Figures (5)  Tables (2)
    • Figure 1. 

      Representative resources of four tea populations.

    • Figure 2. 

      (a) Cross-validation error results of different K values. (b) Population genetic structure of 98 accessions. The length of each colored segment represents the proportion of the individual genome inferred from ancestral populations (K = 2−8). (c) NJ tree of the 98 tea accessions. (d) PCA plot of the 98 tea accessions.

    • Figure 3. 

      Genetic diversity and divergence of four tea populations. (a) θπ and FST among four tea populations. (b) LD decay of four tea populations.

    • Figure 4. 

      Selected genes were identified in AHYT. (a) Distribution of Log2(θπ AHYT/θπ CBDC) and Z(FST) calculated values. (b) Distribution of Log2(θπ AHYT/θπ JHKC) and Z(FST) calculated values. (c) Distribution of Log2(θπ AHYT/θπ RCBM) and Z(FST) calculated values. The red points are selected genomic regions under 5% value of Z(FST) and Log2(θπ AHYT/θπ control populations). (d) Venn diagram of selected gene numbers.

    • Figure 5. 

      Biochemical composition of four tea landraces. *, p < 0.05; **, p < 0.01; ***, p < 0.001.

    • PopulationsAbbreviationSample
      OriginPlant typeProcessing
      Planting region
      Chengbu DongchaCBDC9Chengbu CountyArbor and semi-arborBlack tea, Green teaHunan and Guangxi Provinces
      Jianghua KuchaJHKC8Jianghua CountyArbor and semi-arborBlack teaSouthern Hunan
      Rucheng BaimaochaRCBM11Rucheng CountyShrub and semi-arborBlack tea, White teaGuangdong and Hunan Provinces
      Anhua YuntaiAHYT8Anhua CountyShrubBlack tea, Green teaThroughout China

      Table 1. 

      Sampling information of four Hunan tea landrace populations.

      Raw bases (bp)46408354867415631827914708037343843453617038
      Clean bases (bp)46253486600414476063184695394455043328803425
      Effective rate (%)99.6699.7299.7399.71
      Q20 (%)96.9697.1697.0796.70
      GC content (%)39.6340.5539.4839.48
      Mapping_rate (%)98.1396.0397.8397.22
      Average SNP(bp)1327773137857614360201403998
      Average INDEL(bp)6561677772126766

      Table 2. 

      Summary statistics for whole-genome resequencing.