Figures (4)  Tables (4)
    • Figure 1. 

      Flowchart of soy slurry prepared from germinated soybeans.

    • Figure 2. 

      (a) Percentage reduction in soy IR in samples germinated for 96 or 120 h (G96D, G120D), ultrasound treated for 20 min and cooked for 10, 30 and 60 min (C10, C30 and C60). (b) Percentage reduction in soy IR in samples germinated for 96 or 120 h (G96D, G120D), ultrasound treated for 40 min and cooked for 10, 30 and 60 min (C10, C30 and C60). (c) Percentage reduction in soy IR in samples germinated for 96 or 120 h (G96D, G120D), ultrasound treated for 60 min and cooked for 10, 30 and 60 min (C10, C30 and C60).

    • Figure 3. 

      (a) FTIR spectrum of unprocessed, germinated for 96 and 120 h (G96D and G120D) and ultrasound treated for 20 min (US20) and cooked for 30 and 60 min (C30, C60). (b) FTIR spectrum of unprocessed, germinated for 96 and 120 h (G96D and G120D) and ultrasound treated for 40 min (US20) and cooked for 30 and 60 min (C30, C60). (c) FTIR spectrum of unprocessed, germinated for 96 and 120 h (G96D and G120D) and ultrasound treated for 60 min (US20) and cooked for 30 and 60 min (C30, C60).

    • Figure 4. 

      Percentage of secondary structure of soy slurry samples after different treatments: unprocessed, germinated for 96 and 120 h (G96D and G120D) and ultrasound treated for 20 min (US20), 40 min (US40), 60 min (US60) and cooked for 30 and 60 min (C30, C60).

    • Sample nameGermination time in the dark (h)Ultrasound treatment time (min)Cooking time (min)
      Sample notation: G(x)DUS(y)C(z); x is the germination duration in h, y is the ultrasound treatment time (min) and z is the cooking time (min).

      Table 1. 

      Treatment conditions of soy slurry samples.

    • Sample nameSoy allergen immunoreactivity (mg/L)Percentage reduction in soy allergen immunoreactivity (%)
      Unprocessed377.35 ± 2a
      G96DUS0302.3 ± 0.57b[0.10]19.9 ± 0.3b[0.10]
      G120DUS0303.4 ± 9.26b[0.09]19.6 ± 1.99b[0.09]
      G96DUS20264.71 ± 4.96A[0.15]29.9 ± 0.91A[0.15]
      G96DUS40250.57 ± 0.76CD[0.18]33.6 ± 0.58CD[0.18]
      G96DUS60189.6 ± 4.22E[0.30]49.8 ± 1.41E[0.30]
      G120DUS20289.84 ± 0.23BC[0.11]23.2 ± 0.5BC[0.11]
      G120DUS40248.3 ± 9.97CD[0.18]34.2 ± 2.26CD[0.18]
      G120DUS60192.3 ± 9.57E[0.29]49.1 ± 2.24E[0.29]
      Values are presented as mean ± SD (n = 3). Values with different superscripts are significantly different (p < 0.05). Lowercase letters represent immunoreactivity and percentage reduction in immunoreactivity for germination. Uppercase letters represent combinations of germination and ultrasound treatment. The values given in [ ] are the log reduction in immunoreactivity of samples. Sample notation: G(x)DUS(y)C(z); x is the germination duration in h, y is the ultrasound treatment time (min) and z is the cooking time (min).

      Table 2. 

      Immunoreactivity of soy slurry samples with germination and ultrasound treatment.

    • Sample
      time (min)
      Soy immunoreactivity
      Logarithmic cycle reduction in soy
      Unprocessed0377.35 ± 2.16a
      G96DUS20C101029.67 ± 0.15b1.10
      G96DUS40C1020.46 ± 0.03de1.27
      G96DUS60C1019.74 ± 0.02e1.28
      G96DUS20C30309.05 ± 0.06f1.62
      G96DUS40C304.71 ± 0.08l1.90
      G96DUS60C303.08 ± 0.01m2.09
      G96DUS20C60607.37 ± 0.07ij1.71
      G96DUS40C601.92 ± 0.08n2.29
      G96DUS60C601.53 ± 0.02n2.39
      G120DUS20C101026.56 ± 0.15c1.15
      G120DUS40C1020.4 ± 0.18de1.27
      G120DUS60C1018.14 ± 0.01e1.32
      G120DUS20C30306.77 ± 0.03k1.75
      G120DUS40C303.88 ± 0.03m1.99
      G120DUS60C301.15 ± 0.02op2.52
      G120DUS20C60606.02 ± 0.01k1.80
      G120DUS40C601.81 ± 0.06n2.32
      G120DUS60C601.03 ± 0.01op2.57
      Values are presented as means ± SD (n = 3). Values with different superxscripts are significantly different (p < 0.05). Log reduction: Log (unprocessed – processed). Sample notation: G(x)DUS(y)C(z); x is the germination duration in h, y is the ultrasound treatment time (min) and z is the cooking time (min).

      Table 3. 

      Immunoreactivity of soy slurry samples with a combination of germination ultrasound treatment and cooking.

    • SampleGermination time (h)Ultrasound treatmentCooking time at 100 °C
      (mg of GAE/g)
      DPPH radical
      scavenging activity (%)
      Unprocessed0002.53 ± 0.03a20.9 ± 0.03a
      Germinated 96 h960012.5 ± 0.3b54.4 ± 0.14b
      Germinated 120 h1200012.7 ± 0.11b55.2 ± 0.07bc
      G96D US209620014.3 ± 0.07ab57.2 ± 0.05d
      G96D US4040014.4 ± 0.06ab59.8 ± 0.05e
      G96D US6060014.5 ± 0.03ab60.8 ± 0.04f
      G96D US20C1020109.3 ± 0.07cd45.8 ± 0.06h
      G96D US40C1040109.2 ± 0.27cd43.3 ± 0.78i
      G96D US60C1060109.9 ± 0.02e43.1 ± 0.04i
      G96D US20C3020307.6 ± 0.0248.9 ± 0.15j
      G96D US40C3040307.5 ± 0.04gh43.9 ± 0.01i
      G96D US60C3060307.3 ± 0.03gh33.1 ± 0.07k
      G96D US20C6020607.3 ± 0.17gh36.6 ± 0.04kl
      G96D US40C6040607.2 ± 0.04gh36.4 ± 0.06kl
      G96D US60C6060607.6 ± 0.44gh33.4 ± 0.01k
      G120D US2012020014.6 ± 0.11ab56.4 ± 0.01bc
      G120D US4040014.6 ± 0.22ab59.4 ± 0.03e
      G120D US6060014.7 ± 0.64ab66.6 ± 0.15g
      G120D US20C10201010.6 ± 0.24ef37.4 ± 0.05ij
      G120D US40C1040109.2 ± 0.06cd33.3 ± 0.03k
      G120D US60C1060109.1 ± 0.01cd26.7 ± 0.01m
      G120D US20C3020308.8 ± 0.09g34.5 ± 0.01klm
      G120D US40C3040308.5 ± 0.02g28.2 ± 0.04n
      G120D US60C3060307.5 ± 0.16gh26.4 ± 0.07m
      G120DUS20C6020608.5 ± 0.06g29.1 ± 0.04no
      G120D US40C6040607.3 ± 0.05gh26.2 ± 0.01m
      G120D US60C6060606.2 ± 0.03h24.7 ± 0.01op
      Values are presented as means ± SD (n = 3). Values with different superscripts are significantly different (p < 0.05).
      Sample notation: G(x)DUS(y)C(z); x is the germination duration in h, y is the ultrasound treatment time (min), and z is the cooking time (min).

      Table 4. 

      Total phenolic and DPPH inhibition values of soy slurry samples.