-h42.35.8 gh3
      Meyer6.3 c-g7.0 abc3.3 d-h7.7 ab4.0 efg8.0 ab4.7 d-h6.7 cde6.7 b-e7.0 a-d7.7 a5.7 e-h54.06.3 efg5
      Empire5.3 f-i6.7 abc4.0 b-h8.0 a4.0 efg7.3 bc5.7 b-e6.3 de6.0 def7.3 abc7.7 a5.7 e-h54.65.8 gh4
      Jamur6.0 d-h5.7 bcd5.7 abc7.0 bcd3.7 fgh7.0 bcd6.0 bcd7.0 bcd7.3 abc8.0 a7.7 a6.1 cde51.36.3 efg4
      Zenith6.0 d-h5.3 cde3.0 e-h7.7 ab5.3 a-e7.7 abc4.7 d-h6.0 ef6.0 def4.7 ef6.0 bcd5.3 f-j52.75.8 gh3
      'Riviera' bermudagrass3.3 jj4.7 b-f0
      P-value< 0.0001< 0.0001 0.0009 0.0003< 0.0001 0.0003< 0.0001< 0.0001< 0.0001 0.0064 0.0046< 0.0001 0.0602< 0.0001
      a Winterkill ratings: 9 = fully green; 1 = no green tissue.
      b Seasonal color/color retention ratings: 9 = darkest green; 6 = minimally acceptable color; 1 = straw brown turf.
      c Density: 9 = maximum density; 6 = minimally acceptable density; 1 = lowest density.
      d Uniformity: 9 = maximum uniform turf; 1 = lowest uniformity.
      e Quality: 9 = maximum quality; 6 = minimum acceptable quality; 1 = lowest quality. Turf quality means (n = 12) calculated from four collection dates during 2018−2020.
      f Ball lie: Percentage visible golf ball within the turf canopy. Means (n = 54) calculated from six collection dates in 2019−2020 where percentage of three visible golf balls were measured within each plot from using the method developed by Richardson et al.[25].
      g Leaf texture: 9 = fine and 1 = coarse. Leaf texture means (n = 6) calculated from two collection dates during 2019−2020.
      h TPI is the turf performance index representing the number of times an entry occurred in the top statistical group (max 12), not including leaf texture ratings.
      i Means within each column (except TPI) with a common letter or no letters are not significantly different according to Fisher's protected LSD (α = 0.05).
      j Entry or check did not survive establishment in 2018 or winter, and not enough replications remaining to analyze.

      Table 3.  Year 2018 to 2020 data and cumulative turf performance index for treatments in Raleigh, North Carolina, treatments that ranked in the top statistical group in ≥ 50% of the parameters are highlighted in bold.

    • EntryTurf coloraAvg dark green color indexbUniformitycAvg turf qualitydAvg ball lieeTPIf
      Spring 2019Summer 2019Autumn 2019Autumn 2020
      PURZ 16023.0 jkg0.730 f-j4.0 fg3.7 h-l5.7 b-f4.7 f-i55.3 e-k0
      PURZ 16033.0 jk0.736 f-i3.0 g3.0 jkl3.7 h3.9 hi53.0 g-k0
      PURZ 16062.7 jk0.796 a4.0 fg5.0 d-i4.7 e-h4.7 f-i51.8 h-k1
      PURZ 17013.3 ijk0.737 e-i4.0 fg3.7 h-l5.3 c-g4.2 hi48.7 jk0
      PURZ 17023.0 jk0.750 c-g4.0 fg3.3 i-l4.3 efg3.8 i62.8 a-h1
      XZ140553.7 h-k0.741 d-h5.7 cde4.3 f-k4.3 efg4.3 ghi68.5 a-d1
      XZ140698.0 a0.736 f-i7.7 a6.0 c-f6.3 a-d6.7 abc60.7 b-i4
      XZ140703.0 jk0.791 ab6.0 b-e5.7 c-g5.3 c-g5.8 c-f56.3 e-j1
      XZ140714.0 g-j0.709 ijk6.0 b-e4.7 e-j3.7 h4.5 ghi64.2 a-g1
      XZ140725.3 d-g0.699 k4.7 ef4.0 g-l5.3 c-g4.6 ghi66.0 a-f1
      XZ140746.7 a-d0.698 k5.0 ef2.3 l4.0 gh3.8 i71.4 ab2
      XZ140923.7 h-k0.738 e-i5.0 ef3.7 h-l5.0 d-h4.0 hi72.0 ab1
      ZG090041.0 l0.747 c-g5.3 def5.3 c-h5.3 c-g5.4 d-g55.7 e-k0
      ZG090551.0 l0.759 c-f4.7 ef4.0 g-l4.7 e-h4.2 hi60.2 c-i0
      ZG090625.7 c-f0.716 h-k6.0 b-e8.0 ab7.0 ab6.4 a-d58.1 d-j3
      09-TZ-54-96.3 b-e0.757 c-g6.7 a-d6.7 bcd7.0 ab6.8 abc63.7 a-g4
      09-TZ-89-737.0 abc0.705 jk6.0 b-e7.0 abc6.0 a-e6.0 b-e54.3 g-k3
      10-TZ-9945.0 e-h0.756 c-g4.0 fg2.7 kl5.7 b-f4.1 hi68.7 a-d1
      10-TZ-12547.7 ab0.729 g-j5.7 cde3.7 h-l4.7 e-h4.4 ghi62.1 a-h2
      15-TZ-117665.0 e-h0769 a-d7.0 abc8.7 a6.0 a-e7.2 ab53.6 g-k5
      16-TZ-120363.0 jk0.744 c-h5.7 cde7.0 abc6.7 abc6.1 b-e66.4 a-e3
      16-TZ-127837.0 abc0.790 ab7.3 ab7.0 abc6.7 abc7.3 a73.5 a7
      16-TZ-134637.3 ab0.744 c-h7.3 ab5.0 d-i5.3 c-g6.2 a-e73.2 a4
      16-TZ-141145.0 e-h0.771 abc5.7 cde6.7 bcd5.7 b-f6.0 b-e54.9 f-k1
      Chisholm3.0 jk0.733 f-j5.0 ef6.0 c-f7.3 a5.8 c-f60.2 c-i1
      Meyer2.3 kl0.765 b-e5.0 ef5.0 d-i5.0 d-h5.1 e-h56.1 e-j1
      Empire4.7 f-i0.768 a-d6.0 b-e6.3 b-e6.3 a-d6.1 b-e49.4 ijk2
      Jamur4.7 f-i0.768 a-d5.3 def6.3 b-e6.3 a-d6.0 b-e53.5 g-k2
      Zenith4.7 f-i0.694 k4.0 fg3.3 i-l5.0 d-h3.8 i59.0 d-j0
      'Riviera' bermudagrass4.0 g-j0.758 c-g5.3 def6.0 c-f4.0 gh4.8 f-i44.5 k0
      P-value< 0.0001< 0.0001< 0.0001< 0.0001< 0.0001< 0.0001< 0.0001
      a Seasonal color ratings: 9 = darkest green; 6 = minimally acceptable color; 1 = straw brown turf.
      b Dark green color index: digital images calculated on a 0 to 1 scale with higher values corresponding to darker green color.
      c Uniformity: 9 = maximum uniform turf; 1 = lowest uniformity.
      d Quality: 9 = maximum quality; 6 = minimum acceptable quality; 1 = lowest quality. Turf quality means (n = 12) calculated from four collection dates during 2019−2020.
      e Ball lie: Percentage visible golf ball within the turf canopy. Means (n = 18) calculated from two collection dates in 2019−2020 where percentage of three visible golf balls were measured within each plot from using the method developed by Richardson et al.[25].
      f TPI is the turf performance index representing the number of times an entry occurred in the top statistical group (max 7).
      g Means within each column (except TPI) with a common letter are not significantly different according to Fisher's protected LSD (α = 0.05).

      Table 4.  Year 2018 to 2020 data and cumulative turf performance index for treatments in Tifton, Georgia, treatments that ranked in the top statistical group in ≥ 50% of the parameters are highlighted in bold.

    • Entry2019 WinterkillaTurf colorb2019
      Avg turf
      Autumn 2018Spring 2019Autumn 2019Summer 2020
      PURZ 16026.0g6.0 cde5.7 b-f3.7 ghii4.7 ghi5.04.9 hi0
      PURZ 16036.04.0 f5.7 b-f2.3 jk4.03.0 j5.03.8 jk0
      PURZ 16067.35.6 c-f5.0 c-g2.0 k3.04.0 ij4.73.6 k0
      PURZ 17016.74.7 ef3.3 g3.3 hij4.04.0 ij4.74.0 jk0
      PURZ 17027.05.0 def5.3 b-f2.7 ijk4.54.0 ij5.03.9 jk0
      XZ140557.36.0 cde4.3 efg6.3 bc5.04.3 hi5.55.3 e-h0
      XZ140698.07.3 abc8.0 a7.7 a7.57.3 ab6.36.8 a5
      XZ140706.76.3 bcd6.3 a-d5.3 c-e5.55.3 e-h6.05.8 b-f1
      XZ140716.35.3 def4.3 fg4.7 efg6.06.0 c-f6.35.0 c-h0
      XZ140727.05.0 def6.0 b-e5.3 c-e6.05.7 d-g6.05.1 f-i0
      XZ140747.77.3 abc3.3 g6.3 bc5.06.7 a-d5.06.3 ab3
      XZ140925.36.3 bcd7.0 ab4.7 efg6.56.0 c-f5.75.6 c-h1
      ZG090046.35.7 cde5.3 b-f3.3 hij5.05.0 f-i6.34.4 ij0
      ZG090628.07.0 abc6.7 abc5.3 c-e6.06.0 c-f5.36.0 bcd2
      09-TZ-54-98.77.0 abc6.3 a-d7.0 ab7.57.0 abc6.36.9 a5
      09-TZ-89-738.05.3 def5.7 b-f6.0 bcd5.56.0 c-f6.35.9 b-e0
      10-TZ-9945.05.0 def4.3 efg3.7 ghi5.04.3 hi5.03.8 jk0
      10-TZ-12549.07.7 ab5.7 b-f5.0 def6.56.0 c-f6.06.0 bcd1
      15-TZ-117667.76.3 bcd6.0 b-e4.7 efg6.06.3 b-e7.05.6 c-h0
      16-TZ-120367.75.7 cde5.3 b-f5.3 c-e5.55.3 e-h6.05.4 d-h0
      16-TZ-127838.07.3 abc5.3 b-f6.3 bc7.07.0 abc7.06.2 abc3
      16-TZ-134637.08.0 a6.7 abc7.0 ab6.07.7 a6.36.3 ab5
      16-TZ-141147.76.3 bcd6.0 b-e6.0 bcd7.05.7 d-g5.75.7 b-g0
      Chisholm8.35.3 def6.7 abc5.3 c-e5.55.3 e-h6.35.9 b-e1
      Meyer5.35.0 def5.0 c-g4.7 efg4.04.7 ghi5.74.9 hi0
      Empire7.77.0 abc6.0 b-e5.3 c-e7.06.0 c-f6.05.4 d-h1
      Jamur7.76.0 cde6.0 b-e5.7 cde6.55.7 d-g5.75.7 b-g0
      Zenith7.56.3 bcd4.8 d-g4.3 fgh5.0 f-i4.85.1 ghi0
      'Riviera' bermudagrassh
      P-value 0.0524 0.0002 0.0013< 0.00011.000< 0.0001 0.0746< 0.0001
      a Winterkill ratings: 9 = fully green; 1 = no green tissue.
      b Spring green-up/seasonal color/color retention ratings: 9 = darkest green; 6 = minimally acceptable color; 1 = straw brown turf.
      c Density: 9 = maximum density; 6 = minimally acceptable density; 1 = lowest density.
      d Uniformity: 9 = maximum uniform turf; 1 = lowest uniformity.
      e Quality: 9 = maximum quality; 6 = minimum acceptable quality; 1 = lowest quality. Turf quality means (n = 9) calculated from three collection dates during 2018−2020.
      f TPI is the turf performance index representing the number of times an entry occurred in the top statistical group (max 5).
      g Means within each column (except TPI) with a common letter or no letters are not significantly different according to Fisher's protected LSD (α = 0.05).
      h Entry or check not planted at site.
      i Entry did not survive or not enough replications remaining to analyze.

      Table 5.  Year 2018 to 2020 data and cumulative turf performance index for treatments in Stanfield, Arizona, treatments that ranked in the top statistical group in ≥ 50% of the parameters are highlighted in bold.

    • Entry2019 WinterkillaTurf colorb2019 Densityc2019 UniformitydAvg turf qualityeTPIf
      Autumn 2018Spring 2019
      PURZ 16027.0 bcdg3.0 f6.75.3 d-g4.75.3 f-i0
      PURZ 16036.3 cde4.0 ef6.04.0 gh6.04.5 ij0
      PURZ 16066.0 cde2.5 f5.43.0 h5.93.0 k0
      PURZ 17018.0 abc2.7 f6.04.0 gh5.04.2 j1
      PURZ 1702h0
      XZ140698.7 ab6.0 a-d7.38.0 a6.07.7 a4
      XZ140704.7 e3.3 f6.35.7 c-f6.35.0 g-j0
      XZ140716.3 cde6.3 abc6.76.7 a-d6.06.5 bcd2
      XZ140728.0 abc4.0 ef7.05.7 c-f5.76.3 cde1
      XZ140749.0 a6.7 ab8.08.0 a6.07.7 a4
      XZ140925.3 cd3.0 f6.74.7 efg5.75.3 f-i0
      ZG090046.0 cde4.7 c-f7.04.0 gh6.74.7 hij0
      ZG090555.0 e5.3 b-e6.74.8 efg5.54.2 j0
      ZG090628.3 ab6.3 abc8.05.7 c-f5.76.5 bcd2
      09-TZ-54-98.0 abc6.0 a-d6.77.7 a6.37.3 ab4
      09-TZ-89-738.3 ab7.0 ab6.76.0 b-e7.06.2 def2
      10-TZ-9945.0 e3.3 f7.74.3 fgh5.34.7 hij0
      10-TZ-12548.0 abc7.0 ab7.36.7 a-d6.76.0 def3
      15-TZ-117667.3 abc5.7 b-e7.07.3 ab7.37.2 abc3
      16-TZ-120368.3 ab5.3 b-e6.76.0 b-e6.06.0 def1
      16-TZ-127837.0 bcd7.7 a6.07.7 a6.76.5 bcd2
      16-TZ-134638.0 abc4.3 def8.07.0 abc6.76.7 bcd2
      16-TZ-141147.0 bcd4.7 c-f7.75.7 c-f5.75.5 e-h0
      Chisholm7.7 abc6.3 abc8.06.0 b-e5.35.8 d-g2
      Meyer5.0 e3.3 f7.05.0 efg5.05.5 e-h0
      Empire8.0 abc6.0 a-d7.75.7 c-f5.76.0 def2
      Jamur7.7 abc6.0 a-d8.36.0 b-e6.06.0 def2
      Zenith7.2 abc4.5 def7.75.2 efg5.24.9 hij1
      'Riviera' bermudagrassi
      P-value< 0.0001< 0.0001 0.1874< 0.0001 0.1741< 0.0001
      a Winterkill ratings: 9 = fully green; 1 = no green tissue.
      b Spring green-up/seasonal color/color retention ratings: 9 = darkest green; 6 = minimally acceptable color; 1 = straw brown turf.
      c Density: 9 = maximum density; 6 = minimally acceptable density; 1 = lowest density.
      d Uniformity: 9 = maximum uniform turf; 1 = lowest uniformity.
      e Quality: 9 = maximum quality; 6 = minimum acceptable quality; 1 = lowest quality. Turf quality means (n = 6) calculated from two collection dates during 2018−2019.
      f TPI is the turf performance index representing the number of times an entry occurred in the top statistical group (max 4).
      g Means within each column (except TPI) with a common letter or no letters are not significantly different according to Fisher's protected LSD (α = 0.05).
      h Entry did not survive establishment in 2018 and not enough remaining replications to analyze.
      i Entry or check not planted at site.

      Table 6.  Year 2018 to 2019 data and cumulative turf performance index for treatments in Escondido, California, treatments that ranked in the top statistical group in ≥ 50% of the parameters are highlighted in bold.

    • EntryIndiana 5 MAPNorth Carolina 4 MAPGeorgia 3 MAPArizona 6 MAPCalifornia 6 MAP
      PURZ 160252 f-ja52 c-g48 e-i51 fgh32 gh
      PURZ 160355 e-i62 b-e16 kl29 i35 gh
      PURZ 160660 d-h50 d-g41 hij28 i29 gh
      PURZ 170153 f-j43 d-g32 ijk40 ghi18 h
      PURZ 170248 g-j33 fg26 jkl28 ib
      XZ1405552 f-j48 d-g39 hij50 fghc
      XZ1406958 d-i77 abc80 abc90 ab82 a-d
      XZ1407052 f-j57 c-f61 c-g76 a-d80 a-e
      XZ1407148 g-j62 b-e84 a62 def57 ef
      XZ1407258 d-i62 b-e51 e-i73 b-e72 b-e
      XZ1407445 hij45 d-g46 f-i82 abc45 fg
      XZ1409238 j27 g49 e-i55 fg28 gh
      ZG0900465 c-f33 fg80 abc80 abc90 abc
      ZG0905560 d-h52 c-g79 abcc72 b-e
      ZG0906267 b-f40 d-g62 c-f83 abc78 a-e
      09-TZ-54-945 ij40 d-g56 d-h91 a92 abc
      09-TZ-89-7355 e-i48 d-g64 b-f86 abc93 ab
      10-TZ-99452 f-j32 fg8 l44 ghi32 gh
      10-TZ-125470 a-e37 efg42 g-j84 abc92 abc
      15-TZ-1176652 f-j40 d-g70 a-d92 a93 ab
      16-TZ-1203655 e-i37 efg40 hij86 abc85 abc
      16-TZ-1278352 f-j63 a-d42 g-j91 a97 a
      16-TZ-1346343 ij50 d-g19 kl84 abc88 abc
      16-TZ-1411482 ab87 ab80 abc87 abc88 abc
      Chisholm48 g-j43 d-g56 d-h72 cde58 def
      Meyer63 c-g47 d-g66 a-e57 efg32 gh
      Empire72 a-d50 d-g80 abc83 abc87 abc
      Jamur83 a88 a84 a86 abc88 abc
      Zenith38 j30 g18 kl37 hi47 fg
      'Riviera' bermudagrass78 abc83 ab66 a-fcc
      P-value< 0.0001< 0.0001< 0.0001< 0.0001< 0.0001
      a Means within each column with a common letter are not significantly different according to Fisher's protected LSD (α = 0.05).
      b Entry did not survive establishment in 2018 and not enough remaining replications to analyze.
      c Entry or check not planted at site.

      Table 7.  Establishment differences among treatments based on visual turf cover (0−100%) at three to six months after planting (MAP) in 2018 for each site.

    • EntrySpeciesSource
      PURZ 1602Z. japonicaPurdue University
      PURZ 1603Z. japonicaPurdue University
      PURZ 1606Z. japonicaPurdue University
      PURZ 1701Z. japonicaPurdue University
      PURZ 1702Z. japonicaPurdue University
      XZ14055Z. japonica × Z. matrellaNorth Carolina State University
      XZ14069Z. japonica × Z. matrellaNorth Carolina State University
      XZ14070Z. japonica × Z. matrellaNorth Carolina State University
      XZ14071Z. japonica × Z. matrellaNorth Carolina State University
      XZ14072Z. japonica × Z. matrellaNorth Carolina State University
      XZ14074Z. japonica × Z. matrellaNorth Carolina State University
      XZ14092Z. japonica × Z. matrellaNorth Carolina State University
      ZG09004Z. japonica × Z. matrellaNorth Carolina State University
      ZG09055Z. japonica × Z. matrellaNorth Carolina State University
      ZG09062Z. japonica × Z. matrellaNorth Carolina State University
      09-TZ-54-9Z. japonica × Z. matrellaUniversity of Georgia
      09-TZ-89-73Z. matrella × Z. japonicaUniversity of Georgia
      10-TZ-994Z. japonicaUniversity of Georgia
      10-TZ-1254Z. macrantha DesvauxUniversity of Georgia
      15-TZ-11766Z. matrellaUniversity of Georgia
      16-TZ-12036Z. japonica × Z. matrellaUniversity of Georgia
      16-TZ-12783Z. japonica × Z. matrellaUniversity of Georgia
      16-TZ-13463Z. matrella × Z. japonicaUniversity of Georgia
      16-TZ-14114Z. japonicaUniversity of Georgia
      Commercially available cultivarsSpeciesSource
      'Chisholm' zoysiagrassZ. japonicaTexas A&M AgriLife Research and Kansas State University
      'Meyer'Z. japonicaUnited States Department of Agricultre
      'Empire' zoysiagrassZ. japonicaSod Solutions, Inc.
      'Jamur' zoysiagrassZ. japonicaBladerunner Farms, Inc.
      'Zenith' zoysiagrassZ. japonicaPatten Seed Co.
      'Riviera' bermudagrassC. dactylon var. dactylonOklahoma State University

      Table 8.  Experimental zoysiagrass entries and commercially available cultivars evaluated at five locations for overall performance under minimal inputs.