Growth Parameters Treatments 1 2 3 4 5 6 Root length(cm) 31.24±10.27 35.00±3.78 44.74±6.66* 39.80±2.94 44.78±11.93* 42.56±7.42 Shoot height(cm) 84.46±25.00 132.92±8.87** 134.56±6.74** 140.54±5.88** 117.78±12.72* 124.06±21.24** Fresh biomass(g) 4.33±2.57 7.62±1.45 13.21±3.22** 14.69±3.58** 13.70±3.46** 14.57±1.57** Dry biomass(g) 1.82±1.42 5.04±1.17 6.41±1.64** 7.55±1.76** 7.56±1.85** 7.98±0.55** 1- control, 2- Penicillium chrysogenum Thom. 1, 3 - Bacterial isolate 5, 4 -both fungal and bacterial strains equal amount, 5- both fungal and bacterial isolates in 2:1 ratio, 6- both fungal and bacterial isolates in 1:2 ratio, (p > 0.05 *, p > 0.01 **) Table 1. Growth performance of Acacia nilotica grown under different microbial treatments (p > 0.05 *, p > 0.01 **)
Shoot height (cm) Fresh biomass leaves (g) Dry biomass leaves (g) CONTROL 112.76±29.60 3.54±1.93 2.07±1.77 Penicillium grisefulvum 114.02±14.81 4.23±1.08 2.14±1.02 Penicillium restrictum 133.56±13.05 4.41±1.39 1.90±0.87 Penicillium crysogenum 137.58±8.59* 7.25±2.02 3.15±0.36* Aspergillus species 116.30±22.95 4.13±2.64 0.85±0.55 Aspergillus ornatus 119.42±20.45 11.76±4.94 1.80±0.11 Aspergillus wentii 122.72±17.30 1.42±0.57 4.57±2.87* Penicillum expansum 122.98±8.34 3.26±1.27 1.08±0.41 Paecilomyces variotii 121.70±13.22 9.82±6.02 1.35±0.34 Cunnighamella elegans 97.22±29.73 7.94±1.97 1.94±0.80 Bacterial isolate PB1 115.76±12.70 8.13±2.07 3.04±1.36 Bacterial isolate PB2 104.96±6.92 8.27±4.91 2.88±1.04 Bacterial isolate PB3 108.26±10.07 8.27±4.91 3.02±2.04 Bacterial isolate PB4 119.96±7.41 9.89±1.99 2.96±0.20 Bacterial isolate PB5 95.18±33.11 12.89±2.75* 4.13±0.93* Table 2. Effect of selected bioinoculant fungal and bacterial strains on growth of Acacia nilotica grown under pot culture conditions
Treatment Shoot height (cm) Shootheight (cm) Root length (cm) Seedling height (cm) FBM leaf (g) DBM leaf (g) Collar dia (cm) FBM root (g) DBM root (g) C 1 70.94±6.62 19.58±1.44 90.52±7.44 8.14±1.31 3.79±0.67 18.60±2.70 2.75±0.18 1.47±0.13 C2 95.90±23.30** 30.96±3.31** 126.84±24.30** 10.27±1.50 5.29±0.67 21.20±1.92 2.62±0.41 1.37±0.29 C3 84.66±10.49 28.10±6.20* 112.76±14.56* 10.33±0.58 6.37±0.25* 20.22±2.12 2.49±0.25 1.37±0.21 R1 83.94±5.33 22.48±1.34 106.42±6.57 9.46±3.40 5.37±2.46 21.40±1.52 2.49±0.43 1.37±0.25 R2 108.02±9.29** 24.26±6.78 132.28±12.90** 10.32±1.39 6.59±0.48* 21.60±1.95 2.76±0.26 1.47±0.17 R3 99.04±9.43** 30.10±10.27** 129.14±17.55** 10.60±1.18 5.24±0.98 20.60±0.89 2.80±0.49 1.60±0.33 R4 118.72±6.58** 20.28±1.51 139.00±6.90** 9.84±1.60 6.00±1.41 20.60±0.89 3.11±0.38 1.69±0.18 R5 79.14±11.16 25.24±4.02 104.38±7.44 10.73±1.24 6.22±1.07 22.00±2.35 2.67±0.36 1.79±0.47 R6 71.90±7.74 31.12±5.84** 103.02±4.24 11.45±1.80** 6.14±1.05 19.00±2.55 3.15±0.33 1.74±0.45 R7 67.82±9.69 24.94±7.27 92.76±12.03 11.28±1.65** 7.10±1.04** 21.20±3.56 1.93±0.30 1.01±0.29 R8 65.46±9.69 28.24±3.32 93.70±10.35 9.14±1.45 4.61±1.41 21.80±3.70 2.68±0.54 1.49±0.42 R9 83.10±4.63 19.10±3.40 102.20±5.89 9.49±2.43 6.09±1.71 22.20±1.64* 2.78±0.35 1.41±0.22 R10 93.28±9.13* 35.56±5.82** 128.84±14.02** 10.65±1.43 5.50±0.94 20.80±2.39 3.37±0.55 1.62±0.29 R11 86.16±6.24 26.14±1.89 112.30±7.02* 12.06±2.20** 6.98±0.02** 21.00±1.41 2.50±0.87 1.38±0.36 C1– control uninoculated, C2– Penicillium chrysogenum Thom., C3– Bacterial isolate PB 5, R1-R11 –Rhizobial isolates (p>0.05 *, p>0.01 **) Table 3. Effects of selected microbial inoculants and Rhizobium on growth of Acacia nilotica
Treatment Shoot height (cm) Root length (cm) Seedling height (cm) FBM leaf (g) DBM leaf (g) Collar dia (cm) FBM root (g) DBM root(g) PC+R1 51.04±7.59 20.22±1.12 71.26±8.46 11.96±2.29** 7.32±1.24** 21.60±1.67 2.97±0.40 1.55±0.15 PC+R2 89.48±12.31 33.82±8.67** 123.30±8.14** 11.38±3.04** 7.76±1.20** 20.80±1.92 2.61±0.25 1.46±0.20 PC+R3 80.42±12.41 33.98±6.84** 114.40±15.73** 11.18±1.31* 6.37±0.67* 22.00±2.35 2.69±0.26 1.59±0.25 PC+R4 60.04±7.58 44.48±2.30** 104.52±6.94 9.30±1.39 5.05±0.54 23.00±2.24** 3.32±0.31 1.71±0.22 PC+R5 79.40±7.60 18.38±1.21 97.78±6.53 7.91±2.71 3.28±1.22 22.20±2.59* 2.63±0.68 1.46±0.35 PC+R6 82.98±5.42 19.04±0.87 102.02±5.34 10.94±1.32* 5.39±0.79 21.60±3.78 2.47±0.59 1.34±0.47 PC+R7 59.90±10.03 20.26±1.00 80.14±9.31 9.91±0.78 4.97±0.70 21.20±1.79 2.69±0.61 1.64±0.23 PC+R8 80.04±11.14 23.72±2.18 103.72±9.62 10.91±1.03 5.89±0.55 20.80±2.17 2.62±0.60 1.31±0.41 PC+R9 56.26±6.78 32.28±2.53** 88.54±4.41 7.13±1.08 3.39±10 21.20±3.03 2.50±0.43 1.35±0.27 PC+R10 92.14±9.92* 32.64±2.02** 124.78±11.08** 9.72±1.89 6.08±0.98 21.60±1.34 3.84±1.38 2.16±0.95 PC+R11 99.10±6.57** 31.96±3.80** 131.06±6.41** 12.40±1.57** 6.30±0.12* 21.00±1.00 2.68±1.73 1.41±0.40 PC–Penicillium chrysogenum Thom. 1, R1-R11 –Rhizobial isolates (p>0.05 *, p>0.01 **) Table 4. Effects of dual inoculation of PC and Rhizobium on growth of Acacia nilotica
Treatment Shoot height (cm) Root length (cm) Seedling height (cm) FBM leaf (g) DBM leaf (g) Collar dia (cm) FBM root (g) DBM root (g) PB5+R1 87.56±11.14 37.60±7.63** 125.16±16.69** 11.84±1.78** 6.31±0.21* 21.60±1.14 2.78±0.30 1.63±0.20 PB5+R2 91.18±26.56* 29.26±5.42** 120.44±30.17** 13.02±1.37** 6.90±1.51** 20.60±1.52 2.32±0.52 1.07±0.46 PB5+R3 5.66±12.72 19.74±1.13 75.40±12.66 11.08±1.19* 5.87±1.28 21.20±0.84 2.40±0.46 1.41±0.46 PB5+R4 60.68±6.91 25.40±3.45 86.08±3.51 11.51±1.02** 6.3±0.88* 20.80±0.84 2.11±0.36 1.2±0.22 PB5+R5 111.36±9.59** 30.30±7.07** 141.66±13.03* 12.99±1.73** 6.80±0.31* 21.00±1.22 2.74±0.27 1.46±0.17 PB5+R6 60.24±15.49 20.46±1.62 80.70±15.44 12.50±1.73** 5.78±1.28 21.20±0.84 3.38±0.72 1.78±0.40 PB5+R7 65.28±6.54 23.80±2.87 89.08±8.09 11.73±2.45** 7.47±0.36** 22.20±1.48* 2.74±0.20 1.51±0.14 PB5+R8 64.74±13.13 25.06±3.06 89.82±13.55 11.97±1.87** 6.11±0.73 21.80±2.17 2.85±0.23 1.63±0.08 PB5+R9 89.34±8.40 30.64±4.27** 119.98±11.00** 10.68±2.68 6.61±2.19* 22.60±1.67* 2.57±0.13 1.42±0.08 PB5+R10 85.86±8.51 31.54±2.16** 117.40±9.64** 11.32±2.37 5.72±1.52 22.60±1.67* 2.72±0.38 1.61±0.29 PB5+R11 101.70±12.19** 35.92±6.31** 137.62±13.87** 11.08±2.14 6.58±1.34* 21.20±1.64 3.29±0.42 1.82±0.41 PB5 Bacterial isolate, R1-R11 –Rhizobial isolates (p>0.05 *, p>0.01 **) Table 5. Effects of dual inoculation of PB5 and Rhizobium on growth of Acacia nilotica
Treatment Shoot height (cm) Root length (cm) Seedling height (cm) FBM leaf (g) DBM leaf (g) Collar dia (cm) FBM root (g) DBM root (g) CONTROL 70.94±6.62 19.58±1.44 90.52±7.44 8.14±1.31 3.79±0.67 18.60±2.70 2.75±0.18 1.47±0.13 PC+PB5+R1 100.80±11.17** 31.64±5.48** 132.44±14.34** 10.80±1.21 6.06±0.72 21.20±1.64 3.09±0.35 1.68±0.18 PC+PB5+R2 68.04±7.98 25.36±4.23 93.40±9.14 11.33±1.82 5.65±1.40 21.60±0.89 2.56±0.60 1.55±0.43 PC+PB5+R3 81.40±23.42 27.12±5.73 108.52±23.97 11.34±1.20 6.79±0.68* 20.40±0.55 3.02±0.18 1.79±0.20 PC+PB5+R4 89.96±10.45 21.96±1.73 111.92±9.48* 11.01±1.60 6.37±0.27* 21.20±2039 2.78±0.29 1.44±0.12 PC+PB5+R5 98.64±10.25** 36.94±3.75 135.58±11.99** 11.97±2.38 6.21±1.07 21.00±2.55 3.81±0.57 2.05±0.39 PC+PB5+R6 75.66±5.62 32.04±2.05** 107.70±6.73 10.92±1.82 6.26±0.64* 21.60±2.41 3.02±0.78 1.81±0.37 PC+PB5+R7 90.64±12.61** 32.22±3.64** 122.86±12.45** 11.27±2.33 7.20±1.12** 23.60±0.55** 2.96±0.37 1.63±0.15 PC+PB5+R8 78.60±13.66 31.40±2.76** 110.00±11.23 11.88±1.35 6.70±0.38* 22.20±1.79* 2.64±0.48 1.39±0.26 PC+PB5+R9 75.56±10.08 37.08±3.42** 112.64±8.00* 11.59±2.16 6.78±1.31* 20.80±1.92 2.74±0.58 1.46±0.33 PC+PB5+R10 83.80±5.77 42.06±1.93** 125.86±4.31** 13.44±2.45 6.96±1.96** 21.60±2.88 2.96±0.50 1.61±0.18 PC+PB5+R11 73.40±6.02 40.00±6.64** 123.40±3.81** 13.85±1.11 7.69±0.76** 23.60±1.52** 3.28±0.48 1.72±0.28 C– control un- inoculated, PC- Penicillium chrysogenum Thom. 1, PB5– Bacterial isolate, R1-R11 –Rhizobial isolates (p>0.05 *, p>0.01 **) Table 6. Effects of Triple inoculation of Pencillium chrysogenum, PB 5 and Rhizobium on growth of Acacia nilotica