Figures (0)  Tables (1)
    • Culturable tall fescue
      endophytic seed isolates
      IAA productionSynthesize ACC deaminaseSiderophore productionNitrogen fixationPhosphate solubilizationReferences
      Bacillus altitudinisXX[49]
      Bacillus aryabhattaiXXXX[47]
      Bacillus megateriumXXXX[50]
      Bacillus pumilusXXXX[4]
      Bacillus safensisXXXX[55]
      Bacillus sp.XXXXX[5, 42]
      Bacillus toyonensisX[51, 52]
      Pantoea agglomeransXX[45]
      Pantoea sp.XXX[45]
      Pantoea vagansXXX[45]
      Paenibacillus sp.XXXX[32]
      Pseudomonas flourescensXXX[60, 61]
      Pseudomonas sp.XXXX[60]
      Pseudomonas syringaeXXX[62]

      Table 1. 

      Putative plant growth promotion and protection properties from the listed bacteria which were isolated from surface-sterilized tall fescue seeds. Each strain of the culturable bacteria was identified through sequencing of 16S rRNA.