Figure 1. Map of the study site.
Treatment (P2O5 + K2O) Input costs Application cost Labor cost (ETB) Total variable cost TSP KCl 0:0 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0:100 0.00 1,100.00 400.00 1,500.00 0:200 0.00 2,200.00 400.00 2,600.00 0:300 0.00 3,300.00 400.00 3,700.00 34.5:0 422.625 0.00 200.00 622.20 34.5:100 422.625 1,100.00 400.00 1,922.60 34.5:200 422.625 2,200.00 400.00 3,022.62 34.5:300 422.625 3,300.00 400.00 4,122.62 69:0 845.25 0.00 200.00 1,045.2 69:100 845.25 1,100.00 400.00 2,345.2 69:200 845.25 2,200.00 400.00 3,445.2 69:300 845.25 3,300.00 400.00 4,545.2 TSP (Triple Super Phosphate), KCl (Potassium Chloride), ETB (Ethiopian Birr). Table 1. Fertilizer input costs, application costs, and total variable costs.
Treatment (P2O5 + K2O) AY (t/ha) ADY (t/ha) FP/Q (00 ETB) GFP TVC (ETB/ha) NB (ETB/ha) 0:0 21.19 19.07 550.00 104,885.00 0.00 104,885.00 0:100 22.49 20.24 550.00 111,320.00 1,500.00 109,820.00 0:200 24.96 22.46 550.00 123,530.00 2,600.00 120,930.00 0:300 22.04 19.84 550.00 109,120.00 3,700.00 105,420.00 34.5:0 20.47 18.42 550.00 101,310.00 622.2 100,687.40 34.5:100 38.57 34.71 550.00 190,905.00 1,922.6 188,982.40 34.5:200 48.32 43.49 550.00 239,195.00 3,022.6 236,172.40 34.5:300 39.92 35.93 550.00 197,615.00 4,122.6 193,492.40 69:0 25.70 23.13 550.00 127,215.00 1,045.2 126,169.8 69:100 33.89 30.50 550.00 167,750.00 2,345.2 165,404.8 69:200 42.37 38.13 550.00 209,715.00 3,445.2 206,269.8 69:300 38.12 34.31 550.00 188,705.00 4,545.2 184,159.8 All abbreviations are mentioned above (Parameters of Collected Data). Table 2. P and K fertilizers applications on potato production: a net benefit estimate.
(P2O5 + K2O)TVC (ETB/ha) NB (ETB/ha) B: C ratio 0:0 0 104,885.00 34.5:0 622.2 100,687.40D 161.82 69:0 1,045.2 126,169.8 120.71 0:100 1,500.00 109,820.00D 73.21 34.5:100 1,922.6 188,982.40 98.29 69:100 2,345.2 165,404.8D 70.52 0:200 2,600.00 120,930.00D 45.51 34.5:200 3,022.6 236,172.40 78.13 69:200 3,445.2 206,269.8D 59.87 0:300 3,700.00 105,420.00D 28.49 34.5:300 4,122.6 193,492.40D 46.93 69:300 4,545.2 184,159.8D 40.51 TVC: total variable cost, NB: net benefit, B: C ratio: benefit-cost ratio, D: dominated treatments. Table 3. Dominance analysis of the effect of phosphorus and potassium fertilizer rates on potato tuber yield.
Treatment TVC (ETB/ha) MC (ETB/ha) NB (ETB/ha) MB (ETB/ha) MRR (%) 0:0 0 104,885 69:0 1,045.2 1,045.20 126,169.8 21,284.8 2,036.4 34.5:100 1,922.6 877.40 188,982.40 62,812.6 7,178.9 34.5:200 3,022.6 1,100.00 236,172.40 47,190.00 4,290.0 NB (Net benefit), MB (marginal benefit), and MRR (marginal rate of return), TVC (total variable cost), and MC (marginal cost). Table 4. Different fertilization rates of phosphorus and potassium affect the potato's marginal return rate (MRR).