Treatment Timing Rate (g ai·ha−1) Injury (%) Height (cm/plant) Yield (kg·ha−1) VOVRC** CF** VOVRC CF Untreated 0 d*** 21.8 a 16.5 a 28,090*** 8,590 b Oxyfluorfen POST-T 1121 9 bc 22.6 a 16.9 a 28,850 c 20,450 a Oxyfluorfen POST-T 2242 10 abc 22.2 a 15.7 a 30,030 c 15,020 ab Pendimethalin POST-T 1121 11 ab 22.3 a 16.0 a 32,360 bc 13,710 ab Pendimethalin POST-T 2242 9 bc 23.2 a 16.9 a 43,540 ab 15,320 ab S-metolachlor POST-T 1121 9 bc 22.5 a 16.1 a 30,860 c 15,590 ab Oxyfluorfen plus pendimethalin POST-T 1,121 + 1,121 14 a 23.3 a 16.3 a 34,930 bc 11,770 ab Oxyfluorfen plus pendimethalin POST-T 2,242 + 2,242 11 ab 22.6 a 14.9 a 33,310 bc 13,620 ab Oxyfluorfen plus pendimethalin fb Oxyfluorfen plus pendimethalin POST-T
POST1,121 + 1,121
1,121 + 1,1216 c 23.4 a 14.7 a 37,370 abc 13,980 ab S-metolachlor fb
Oxyfluorfen plus pendimethalinPOST-T
1,121 + 1,12110 abc 22.8 a 16.6 a 48,280 a 15,200 ab S-metolachlor fb
Oxyfluorfen plus pendimethalinPOST-T
2,242 + 2,2426 c 22.9 a 14.8 a 37,640 abc 14,240 ab *, Onion PlantTape® transplanting dates: 14 Nov 2017, VOVRC; 5 Dec 2017, CF. **, Vidalia Onion and Vegetable Research Center, VOVRC; Commercial Farm – Reidsville GA, CF; post applied herbicide on day of transplanting, POST-T; post applied herbicides 10 d after transplanting, POST; followed by, fb. ***, For weed control data analysis, data were arranged as a split-plot design where fixed effects were location, herbicide treatment and their interaction. Two random effects were block and block by location. PROC MIXED was used to conduct ANOVA, and PROC PLM was applied to test mean differences using Tukey-Kramer test at 0.05 significance level, where values followed by the same letter do not differ. Injury data was combined for presentation across locations, taken 6 weeks after planting. Table 1.
Herbicide treatment effects for tolerance experiments using PlantTape® Vidalia onion transplants* for injury, height, and yield in Tattnall County Georgia.
Treatment Timing Rate (g ai·ha−1) Injury (%) Height (cm/plant) Cutleaf (%) Yield (kg·ha−1) VOVRC** CF** Eveningprimrose VOVRC CF Untreated 0 e*** 22.3 cde 15.8 b 0 d 19,788 f 8,109 bc Oxyfluorfen POST-T 560 8 bcd 24.3 ab 18.8 a 92 a 33,278 a-f 21,205 a Oxyfluorfen POST-T 1,121 8 bcd 23.2 a-d 19.1 a 96 a 27,520 c-f 19,267 a Oxyfluorfen POST-T 2,242 8 bcd 23.0 a-d 18.4 ab 99 a 42,697 ab 19,752 a Pendimethalin POST-T 560 10 abc 23.3 a-d 18.3 ab 41c 28,201c-f 8,360 bc Pendimethalin POST-T 1,121 8 bcd 22.8 a-e 16.3 ab 42 c 22,102 ef 9,562 bc Pendimethalin POST-T 2,242 11 ab 23.9 abc 18.0 ab 78 ab 32,686 a-f 16,128 ab S-metolachlor POST-T 560 10 abc 21.9 de 16.9 ab 48 ab 24,255 ef 5,047 c S-metolachlor POST-T 1,121 13 a 21.1 e 17.4 ab 53 bc 29,421b-f 14,585 ab Oxyfluorfen plus pendimethalin POST-T 1,121 + 1,121 4 de 24.5 a 17.0 ab 97 a 35,341a-e 14,460 ab Oxyfluorfen plus pendimethalin POST-T 2,242 + 2,242 10 abc 23.2 a-d 18.4 ab 99 a 36,687 a-d 15,431 ab Oxyfluorfen plus pendimethalin fb
Oxyfluorfen plus pendimethalinPOST-T
POST1,121 + 1,121
1,121 + 1,1218 bcd 22.5 b-e 16.4 ab 99 a 32,148 a-f 9,544 bc S-metolachlor fb
Oxyfluorfen plus pendimethalinPOST-T
1,121 + 1,1216 de 24.1 a-c 17.3 ab 99 a 45,137 a 13,180 abc S-metolachlor fb
Oxyfluorfen plus pendimethalinPOST-T
2,242 + 2,2429 abc 23.4 a-d 18.9 a 99 a 40,436 abc 16,523 ab *, Onion PlantTape® transplanting dates: 14 Nov 2017, VOVRC; 5 Dec 2017, CF. Six weeks after establishment, maintained weed free for the remainder of the season by hand weeding. **, VOVCR = Vidalia Onion and Vegetable Research Center, Commercial Farm – Reidsville GA, CF; post applied herbicide on day of transplanting, POST-T; post applied herbicides 10 days after transplanting, POST; followed by, fb. ***, For weed control data analysis, data were arranged as a split-plot design where fixed effects were location, herbicide treatment and their interaction. Two random effects were block and block by location. PROC MIXED was used to conduct ANOVA, and PROC PLM was applied to test mean differences using Tukey-Kramer test at 0.05 significance level, where values followed by the same letter do not differ. Injury data was combined for presentation across locations, taken 6 weeks after planting. Injury data at 6 weeks after application, and cutleaf eveningprimrose data taken prior to harvest. Data were combined for presentation. Table 2.
Herbicide treatment effects for efficacy evaluation using PlantTape® Vidalia onion transplants* for injury, height, cutleaf eveningprimrose control, and yield in Tattnall County Georgia.