Figures (6)  Tables (5)
    • Figure 1. 

      Drought stress affected turf quality, leaf relative water content and soil volumetric water content during 20 d of stress period in Kentucky bluegrass. * indicates significant difference between control and drought stress treatments (p ≤ 0.05) at each day of measurement. Presented values represent average of five data points.

    • Figure 2. 

      Vegetation indices generated by hyperspectral sensing and sensitivity of these indices in monitoring drought in Kentucky bluegrass exposed to 20 d of drought stress. * indicates significant difference between control and drought stress treatments (p ≤ 0.05) at each day of measurement. Presented values represent average of five data points.

    • Figure 3. 

      Vegetation indices generated by multispectral image analysis and sensitivity of these indices in monitoring drought in Kentucky bluegrass exposed to 20 d of drought tress. * indicates significant difference between control and drought stress treatments (p ≤ 0.05) at each day of measurement. Presented values represent average of five data points.

    • Figure 4. 

      Chlorophyll fluorescence parameters measured by pulse amplitude modulated fluorescence imaging system and detection of drought by these parameters in Kentucky bluegrass exposed to 20 d of drought stress. * indicates significant difference between control and drought stress treatments (p ≤ 0.05) at each day of measurement. Presented values represent average of five data points. NPQ, Non-photochemical quenching; Fv /Fm, Maximum photochemical efficiency of PSII; F'v/F'm, Photochemical efficiency of open PSII centers; Y(PSII), Actual photochemical quantum yield of PSII centers; qP, Photochemical quenching coefficient (Puddle model); qL, Photochemical quenching coefficient (Lake model); qN, Non-photochemical quenching coefficient; Rfd, Chlorophyll fluorescence decrease ratio.

    • Figure 5. 

      Maps generated by the three most drought sensitive indices and parameters [hyperspectral structure independent pigment index (SIPI), multispectral normalized difference vegetation index (NDVIm) and chlorophyll fluorescence NPQ]. These maps clearly separated control and drought stress after 18 d of treatment when majorities of indices and parameters detected drought stress.

    • Figure 6. 

      Comparison of predicted turfgrass quality (TQ) and leaf relative water content (RWC) versus their measured values using partial least square regression model. Turfgrass quality and relative water contents were predicted using various indices generated by hyperspectral, multispectral and chlorophyll fluorescence sensing technologies. The dashed line represents the I:I line. Regression analysis was performed using all individual data points (five replications for each control and drought stress treatments).

    • Vegetation indexIndex abbreviation and formula
      Hyperspectral analysisMultispectral analysis
      Structure Independent Pigment IndexSIPI = (R800 – R445) / (R800 + R680)SIPIm = (RNIR840 – RBlue444) / (RNIR840 + RRed668)
      Simple Ratio IndexSRI = R800 / R675SRIm = RNIR840 / RRed668
      Plant Senescence Reflectance IndexPSRI = (R680 –R500) / R750PSRIm = (RRed668 – RBlue475) / RRededge740
      Photochemical Reflectance IndexPRI = (R570 – R531) / (R570 + R531)PRI = (RGreen560 – RGreen531) / (RGreen560 + RGreen531)
      Normalized Difference Vegetation IndexNDVI = (R800 – R680) / (R800 + R680)NDVIm = (RNIR840 – RRed668) / (RNIR840 + RRed668)
      Normalized Difference Red EdgeNDRE = (R750 – R705) / (R750 + R705)NDREm = (RRededge717 – RRed668) / (RRededge717 + RRed668)

      Table 1. 

      List of vegetation indices calculated using hyperspectral and multispectral image analysis for drought stress monitoring in Kentucky bluegrass. Name and number in subscript following the letter R in each formula represent the reflectance at individual light and particular wavelength.

    • Band nameCentral wavelength (nm)Band width (nm)

      Table 2. 

      Spectral band details (center wavelength and band width) for Micasense Rededge-MX dual camera system.

    • Chlorophyll fluorescence parameterFormula
      Maximum photochemical efficiency of PSII (Fv / Fm)(Fm-Fo) / Fm
      Photochemical efficiency of open PSII centers
      (F'v / F'm)
      (F'm – F'o) / F'm
      Actual photochemical quantum yield of PSII centers Y(PSII)(F'm – Fs) / F'm
      Photochemical quenching coefficient (Puddle model; qP)(F'm – Fs) / (F'm – F'o)
      Photochemical quenching coefficient (Lake model; qL)qP × F'o / Fs
      Non-photochemical quenching coefficient (qN)(Fm-F'm) / Fm
      Non-photochemical quenching (NPQ)(Fm-F'm) / F'm
      Chlorophyll fluorescence decrease ratio (Rfd)(Fm-Fs) / Fs

      Table 3. 

      Chlorophyll fluorescence parameters calculated from pulse amplitude modulated fluorescence imaging system.

      Details for individual abbreviations of vegetation indices and fluorescence parameters used in this table were previously mentioned in Tables 1 & 3. Some other abbreviations are: RWC, leaf relative water content; and TQ, turfgrass quality. Values followed by * indicate significant correlation at p ≤ 0.05. Correlation analysis was performed using all individual data points (five replications for each control and drought stress treatments).

      Table 4. 

      Correlations among several physiological traits, vegetation indices and chlorophyll fluorescence parameters.

    • Sensing technology used for predictionPredicted
      No. of predictors usedPredictor variablesRoot mean
      Percent variation explained
      for cumulative Y
      Cumulative Q2
      HyperspectralTQ4PRI, PSRI, NDRE, SIPI0.36870.99
      RWC4PRI, PSRI, NDRE, SIPI0.38890.99
      MultispectralTQ3PSRIm, NDVIm, NDREm0.44850.97
      RWC3PSRIm, NDVIm, NDREm0.40860.97
      Chlorophyll fluorescenceTQ4Fv/Fm, NPQ, qN, qL0.46830.95
      RWC3Fv/Fm, NPQ, qL0.59840.93

      Table 5. 

      Summary of partial least square model showing predictability of individual models using specific numbers of predictor variables (identified by leave one out cross validation) generated by different sensing technologies. Details of individual abbreviations are mentioned in previous tables. Partial least square was performed using all individual data points (five replications for each control and drought stress treatments).