Figures (1)  Tables (2)
    • Figure 1. 

      The four pillars of food security (FS) (Source: FAO, 2003[12])

    • Theme 1Food availability and people's livelihood1.1 Daily foods are not continuously physically obtainable
      1.2 Lack of domestic food production, the inadequate purchasing capacity of daily essentials
      Theme 2Food accessibility and livelihoods
      of rural people
      2.1 Less accessibility to obtain daily foodstuffs without problems posed by the time taken to get them
      2.2 Physical features of senior citizens, women, and children considering their safety and transportation costs etc
      2.3 Limited access to raw vegetables, meat, and other perishable foods
      Theme 3Utilization of food and livelihood
      of household
      3.1 Less capacity to purchase adequate nutritious and safe foodstuffs
      3.2 Limited household income to purchase daily necessary foods
      3.3 Food quality and health outcomes
      Theme 4Food stability, and people's livelihoods4.1 Less ability to buy sufficient food on a periodic basis
      4.2 Food security is temporal, seasonal, or chronically short
      4.3 Instability of food production, volatile price, employment instability, import flow instability, and political unrest situation
      Source: Field work, 2022

      Table 1. 

      Four pillars.

    • The state of food availabilityDaily foodstuffs are not sufficiently available in nearby shops or markets meaning that people cannot adequately purchase and consume them.
      People do not shop at the closest available grocery shop because they lack enough money or other resources.
      Many consumers purchase their staple foodstuff to shop at a grocery shop, irrespective of their food security status.
      The degree of food accessibility1. High food prices shape whether consumers will have access to food.
      2. Higher food prices lead to people's less access to food, particularly for low-income people or households.
      3. Individual or household resources, such as laod, mooey, and other household resources may also contribute to the conditions of food security.
      4. Access to transportation play a vital role in getting access to food access.
      5. Public transportation may facilitate people's access to food, particularly for those with no transportation, albeit routes would need to be available so that people can reach neighborhoods with supermarkets.
      The state of food utilizationPeople lack dietary quality foodstuffs which is crucial for their meotal aod physical health.
      Food insecurity is continuously associated with a wide variety of worse health outcomes, and poorer general health.
      Food stabilityThe lack of capacity to buy adequate safe and nutritious food during climatic hazards aod economic crisis
      Food production and distribution are oot stable, volatile price stability, inadequate import flow stability,
      Source: IDls and FCDs, 2022

      Table 2. 

      Two factors affecting food security in terms of 'Four Pillars'