Figures (4)  Tables (3)
    • Figure 1. 

      Path diagram for the relationship between leaf anatomical traits and photosynthetic parameters. The direct effects (Pij) of leaf anatomical traits on the photosynthetic parameter (PP) are represented by single-headed arrows, while the indirect effects (rijPij) of leaf anatomical traits are shown by double-headed arrows. Subscript designations for leaf anatomical traits and photosynthetic parameters are identified numerically as follows: (1) LT = leaf thickness; (2) UCT = upper cuticle thickness; (3) UET = upper epidermal thickness; (4) PT = palisade tissue thickness; (5) ST = spongy tissue thickness; (6) LET = lower epidermal thickness; (7) LCT = lower cuticle thickness; (9) d = stomatal density; (10) TSP = total stomach pore area; and (10) PP = photosynthetic parameters. The photosynthetic parameters (PP) are IQY, AQY, α, Pmax, Isat, Ic, RD, Rd, Vcmax, Jmax, TPU, Γ*, gi, Ci, gs, VPD, A, E, WUE.

    • Figure 2. 

      Photosynthetic light-response curve of coffee plants. Data shown in the figure indicate mean ± standard error. IQY – intrinsic quantum yield; AQY – apparent quantum yield; α – the absolute value of slope between I = 0 and I = Ic; Pnmax – maximum photosynthetic rate [µmol (CO2) m–2·s–1]; Isat – light saturation point [µmol (photon) m–2·s–1]; Ic – light compensation point [µmol (photon) m–2·s–1]; RD – dark respiration [µmol (CO2) m–2·s–1].

    • Figure 3. 

      The A/Ci curves for the coffee plants. Data shown in the figure indicate mean ± stand error. Ci – Intercellular CO2 concentration (µmol·mol–1); Vcmax – Maximal Rubisco carboxylation rate (µmol·m–2·s–1); Jmax – Maximal electron transport rate (µmol·m–2·s–1); Tp – Rate of triose phosphate export from the chloroplast (µmol·m–2·s–1); Rd – Day respiration (µmol·m–2·s–1); Γ* – CO2 compensation point in the absence of dark respiration (Pa); gi – Internal (mesophyll) conductance to CO2 transport (µmol·m–2·s–1·Pa−1); $ {K}_{oc} $ – A composite parameter (Pa): $ {K}_{\rm{oc}}={K}_{\mathrm{c}}(1+O/K_{\rm o}) $.

    • Figure 4. 

      (a) Direct and (b) indirect effects of each leaf anatomical traits through other traits on photosynthetic parameters. LT – leaf thickness, UCT – upper cuticle thickness, UET – upper epidermal thickness, PT – palisade tissue thickness, ST – spongy tissue thickness, LET – lower epidermal thickness, LCT – lower cuticle thickness, w – guard cell width, l – guard cell length, d – stomatal density, TSP – total stomach pore area. The residual effect of IQY, AQY, α, Pmax, Isat, Ic, RD, Rd, Vcmax, Jmax, TPU, Γ*, gi, Ci, gs, VPD, A, E, and WUE was 0.799, 0.760, 0.775, 0.849, 0.737, 0.859, 0.908, 0.755, 0.883, 0.887, 0.860, 0.877, 0.644, 0.817, 0.858, 0.821, 0.840, 0.858, and 0.801, respectively.

    • Leaf anatomyMeanSECV (%)Proportion of leaf thickness (%)
      Tissue components (µm)LT255.6271.8324.645100.000
      Stomatal characteristicsW (µm)8.2520.0483.733
      L (µm)27.8740.2084.839
      d (No./mm2)152.0281.9428.277
      LT – leaf thickness, UCT – upper cuticle thickness, UET – upper epidermal thickness, PT – palisade tissue thickness, ST – spongy tissue thickness, LET – lower epidermal thickness, LCT – lower cuticle thickness, w – guard cell width, l – guard cell length, d – stomatal density, TSP – total stomach pore area.

      Table 1. 

      The components of anatomical tissues in Arabica coffee leaf.

      IQY−0.044 ns−0.336*0.296 ns−0.343*−0.010 ns0.000 ns−0.232 ns0.175 ns−0.315*0.232 ns0.103 ns
      AQY−0.024 ns−0.322*0.386*−0.394*0.012 ns0.039 ns−0.224 ns0.197 ns−0.358*0.206 ns0.068 ns
      α−0.033 ns−0.332*0.351*−0.375*0.005 ns0.022 ns−0.230 ns0.189 ns−0.342*0.217 ns0.082 ns
      Pmax0.178 ns−0.108 ns0.324*−0.036 ns0.103 ns0.100 ns−0.065 ns−0.037 ns−0.233 ns0.143 ns−0.003 ns
      Isat−0.057 ns−0.359*0.157 ns−0.278 ns0.189 ns−0.202 ns−0.377*−0.227 ns−0.460**0.031 ns−0.313*
      Ic−0.064 ns−0.143 ns−0.324*0.164 ns−0.008 ns−0.336*−0.174 ns−0.323*−0.0710.017 ns−0.150 ns
      RD0.025 ns−0.234 ns−0.195 ns0.204 ns0.057 ns−0.190 ns−0.150 ns−0.243 ns−0.005 ns0.156 ns0.036 ns
      Rd0.097 ns0.161 ns−0.477**0.101 ns0.003 ns−0.129 ns0.071 ns−0.354*0.133 ns−0.043 ns−0.114 ns
      Vcmax−0.021 ns−0.097 ns0.009 ns0.106 ns0.188 ns0.019 ns−0.161 ns0.172 ns−0.003 ns0.139 ns0.200 ns
      Jmax−0.086 ns−0.169 ns−0.104 ns−0.047 ns−0.035 ns−0.188 ns−0.183 ns−0.003 ns−0.212 ns0.403**0.246 ns
      TPU−0.033 ns−0.145 ns−0.209 ns0.012 ns0.045 ns−0.008 ns0.015 ns−0.162 ns0.045 ns0.245 ns0.183 ns
      Γ*−0.210 ns0.181 ns−0.086 ns−0.159 ns−0.239 ns0.228 ns0.119 ns−0.163 ns0.104 ns−0.285 ns−0.276 ns
      gi0.207 ns−0.433*0.311 ns−0.092 ns0.371 ns−0.071 ns−0.420*−0.006 ns−0.301 ns−0.149 ns−0.301 ns
      Ci−0.066 ns0.108 ns−0.396**0.257 ns−0.125 ns−0.164 ns0.187 ns−0.053 ns0.311*−0.080 ns0.077 ns
      gs0.140 ns−0.111 ns0.278 ns0.073 ns0.044 ns0.146 ns0.053 ns0.005 ns−0.085 ns0.174 ns0.116 ns
      VPD−0.023 ns0.071 ns−0.372*0.281 ns−0.143 ns−0.230 ns0.106 ns−0.063 ns0.221 ns0.052 ns0.148 ns
      A0.157 ns−0.079 ns0.346*0.007 ns0.049 ns0.203 ns0.047 ns0.048 ns−0.117 ns0.149 ns0.094 ns
      E0.196 ns−0.057 ns0.224 ns0.191 ns0.031 ns0.068 ns0.106 ns0.002 ns0.003 ns0.164 ns0.158 ns
      WUE0.049 ns−0.115 ns0.350*-0.230 ns0.184 ns0.226 ns-0.142 ns0.041 ns-0.216 ns0.074 ns-0.038 ns
      LT – leaf thickness, UCT – upper cuticle thickness, UET – upper epidermal thickness, PT – palisade tissue thickness, ST – spongy tissue thickness, LET – lower epidermal thickness, LCT – lower cuticle thickness, w – guard cell width, l – guard cell length, d – stomatal density, TSP – total stomach pore area. Ns = non-significant. *, ** represent significant; highly significant differences at 5% and 1% probability levels, respectively.

      Table 2. 

      The correlation between leaf anatomical traits and photosynthetic parameters.

    • Anatomical traitsDirect effectsIndirect effectsPearson's correlation
      Comprehensive scoreRankingComprehensive scoreRankingComprehensive scoreRanking
      LT – leaf thickness, UCT – upper cuticle thickness, UET – upper epidermal thickness, PT – palisade tissue thickness, ST – spongy tissue thickness, LET – lower epidermal thickness, LCT – lower cuticle thickness, w – guard cell width, l – guard cell length, d – stomatal density, TSP – total stomach pore area.

      Table 3. 

      Comprehensive ordering of the effects of leaf anatomical traits on photosynthetic capacity using the CRITIC method.