Figures (4)  Tables (1)
    • Figure 1. 

      Number of dead and missing people (left axis) and affected people (right axis) from 2010 to 2021. (Source: The Global Disaster Data Platform and the Ministry of Emergency Management).

    • Figure 2. 

      Trends in emergency management research in China. (Source: CNKI).

    • Figure 3. 

      Thematic distribution of emergency management research literature in China. (Source: CNKI).

    • Figure 4. 

      The four main stages of the development of education in the discipline of emergency management.

    • NumberNameBranch contents
      1The emergency concept is the soulLife first, service, prevention first, combination of prevention, resistance and rescue, system, etc
      2Emergency philosophy is the guidanceEmergency epistemology, emergency ontology, emergency value theory, emergency methodology and emergency practice theory
      3Emergency culture is leadingEmergency science culture, emergency technology culture, emergency engineering culture, emergency industry culture, emergency management culture
      4Emergency education is fundamentalBasic education, training education, academic education, knowledge renewal education, emergency science education
      5The emergency team is the coreEmergency team, rescue team, sea, land and air three-dimensional emergency (rescue) team
      6Emergency response capability is the meansEmergency scientific capability, emergency technical capability, emergency engineering capability, emergency industrial capability, emergency management capability
      7Emergency science is the basicsbasic theoretical system, basic experimental system, etc
      8Emergency technology is the keyGeneral technology, professional technology, etc
      9Emergency engineering is a systemphysical engineering and virtual engineering
      10The emergency industry is the landingEquipment industry, support material industry, service industry, biological search and rescue industry
      11Emergency management is the guaranteenatural disaster emergency management, production accident emergency management, etc
      12Life safety is the goalForeign-related security interests, people's security interests, and a community with a shared future for mankind
      13Emergency regulations are the guidelines"1+4" emergency management legal and regulatory system, etc
      14The disposal object is disaster riskNatural disaster, production accident, Health emergencies, Social security incidents
      Source: Qian H, Guo J, Yin X. 2021. Traceability, conception and prospect of construction of modern emergency discipline system in China. China Safety Science Journal 31:77-82.

      Table 1. 

      Overall design of the emergency science and engineering knowledge system.