Ingredients % of TMR DM Soybean meal 10.42 Cotton seed meal 5.03 Canola seed meal 2.18 DDGSa 5.45 Feeding corn mealb 1.15 Steam-flack corn 23.99 Wheat bran 0.00 Limestone 0.91 Salt 0.55 Magnesium oxide 0.36 Dicalcium phosphate 0.42 Fat powder 1.15 Sodium bicarbonate 0.97 Supplementc 0.67 Corn silage 28.77 Alfalfa hay 17.99 Total 100 Chemical analysis (% DM) Ensiled GM Hay GM CPd 15.31A 15.43A 13.89B NDFe 27.69 40.65 39.81 ADFf 18.57 25.73 24.46 Ash 7.88 13.38 13.98 Organic matter 92.12 / / Ether extract 2.1 / / NELg (Mcal/kg DM) 1.69 / / a Distillers dried grains with solubles. b Flour made with corn. c Contained (per kg of DM) a minimum of 250,000 IU, of vitamin A; 65,000 IU, of vitamin D; 2,100 IU, of vitamin E; 400 mg of Fe; 540 mg of Cu; 2,100 mg of Zn; 560 mg of Mn; 15 mg of Se; 35 mg of I; and 68 mg of Co. d Crude protein. e Neutral detergent fiber. f Acid detergent fiber. g Net energy of lactation. Superscripts A and B refer to significance differance within the line. Table 1.
Ingredients and chemical composition of the basal diet.
SEMP-values Control GM hay GM silage Trt Period Trt × Period DMI kg/d 12.0a 0.4b 10.6a 0.596 0.008 0.292 0.774 Milk yield (kg) 11.85 / 11.68 1.300 0.694 0.364 0.511 Milk yield/DMI 0.98 / 1.10 / / / / Protein (%) 4.24 / 4.25 0.205 0.957 0.523 0.891 Fat (%) 4.76 / 4.82 0.324 0.629 0.014 0.787 Lactose (%) 4.47 / 4.57 0.102 0.469 0.885 0.813 TS (%) 14.59 / 14.74 0.470 0.418 0.024 0.843 NFS (%) 9.64 / 9.52 0.346 0.682 0.461 0.703 DMI: dry matter intake, TS: total solids, NFS: non-fat solids, SEM: standard error mean, trt: treatment. Superscripts a and b refer to significance differance within the line. Table 2.
Milk yield and composition.
Protozoa counts (#/mL) Treatment
SEMP-values Control GM silage Trt Period Trt × Period Entodinium 821304 842157 105171 0.663 0.883 0.463 Ophryoscolex 1688 1391 483 0.633 0.430 0.356 Eudiplodinium 2740 2337 540 0.613 0.510 0.447 Dasytricha 4967 4364 571 0.481 0.033 0.618 Isotricha 4916 5928 1058 0.242 0.066 0.393 Total protozoa 836627 855165 105939 0.695 0.938 0.466 SEM: Standart error mean; Trt: Treatment; GM: Giant milkweed leaves silage; #/mL: Number of protozoa per mL of rumen fluid. Table 3.
Microscopic counts of rumen protozoa.