Figures (4)  Tables (3)
    • Figure 1. 

      Electrical conductivity (EC) of leachate collected from seven turfgrass genotypes treated with control or saline solutions (EC5 or EC10) for a total of eight weeks. Vertical bars indicate standard error (n = 5).

    • Figure 2. 

      Relative (percent of control) dry weight (DW) of shoot and root tissue, and the total (shoot + root) of the seven turfgrass genotypes treated with control or saline solutions (EC5 or EC10) for a total of eight weeks. Bars represent standard error (n = 8). Different letters indicate significant differences among genotypes for the same treatment according to Tukey's HSD test (P < 0.05). That is, the comparison was made for EC5 (red bars) or EC10 (green bars) separately. For those without any letters such as EC5 for shoot DW, no difference was observed. Asterisks indicate significant differences between treatments (EC5 and EC10) according to Student's t-test (P < 0.05). No asterisks mean no differences.

    • Figure 3. 

      Hierarchal cluster analysis based on relative (percent of control) tissue dry weight (DW) of the seven turfgrass genotypes treated with control or saline solutions (EC5 or EC10) for a total of eight weeks. Cluster 1 (red) indicates the least salt tolerant genotypes and Cluster 2 (green) indicates the most salt tolerant genotypes. The two clusters were determined by the distance graph at the bottom of the figure that shows the best separation between clusters.

    • Figure 4. 

      Bi-weekly clipping dry weight (DW) of the seven turfgrass genotypes treated with control or saline solutions (EC5 or EC10: electrical conductivity at 5 or 10 dS m−1) for a total of eight weeks. The plants were clipped to a height of 2-cm. Bars represent standard error (n = 8). Significant differences among treatments per week are indicated by asterisks (*, P < 0.05; **, P < 0.01; and ***, P < 0.001).

    • SourceShoot DWRoot DWTotal DWR. Shoot DWR. Root DWR. Total DWGLAClipping DWShoot Na+Shoot Cl
      Model0.0004< 0.0001< 0.00010.00030.0001<.0001< 0.0001< 0.0001< 0.0001< 0.0001
      Treatment (T)0.0080.00010.001NS0.00020.0013< 0.0001< 0.0001< 0.0001< 0.0001
      Genotype (G)0.0006< 0.0001< 0.0001< 0.00010.0014< 0.0001< 0.0001< 0.0001< 0.0001< 0.0001
      T × GNS0.04240.0109NSNSNS< 0.0001< 0.0001< 0.0001< 0.0001

      Table 1. 

      ANOVA summary of the response variables of the seven zoysiagrass genotypes irrigated with a nutrient solution (control) or saline solution at electrical conductivity (EC) of 5 dS m−1 or 10 dS m−1 for eight weeks. The response variables are shoot DW (dry weight), root DW, total DW, relative shoot DW (R. shoot DW), relative root DW (R. root DW), relative total DW (R. total DW), green leaf area (GLA), cumulative clipping DW, shoot sodium (Na) and chloride (Cl) concentration.

    • GenotypeControlEC5EC10
      Lazer100.0 ± 0.0Aa99.4 ± 0.6Aab95 ± 2.1Ab
      DALZ 130995.6 ± 2.0Ba88.8 ± 3.0Ca69.4 ± 6.4Bb
      DALZ 170198.1 ± 0.9ABa99.4 ± 0.6Aa97.5 ± 0.9Aa
      DALZ 1713100.0 ± 0.0Aa99.4 ± 0.6Aa100.0 ± 0.0Aa
      Diamond99.4 ± 0.6ABa100.0 ± 0.0Aa98.8 ± 1.3Aa
      Innovation98.1 ± 1.3ABa91.9 ± 2.5BCab88.1 ± 3.3Ab
      Palisades100.0 ± 0.0Aa98.1 ± 0.9ABa98.1 ± 0.9Aa
      Different letters indicate significant differences Tukey's HSD test; uppercase among genotypes and lowercase among treatments.

      Table 2. 

      Green Leaf Area (GLA) index of the seven turfgrass genotypes treated with control or saline solutions (EC5 or EC10: electrical conductivity at 5 or 10 dS m−1) for a total of eight weeks. Means and standard errors are presented (n = 8). The GLA was assessed visually following a clipping.

    • GenotypeControlEC5EC10
      Lazer1.70 ± 0.04BCb8.76 ± 0.90Aa9.90 ± 0.42CDa
      DALZ 13092.07 ± 0.24ABCc8.89 ± 0.13Ab15.68 ± 1.43Aa
      DALZ 17011.39 ± 0.06Cc6.58 ± 0.41Ab7.92 ± 0.07Da
      DALZ 17132.79 ± 0.19Ac9.33 ± 0.28Ab12.86 ± 0.72ABCa
      Diamond1.81 ± 0.02BCc7.58 ± 0.33Ab10.78 ± 0.36CDa
      Innovation1.77 ± 0.15BCc9.46 ± 1.02Ab14.92 ± 0.56ABa
      Palisades2.45 ± 0.37ABc8.84 ± 1.12Ab12.19 ± 0.30BCa
      Lazer7.55 ± 0.30Ac9.72 ± 0.56Db14.00 ± 0.28Ba
      DALZ 13095.65 ± 0.23Ab12.20 ± 0.02BCDb23.97 ± 2.84Aa
      DALZ 17015.67 ± 0.22Ac9.68 ± 0.68Db13.25 ± 0.77Ba
      DALZ 17136.55 ± 0.10Ac13.75 ± 0.31ABCb19.15 ± 0.40ABa
      Diamond6.43 ± 0.10Ac11.52 ± 0.10CDb15.38 ± 0.15Ba
      Innovation5.72 ± 0.41Ac14.88 ± 0.75ABb25.18 ± 1.45Aa
      Palisades7.27 ± 0.99Ab15.97 ± 1.36Aa18.87 ± 0.96ABa
      Means and standard errors are presented (n = 8). Different letters indicate significant differences Tukey's HSD test; uppercase among genotypes and lowercase among treatments.

      Table 3. 

      Sodium (Na+) and chloride (Cl) content in the tissue of the seven turfgrass genotypes that were treated with control or saline solutions (EC5 or EC10: electrical conductivity at 5 or 10 dS m−1) for a total of eight weeks.