Figures (0)  Tables (4)
    • Treatment PNET1gswCiETRETleafCi/Ca2
      Ambient [CO2]
      No UV-B 24.477b0.375a295.09b187.33a6.786a30.484c0.704a
      Elevated [CO2]
      No UV-B31.514a0.312a530.71a184.97ab6.671a31.263bc0.737a
      CO2 ***NS***NSNS*NS
      1 Units: PNET – μmol CO2 m−2 s−1; gsw – mol m−2 s−1; Ci – CO2 μmol−1; ETR – μmol photons m−2 s−1; E – mmol H2O m−2 s−1; Tleaf – °C.
      2 The measured intercellular CO2/ambient CO2 of LI-6400XT leaf cuvette.
      3 The standard error of the mean was PNET – 1.318; gsw – 0.302; Ci – 9.601; ETR – 11.247; E – 0.480; Tleaf – 0.278; Ci/Ca – 0.0206.
      4 NS, *, **, *** indicate non-significant, significant at P ≤ 0.05, P ≤ 0.01, and P ≤ 0.001, respectively.
      Values followed by the same superscript letter are not significantly different within each column.

      Table 1. 

      Effects of UV-B radiation and CO2 concentration on net photosynthesis (PNET), stomatal conductance (gsw), internal CO2 (Ci), electron transport rate (ETR), transpiration rate (E), leaf temperature (Tleaf), and intercellular/ambient CO2 ratio (Ci/Ca). Measurements were taken on the fourth/fifth fully expanded leaf of plants grown without UV-B radiation (No UV-B) and with UV-B radiation (UV-B) at 437 (ambient [CO2]) and 725 ppm (elevated [CO2]) CO2 concentration between 33 and 35 days of treatment.

    • TreatmentFo'Fm'FsFv'/Fm'ΦPSII${\Phi_{\rm{CO_2}}} $qPqN
      Ambient [CO2]
      No UV-B448.31a840.48ab622.16a0.466b0.261ab0.0195b0.559ab1.875b
      Elevated [CO2]
      No UV-B440.77a907.91a674.12a0.513a0.259ab0.0248a0.507b2.058a
      UV-B x CO2NSNSNS*NS***
      1 The standard error of the mean was Fo' – 9.503; Fm' – 28.161; Fs – 26.365; Fv'/Fm' – 0.00983; ΦPSII – 0.0111; ${\Phi_{\rm{CO_2}} }$ – 0.000976; qP – 0.0232; qN – 0.0383.
      2 NS, *, **, *** indicate non-significant, significant at P ≤ 0.05, P ≤ 0.01, and P ≤ 0.001, respectively.
      Values followed by the same superscript letter are not significantly different within each column.

      Table 2. 

      Effects of UV-B radiation and CO2 concentration on light-adapted, minimal fluorescence (Fo'), light-adapted, maximal fluorescence (Fm'), steady-state fluorescence (Fs), light-adapted maximal quantum yield of photosystem II photochemistry (Fv'/Fm'), effective quantum yield of photosystem II photochemistry (ΦPSII), effective quantum yield of gas exchange measurements ($\Phi_{\rm{CO_2}} $), photochemical quenching (qP), and non-photochemical quenching (qN). Measurements were taken on the fourth/fifth fully expanded leaf plants grown without UV-B radiation (No UV-B) and with UV-B radiation (UV-B) at 437 (ambient [CO2]) and 725 ppm (elevated [CO2]) CO2 concentration between 33 and 35 days of treatment.

    • TreatmentNeo1ViolAnthZeaLutβ-carTotal Xan2ZA/ZAV3ChlBChlATotal Chl4
      Ambient [CO2]
      No UV-B276.43c204.25c68.76a163.94a793.09b509.66c436.95b0.531a871.50c7005.67c7877.17c
      Elevated [CO2]
      No UV-B222.36d208.03c74.30a157.75a561.09c384.95d440.08b0.526ab767.96c7132.75c7900.70c
      UV-B x CO2****************************
      1 Neo – Neoxanthin; Viol – Violaxanthin; Anth – Antheraxanthin; Zea – Zeaxanthin; Lut – Lutein; β-car – Beta carotene; Xan – Xanthophylls; ChlB – Chlorophyll B; ChlA – Chlorophyll A; Chl - Chlorophylls. All values expressed as μg g−1 dry mass, except for ZA/ZAV.
      2 Total Xan – Sum of Viol, Anth, and Zea.
      3 Xanthophyll Cycle Ratio = (Zea and Anth)/(Zea, Anth, and Viol).
      4 Total Chl – Sum of ChlB and ChlA.
      5 The standard error of mean was Neo – 10.99; Vio – 8.83; Anth – 3.77; Zea – 7.90; Lut – 27.19; β-car – 17.13; Total Xan – 12.72; ZA/ZAV – 0.015; ChlB – 50.99; ChlA – 349.82; Total Chl – 395.77.
      6 NS, *, **, *** indicate non-significant, significant at P ≤ 0.05, P ≤ 0.01, and P ≤ 0.001, respectively.
      Values followed by the same superscript letter are not significantly different within each column.

      Table 3. 

      Effects of UV-B radiation and CO2 concentration on carotenoids and chlorophyll concentrations in basil leaves grown in the Soil-Plant-Atmosphere-Research (SPAR) units at Mississippi State University. Leaf samples were taken from basil plants grown without UV-B radiation (No UV-B) and with UV-B radiation (UV-B) at 437 (ambient [CO2]) and 725 ppm (elevated [CO2]) CO2 concentrations between 33 and 35 days of treatment.

    • TreatmentConcentration
      Ambient [CO2]
      No UV-B0.008b0.1912a0.0304b0.101b0.089b0.192a
      Elevated [CO2]
      No UV-B0.008b0.1832a0.0392a0.191a0.126a0.177a
      1 MDA – Malondialdehyde; Perox – Hydrogen Peroxide; SOD – Superoxide Dismutase; Asc – Ascorbate; Tre – Trehalose; Glth – Glutathione.
      2 Units: MDA – nmol g−1∙dw−1; Perox – μmol g−1∙dw−1; SOD – units mg−1∙protein−1; Asc – nmol g−1∙dw−1; Tre – μmol g−1∙dw−1; Glth – nmol g−1∙dw−1.
      3 The standard error of mean was MDA – 0.00287; Perox – 0.02763; SOD – 0.00212; Asc – 0.02417; Tre – 0.01284; Glth – 0.02096.
      4 NS, *, **, *** indicate non-significant, significant at P ≤ 0.05, P ≤ 0.01, and P ≤ 0.001, respectively.
      Values followed by the same superscript letter are not significantly different within each column.

      Table 4. 

      Effects of UV-B radiation and CO2 concentration on the concentrations of malondialdehyde, hydrogen peroxide, superoxide dismutase activity, ascorbate acid, trehalose, and glutathione in the concentration of basil leaves. Samples were taken 33 days of treatment from plants grown without UV-B radiation (No UV-B) and with UV-B radiation (UV-B) at 437 (ambient [CO2]) and 725 ppm (elevated [CO2]) CO2 concentration.