Figures (5)  Tables (1)
    • Figure 1. 

      Changes in physicochemical properties of pig manure after different pretreatments. (a) pH and EC; (b) TC and TN; (c) DOC and DON; (d) NH4+-N. CK, Control; AE-2, Aerobic fermentation for 2 d; AN-2, Anaerobic fermentation for 2 d; HAN-2, High temperature anaerobic fermentation for 2 d; AE-5, Aerobic fermentation for 5 d; AN-5, Anaerobic fermentation for 5 d; HAN-5, High temperature anaerobic fermentation for 5 d.

    • Figure 2. 

      Changes in protein and amino acids of pig manure after different pretreatments. (a) Protein content; (b) amino acid content. CK, Control; AE-2, Aerobic fermentation for 2 d; AN-2, Anaerobic fermentation for 2 d; HAN-2, High temperature anaerobic fermentation for 2 d; AE-5, Aerobic fermentation for 5 d; AN-5, Anaerobic fermentation for 5 d; HAN-5, High temperature anaerobic fermentation for 5 d.

    • Figure 3. 

      Growth and nutritional characteristics of BSFL fed with pig manure with different pretreatments. (a) Weight, (b) protein content, (c) fat content, (d) amino acid content. CK, Control; AE-2, Aerobic fermentation for 2 d; AN-2, Anaerobic fermentation for 2 d; HAN-2, High temperature anaerobic fermentation for 2 d; AE-5, Aerobic fermentation for 5 d; AN-5, Anaerobic fermentation for 5 d; HAN-5, High temperature anaerobic fermentation for 5 d.

    • Figure 4. 

      (a) PCoA analysis of physicochemical properties of different pretreated pig manure and (b) RDA analysis of black soldier fly fed on different pretreated pig manure.

    • Figure 5. 

      Correlation analysis between performance of (a) BSFL and physicochemical properties of pig manure and (b) RDA analysis. SR, Survival rate; WR, Waste reduction rate; BR, Bioconversion rate; WCE, Waste conversion efficiency; PCE, Protein conversion efficiency.

    • Different treatmentsSurvival rate (%)Waste reduction (%)Bioconversion rate (%)Protein conversion efficiency (%)
      CK95.67 ± 0.57bcd26.33 ± 3.01ab4.94 ± 1.84bc7.59 ± 0.011e
      AE-294.33 ± 1.52cd22.07 ± 6.80ab4.34 ± 1.07bc6.41 ± 0.036f
      AN-296.00 ± 1.00bc27.63 ± 8.25ab5.20 ± 1.64abc8.08 ± 0.061c
      HAN-298.67 ± 0.57a29.74 ± 7.95a7.32 ± 0.73a8.91 ± 0.023a
      AE-594.00 ± 1.00d19.52 ± 2.85b3.81 ± 1.63c5.09 ± 0.044g
      AN-595.67 ± 0.58bcd28.48 ± 4.54ab6.49 ± 1.64ab7.82 ± 0.017d
      HAN-597.33 ± 0.58ab28.97 ± 2.95a7.01 ± 1.08ab8.70 ± 0.032b
      The values before and after ± are mean values and standard deviation, respectively. Different lowercase letters indicate a significant difference (p < 0.05).

      Table 1. 

      Performance of BSFL fed on different pretreated manure.