Figures (4)  Tables (5)
    • Figure 1. 

      Fruits of '609' and '749' under (L) natural and (D) bagging conditions. CUC indicates the color under calyx. Eggplant fruits were bagged on the 5th day after flowering, and the picture was taken on the 14th day after bagging, with the fruits growing in natural conditions as control.

    • Figure 2. 

      Distribution of ED-based linkage value on (a) all chromosomes and (b) on Chromosome 10. Each colored dot represents an ED-based linkage value of an SNP site. Black lines represents ED value after fitting. Red dashed lines represents linkage threshold.

    • Figure 3. 

      Genotype and phenotype analysis of recombinant plants in the F2 population derived from a cross between '609' and '749'. (a) Genotype of the photosensitive parent '749'. (b) Genotype of the less-photosensitive parent '609'. (h) Heterozygote of the '749' and '609'. W, White fruit peel after bagging; P, Purple fruit peel after bagging.

    • Figure 4. 

      The transcript level of EGP21875, EGP21864 and EGP21911 in the fruit peel of '609' and '749'. The y axis indicated the relative expression levels of each gene. L, Under natural conditions; D, Under bagging conditions. The relative expression was determined by 2−ΔCᴛ method. The date are means from three biological replicates with three technical replicates. Error bars indicate SEs. Letters above each column represent significant differences based on one-way analysis of variance (ANOVA) followed by Tukey's test (p < 0.05).

    • GenerationNumbers of plantsNumber of plants with light purple fruit peel after baggingNumber of plants with white fruit peel after baggingExpected ratioχ2
      (609 × 749) F115150
      (609 × 749) F2178139393:10.91
      Note: χ2 0.05 = 3.84, df = 1.

      Table 1. 

      Genetic analysis of fruit peel pigmentation after bagging in F2 population.

    • CategoryThe number of SNPsThe number of Indels

      Table 2. 

      Classifications of SNPs and Indels in the candidate region.

    • Gene IDSNP lociBase substitution typeAnnotation
      EGP218577447780C- > TUncharacterized protein LOC102595296
      EGP218737722116C- > G12-oxophytodienoate reductase 1
      EGP219119870254C- > TUndefined
      EGP2197211985911C- > THypothetical protein BC332_00197
      EGP2198312225282G- > APutative GDSL esterase/lipase-like
      EGP2200512532757G- > AMYB domain protein 113

      Table 3. 

      Nonsynonymous SNPs and their related genes in the candidate region.

    • Gene IDSNP categoryIndel categoryAnnotation
      EGP21874Intergenic region in upstream, Intergenic region in downstreamIntergenic region in downstreamMYB domain protein 113
      EGP21875Intergenic region in upstream, Intergenic region in downstreamMYB domain protein 113
      EGP22005Upstream, Non-synonymousMYB domain protein 16
      EGP21863UpstreamIntergenic region in upstreamAuxin response factor 16
      EGP21864IntronPhototropic-responsive NPH3 family protein
      EGP21891Intron, Downstream, Intergenic region in downstreamIntergenic region in downstreamPhytochrome kinase substrate 2
      EGP21908Intergenic region in downstreamIntergenic region in downstreamPhytochrome kinase substrate 1

      Table 4. 

      Candidate genes involved in biosynthesis of anthocyanin and light signal transduction.

    • Gene IDSNP lociSubstitution typeSNP categoryDistanceAnnotation
      C- > A
      T- > C
      Intergenic region in upstream, Intergenic region in downstream22,893 bp
      13,006 bp
      MYB domain protein 113
      EGP218647625998C- > TIntronPhototropic-responsive NPH3 family protein
      EGP219119870254C- > TNon-synonymous

      Table 5. 

      Candidate genes involved in less-photosensitive anthocyanin biosynthesis in the peel of '609'.