Figures (4)  Tables (3)
    • Figure 1. 

      Characteristic flowering-related phenotypes of XIS49. (a) Photoperiod and light intensity-dependent flowering initiation. The bars indicate a scale of 5 cm. (b) Female flower orientation. The bars indicate a scale of 5 cm. (c) XIS49 is significantly different with CL cucumber in first flower node (FirFNode), female flower number (FFNum) per node, male flower number (MFNum) per node, branch number per node, female flower node ratio (FFNR), and downward female flower (DFF) denoted by the angle at the stem.

    • Figure 2. 

      Influence of photoperiod treatment on XIS49 transcriptome. (a) A great number of ribosome genes show diurnal rhythm, and these day-night ribosome DEGs (day vs night) are upregulated at night under LD and MD but downregulated at night under SD. (b) Photoperiodic DEGs (LD vs SD, MD vs SD, LD vs MD) show much higher expression level under SD in daytime but not in nighttime. (c) Plotting the value of log2(16 h-FPKM/8 h-FPKM) against log2(12 h-FPKM/8 h-FPKM) by using the photoperiodic DEG set. (d) Flowering-related photoperiodic DEGs annotated by GO term.

    • Figure 3. 

      Circadian expression manner of DEGs (a) Influence of photoperiod treatment on circadian pathway genes (KEGG, ko04712). Upregulated and downregulated genes by long photoperiod is denoted in red and green. A heat map is present to show transcriptional change; from left to right, 8 h-day, 12 h-day, 16 h-day, 8 h-night, 12 h-night, 16 h-night. (b) Samples were collected every two hours during a 24 h period and the expression was quantified by qRT-PCR. (c) The circadian expression of CO and FT was confirmed again by using leaf samples collected at nighttime-trisection timepoints (N1-N5) and daytime-quinquesection timepoints (D1-D5).

    • Figure 4. 

      QTL mapping of short-day flowering in XIS49. (a) LOD profiles of QTL for FFNode (first flower node). Plants were pretreated by LD condition. (b) A syntenic analysis of 1 Mb segment that carries the QTL between XIS49 and CL cucumber. The qtlSF1.1 carry two major sequence variants nearing the FT gene, 'the bid divergent region' and 'the big insertion'. The orange arrows indicate protein coding genes. The four green rectangles indicate TIR-TE insertion. (c) The expression profile in a 24-h period of the inserted polygalacturonase (PG) gene shows photoperiodic manner. UB, ubiquitin.

    • PhotoperiodFirst flower node1First FF node1FF number1
      8H3.5 ± 0.2 e8.9 ± 0.3 c1.8 ± 0.2 a
      10H4.7 ± 0.3 d11.3 ± 0.3 b2.1 ± 0.3 a
      10.5H6.0 ±0.4 c12.6 ± 0.3 ab1.5 ± 0.4 a
      11H5.2 ± 0.2 cd12.9 ± 0.8 a1.6 ± 0.2 a
      11.5H10.4 ± 0.4 b
      12H17.6 ± 0.6 a
      1 Average flower number ± SE within 25 nodes. The different letters following the numbers indicate significant difference between different photoperiod, P ≤ 0.05. FF, female flower; "−" indicates no flowers observed.

      Table 1. 

      Influence of photoperiod on flowering of XIS cucumber.

    • Chr.StartEndLODPVE%Size (Mb)
      Short-day flowering (SF) was mapped based on the phenotype of first flower node; FirFFNode, first female flower node; FFNum, female flower number; MFNum, male flower number; FFNR, female flower node ratio; DFF, downward female flower; branch, branch number per node.

      Table 2. 

      QTL mapping of several flower traits by KASP.

    • Gene IDPosition/MbSVs in promoterSNPGene function
      CsaV3_1G04389029.04DEL; DELT(-31)A; C(-30)G; A(-5)CUnknown
      CsaV3_1G04398029.14INS; INST18I; D214N; I304YCholine monooxygenase
      CsaV3_1G04400029.15INSY158SPhosphatidylglycerol transfer protein
      CsaV3_1G04402029.18CPLDnaJ protein
      CsaV3_1G04406029.23HDR; INSL23H; K127R; A130S; S202LT(-43)ACytochrome P450
      CsaV3_1G04411029.33HDRYTH domain, RNA binding
      CsaV3_1G04416029.38HDRThioredoxin F-type
      CsaV3_1G04444029.78CPG; INSA27TProtein TIC 20-II
      CsaV3_1G04392029.06DELT(-43)G; A(-22)TDnaJ protein
      CsaV3_1G04393029.08DELA572TSerine/threonine-protein phosphatase
      CsaV3_1G04396029.12DELGlycosyl transferase
      CsaV3_1G04407029.25DELS locus-related glycoprotein 1 binding pollen coat protein
      CsaV3_1G04413029.36INSGlycoside hydrolase
      CsaV3_1G04418029.43DELActivator of Hsp90 ATPase
      CsaV3_1G04394029.10F281I; Q332R; I441T; I574LUnknown
      CsaV3_1G04395029.11E13D; K34E; P26L; Y29F; L67SUnknown
      CsaV3_1G04397029.13Protein IQ-DOMAIN
      CsaV3_1G04403029.19D47N; C81R; V113A; A119G; H145Y; Q160K; F207L; Y211N23 kDa jasmonate-induced protein
      CsaV3_1G04404029.20F208L; G381D; I424M; S753F; G790Dbeta-galactosidase 7
      CsaV3_1G04405029.22G431R; L569SMicrotubule-associated protein
      CsaV3_1G04408029.28S20APentatricopeptide repeat-containing protein tubulin-folding cofactor E
      CsaV3_1G04410029.32Heavy metal-associated domain
      CsaV3_1G04414029.37D317EAspartic proteinase
      CsaV3_1G04445029.80R64GPhosphoglycolate phosphatase
      1 Sequential/Structural variance (SV) including (HDR), (CPL), (CPG), and insertion (INS) and deletion (DEL); Regular INS and DEL, SV length > 50 bp; italic INS and DEL, SV length < 50. 2 T(-31)A, the nucleotide with a distance of upstream-31 bp to the transcription start site is T in CL, and A in XIS49.

      Table 3. 

      Genes at the locus LF1.1 with sequential divergent between CL and XIS49.