Figures (2)  Tables (1)
    • Figure 1. 

      Schematic diagram summarizing the various abiotic stresses affecting lignin biosynthesis in woody plants. Phenylalanine ammonia lyase (PAL), cinnamate 4-hydroxylase (C4H), 4-coumarate:coenzyme A ligase (4CL), cinnamoyl-CoA reductase (CCR), caffeoyl-CoA O-methyltransferase (CCoAOMT), ferulate 5-hydroxylase (F5H), flavonoid 3-hydroxylase (F3H), caffeic acid O-methyltransferase (COMT), cinnamyl alcohol dehydrogenase (CAD), peroxidase (PRX), and laccase (LAC).

    • Figure 2. 

      Transcription factors in the lignin regulatory network involved in abiotic stress responses in herbaceous and woody plants. Genes in red dashed boxes represent orthologous genes in different species. Different colors show different abiotic stresses. Ft, Fagopyrum tataricum; Si, Setaria italic; Os, Oryza sativa; Ptr, Populus trichocarpa; Pto, Populus tomentosa; Md, Malus × domestica; Bp or Bpl, Betula platyphylla; Ej, Eriobotrya japonica; No prefix, Arabidopsis. AC element, SNBE site, HDE site, G-box, and HSE located on the promoter region of lignin biosynthetic genes represent the cis-acting elements for the binding of MYB, NAC, TF1L, bHLH and HSF transcrition factors, respectively.

    • StressSpeciesTissueTreatmentMain effectsReference
      DroughtPopulus tomentosaPtoMYB170-overexpressing ArabidopsisDesiccated without watering for 2 weeks and then rewateredPromoted lignin deposition by activating CCR2, COMT, CCoAOMT1 and C4H2Xu et al.[91]
      Populus trichocarpa4-month-old OE-PtrbHLH186-L4 plantsSoil relative water content was reduced from 60% to 13% by withholding waterTransregulated many monolignol genes and increased in G subunitsLiu et al.[85]
      Leucaena leucocephalaStem and root1% mannitol (w/v)Increased lignification and corresponding CCR protein accumulationSrivastava et al.[16]
      Eucalyptus urograndisBasal and apical regions of the stemNot irrigated until wiltPromoted lignin deposition and reduced the S/G ratio in the basal regionsMoura-Sobczak et al.[12]
      Populus trichocarpaYoung shoot tissues (top 3 cm)Supplying 150 ml water once per week for 4 weeksDecreased the lignin S/G ratio in young shootsHori et al.[17]
      FloodingPopulus × canescensRootWater level of the containers exceeded the soil surface by 2 to 3 cmDown-regulated lignin biosynthesis genesKreuzwieser et al.[20]
      Syzygium samarangenseRootThe flooded pots maintained a depth of several centimeters of water in a plastic dish placed under the potsLignin accumulation in epidermis and cortex in both normal and flooded batchesTuladhar et al.[13]
      SaltPopulus canescens and Populus euphraticaLeaf, stem, root25 or 100 mM NaClIncreased in the lignin: carbohydrate ratio in both species.Janz et al.[21]
      Betula platyphyllaLeaf of BpNAC012-overexpressing lines200 mM NaClElicited higher expression levels of lignin biosynthetic genes and elevated lignin accumulation in BpNAC012-overexpressing linesHu et al.[79]
      Betula platyphyllaBplMYB46-overexpressing lines200 mM NaCl for 10 dBplMYB46 improved salt and osmotic tolerance by increasing lignin depositionGuo et al.[80]
      Malus × domesticaLeaf of MdSND1-overexpressing and MdSND1-RNAi lines200 mM NaClMdSND1 is directly involved in the regulation of lignin biosynthesis.Chen et al.[78]
      Simmondsia chinensisLeaf50, 100 or 200 mM NaClReduced lignin productionAlghamdi et al.[23]
      Coffea arabicaLeaf50, 100 or 150 mM NaClCell walls of coffee leaves have undergone changes in the polysaccharide and lignin compositionde Lima et al.[14]
      Tamarix hispidaRoot400 mM NaClTwo genes SAMS and COMT involved in lignin synthesis were highly responsive to NaCl stressLi et al.[22]
      HeatEriobotrya japonicaFruit40 °CEjHSF1 trans-activated the lignin biosynthesis-related genesZeng et al.[94]
      ColdEriobotrya japonicaFruit0 or 5 °CChilling condition during postharvest storage lead to increased expression levels of PAL, 4CL and CAD, and resulted in increased lignin contentLiu et al.[32]
      Populus tremula × P. tremuloides cv. Muhs1Stem10 °CIncreased lignin contents in cuttingsHausman et al.[33]
      Heavy metalsPinus sylvestrisNeedles, stem, and roots0.5, 1, 2, or 4 mM Al(NO3)3Roots affected by Al showed deformation in cell walls and higher lignification and suberization.Oleksyn et al.[41]
      Citrus sinensis and Citrus grandisLeaf, stem, root1.0 mM AlCl3·6H2ODCBC protein promoted the synthesis of lignin to achieve the ability to immobilize AlWu et al.[45]
      Nine Myrtaceae speciesroots1.0 mM AlCl3·6H2OLignin was formed only in the root tips in Melaleuca bracteataTahara et al.[40]
      Camellia sinensisRoot, leafAl2(SO4)3·18H2OThe down-regulation of F5H and the binding of Al and phenolic acids reduced the accumulation of ligninXu et al.[44]
      Camellia sinensisRoots or in cultured cells400 µM AlCl3Reduced the activities of PAL and POD, and lignin contentGhanati et al.[43]
      Camellia sinensisCallus Cultures106 µM Cd(NO3)2Increased the lignin content in the root and stem calliZagoskina et al.[46]
      Avicennia schauerianaLeaf, stem, root0, 5, 15, 30, or 45 mg·L−1 CdCl2·5/2H2OInduced lignin deposition in xylem cells of all vegetative organsGarcia et al.[47]
      Populus × canescensLeaf, wood, root50 µM CdSO4Increased in GH3 activities and thereby shunted the metabolism to enhanced formation of lignin.Elobeid et al.[48]
      Scots pine (Pinus sylvestris)Root5 or 50 µM Cd50 µM Cd resulted in significant increases in lignin contentSchützendübel et al.[49]
      Two Salix caprea isolatesRoot0.5 mg·L−1 CdNO3·4H2OKH21 delayed the development of apoplastic barriersVaculík et al.[53]
      Bruguiera gymnorrhiza and Rhizophora stylosaRoot, leaf100, 200, 300, or 400 mg·kg−1 CuCl2Increased lignification in mangroves rootsCheng et al.[60]
      Six species of mangrovesRoot400 µg·kg−1 ZnCl2,
      200 µg·kg−1 CuCl2
      Three high metal-tolerant rhizophoraceous species exhibited a thick exodermis with high lignificationCheng et al.[61]
      LightPinus radiataCallus culturesFrom the dark to a 16 h photoperiodEnhanced the enzymes CAD and PAL, and increased the amount of ligninMöller et al.[64]
      Malus domesticaFruitDirect sunlight, shaded, and severe sun damageInduced the expression levels of MdCOMT1 and MdCAD in the flesh, and increased the accumulation of lignin in cell walls of the flesh and skin in sudden exposureTorres et al.[65]
      Fagus sylvaticaLeafLeaves of the sun and shade crownInduced higher lignin contents in leaves in shade crown than in sun crown under ambient O3 concentrationsJehnes et al.[62]
      Populus tremula × albaStems of young treeElevated CO2 (800 µL·L−1)Increased lignin content in lower and middle stemsRichet et al.[67]
      Betula pendulaGreen leavesElevated CO2 (2 × ambient)Decreased contents of acid-soluble lignin in birch leavesOksanen et al.[68]
      Fagus sylvaticaTwo-year-old beech seedlingsAmbient and elevated CO2Leaves in the elevated CO2 treatment contained less lignin than leaves in the ambient CO2 treatmentBlaschke et al.[69]

      Table 1. 

      Effects of different abiotic stresses on lignin in woody plants.