Figure 1.
(a)−(e) Natural mutant of leaf colours and (f)−(o) natural mutant (varieties) of flower types in Chinese orchid, Bar = 1 cm.
Year Cymbidium goeringii Cymbidium faberi Cymbidium sinense Cymbidium ensifolium Cymbidium tortisepalum Cymbidium
tortisepalum var.
longibracteatumCymbidium kanlan Cymbidium serratum
publications1233 18 21 39 Zhao Shigeng, Jin Zhang Lan Pu 1865 25 31 56 Xu Jilou, Lanhui Tongxinlu 1900 2 21 100 123 Ou Jinche, Linghai Lanyan 1923 66 40 141 Wu Enyua, Lanhui Xiaoshi 1993 132 70 144 61 7 4 11 429 Wu Yingxiang, Chinese Cymbidium 2010 183 145 234 156 141 168 111 119 1,257 Chen Xinqi, Complete Book of Chinese Cymbidium and its varieties Table 1.
The number of Chinese orchid (Cymbidium) cultivars documented in the references.
Year Hybrid Cymbidium (ha) Phalaenopsis (ha) Total (ha) 2012 1,721 509 2,230 2013 1,294 672 1,966 2014 753 506 1,259 2015 712 544 1,256 2016 1,767 610 2,377 2017 1,706 571 2,277 2018 1,888 789 2,677 2019 1,867 727 2,594 2020 1,904 852 2,756 Table 2.
Hybrid Cymbidium and Phalaenopsis planting area in China from 2012 to 2020.
Year Oncidiums (ha) Pot orchids (ha) Total (ha) 2009 213 608 821 2010 207 645 852 2011 217 726 943 2012 243 662 905 2013 249 677 926 2014 261 691 952 2015 261 707 968 2016 266 745 1,011 2017 249 751 1,000 2018 247 750 997 2019 237 761 998 Table 3.
Oncidiums and pot orchids planting area in Taiwan, China from 2009 to 2019.
Genera Species Type of discovery References Herminium Herminium lijiangense New species [3] Peristylus Peristylus fasciculatus New species [3] Peristylus tenuicallus New recorded species [3] Platanthera Platanthera milinensis New species [3] Ponerorchis Ponerorchis gongshanensis New species [3] Cheirostylis Cheirostylis chuxiongensis New species [4] Cheirostylis yei New species [4] Myrmechis Myrmechis lingulata New species [4] Myrmechis longii New species [4] Bulbophyllum Bulbophyllum ximaense New species [4] Bulbophyllum xizangense New species [4] Bulbophyllum retusum New species [4] Bulbophyllum pulcherissimum New species [4] Bulbophyllum frostii New recorded species [4] Bulbophyllum raskotii New recorded species [4] Bulbophyllum nematocaulon New recorded species [4] Gastrochilus Gastrochilus yei New species [5] Gastrochilus minimus New species [5] Luisia Luisia simaoensis New species [5] Luisia inconspicua New recorded species [5] Taeniophyllum Taeniophyllum xizangense New species [5] Tuberolabium Tuberolabium subulatum New species [5] Cleisostoma Cleisostoma tricornutum New recorded species [5] Liparis Liparis aureolabella New species [6] Liparis mengziensis New species [6] Liparis bingzhongluoensis New species [6] Table 4.
List of orchids newly discovered during the botanical investigation.
Genera I Protected species II Protected species Aerides Aerides odorata Anoectochilus All species Bletilla Bletilla striata Bulbophyllum Bulbophyllum rothschildianum Calanthe Calanthe striata var. sieboldiier Calanthe dulongensis Changnienia Changnienia amoena Corybas Corybas taliensis Cremastra Cremastra appendiculata Cymbidium Cymbidium insigne and Cymbidium wenshanense All species except Cymbidium lancifolium Cypripedium Cypripedium subtropicum All species except Cypripedium plectrochilum Danxiaorchis All species Dendrobium Dendrobium flexicaule and Dendrobium huoshanense All species Gastrodia Gastrodia elata and Gastrodia angusta Gymnadenia Gymnadenia conopsea and Gymnadenia orchidis Ludisia Ludisia discolor Paphiopedilum All species Paphiopedilum hirsutissimum and Paphiopedilum micranthum Phaius Phaius hainanensis and Phaius wenshanensis Phalaenopsis Phalaenopsis zhejiangensis Phalaenopsis lobbii, Phalaenopsis wilsonii and Phalaenopsis malipoensis Pleione All species Renanthera All species Rhynchostylis Rhynchostylis retusa Vanda Vanda coerulea Vanilla Vanilla shenzhenica Table 5.
Wild orchids under special state protection in China.
Species Genome size (Gb) Chromosome number Contig N50 Scaffold N50 Protein-coding genes References Apostasia shenzhenic 0.35 2N = 2X = 68 0.08 3.03 21,841 [27] Apostasia ramifera 0.37 − 0.03 0.29 22,841 [28] Bletilla striata 5.06 2N = 2X = 32 2.37 1.65 146.39 [40] Cymbidium sinense 3.52 2N = 2X = 40 1.11 − 29 638 [42] Cymbidium goeringii 4.1 2N = 2X = 40 1.04 209.04 29,272 [44] Cymbidium goeringii 3.99 2N = 2X = 40 0.38 178.2 29,556 [45] Cymbidium ensifolium 3.62 2N = 2X = 40 1.21 154.88 29,073 [43] Dendrobium officinale 1.35 2N = 2X = 38 0.001 0.04 35,567 [29] Dendrobium catenatum 1.01 2N = 2X = 38 0.03 0.39 28,910 [31] Dendrobium huoshanense 1.285 2N = 2X = 38 0.6 71.79 21,070 [32] Dendrobium chrysotoxum 1.37 2N = 2X = 38 1.54 67.8 30,044 [33] Dendrobium officinale 1.23 2N = 2X = 38 1.14 63.07 25,894 [30] Dendrobium nobile 1.19 2N = 2X = 38 1.62 64.46 29,476 [34] Gastrodia elata 1.12 − 0.07 4.9 18,969 [37] Gastrodia elata 1.043 2N = 2X = 36 21.33 − 21,115 [38] Gastrodia menghaiensis 0.987 2N = 2X = 36 2.37 6.82 14,233 [39] Phalaenopsis equestris 1.086 − 0.02 0.36 29,431 [25] Phalaenopsis aphrodite 1.025 2N = 2X = 38 0.02 0.95 28,902 [26] Platanthera guangdongensis 4.19 2N = 2X = 42 1.77 192.35 24,513 [47] Platanthera zijinensis 4.2 1.57 193.14 22,559 Table 6.
Orchid genome published by Chinese scientists.
Genus Number of varieties Percentage (%) Paphiopedilum 0 0 Pleione 0 0 Phalaenopsis 426 79.48 Cattleya 2 0.37 Cymbidium 78 14.55 Dendrobium 30 5.60 Cypripedium 0 0 Gastrodia 0 0 Vanda 0 0 Total 536 100 Table 7.
Number of orchids granted new plant variety rights in China.
Genera Species Type of explant Optimal treatment Assessment method Induction rate References Cymbidium Cymbidium hydridum PLBs Colchicine 0.1% for 3 d A, C 27.6% [94] Cymbidium hybridium 'Sunrise' PLBs Colchicine 0.05% for 5 d A, D 23.7% [95] Cymbidium hybridium 'Hongpubu' Cluster buds Colchicine 0.05% for 24 h A, B, D 28.2% [95] Cymbidium sinense Rhizomes Colchicine 0.01% for 3 d A, B 11.1% [96] Five Cymbidium sinense cultivars and four hybrids 2n gametes Interspecific hybridization to produce sexual polyploids A, B, C seven pairs of crosses produced five triploid and two tetraploid hybrids [93] Cymbidium Ruby Shower 'Murasakin Okimi' Protocorms Colchicine 300 mg/L for 15 d A, B 30.0% [95] Cymbidium Golden Elf 'Sundust' Rhizomes Oryzalin 0. 002% for 48 h, and then EMS 50 mg /L for 1 month A, B, D 40% [95] Cymbidium sinense 'Lvmosu' × Cymbidium hybridum 'Shijieheping' F1 generation Protocorms Colchicine 0.03% for 72 h A, C, D 36% [95] Cymbidium lowianum Cluster buds Colchicine 0.04% for 72 h A, B, D 60% [95] Interspecific hybrids Rhizomes Colchicine 0.1% for 48 h A, B 36% [95] Cultivar 'Suxinhuang' Protocorms Colchicine 0.005% for 3 d A, B 16.7% [95] Cymbidium faberi Cluster buds Colchicine 0.5% for 48 h A, B, D 13.3% [95] Cymbidium iridioides Cluster buds Colchicine 0.05% for 72 h A, B, D 74% [97] Dendrobium Dendrobium officinale Protocorms Oryzalin 14.4 μM for 24 h A, B, C 37.4% [98] Dendrobium officinale PLBs and cluster buds Colchicine 0.09% for 24 h A, B, D 48% [95] Dendrobium officinale Protocorms Colchicine 0.1% for 15 d A, B, C 57.69% [95] Dendrobium officinale Seeds and PLBS Colchicine 50 mg/L A, B, C 50% [95] Dendrobium officinale Protocorms Colchicine 0.6 mg/L for 30 min A, B, C, D 16.7% [95] Dendrobium officinale Protocorms Colchicine 2.0 mg/L for 36 h A, B, C, D 20% [95] Dendrobium cariniferum Protocorms Colchicine 0.05% for 24 h A,B, C, D 33.0% [99] Dendrobium devonianum Cluster buds Colchicine 0.03% for 24 h A, B 60.0% [95] Hybrids of Dendrobium snow flake 'Red star' and Dendrobium white rabbit 'Sakurahine' Cluster buds Colchicine 0.06% for 12 h A, B, D 69.1% [95] Dendrobium wardianum Protocorms Colchicine 0.1% for 12 h A, B, D 26% [95] Dendrobium sinese Protocorms Oryzalin 20 mg/L for 4 d A, B, C, D 35% [95] Dendrobium hybrida 'Sonia' Protocorms Colchicine 0.01% + Oryzalin
5 mg/L for 8−10dA, B Above 90% [95] Dendrobium ochreatum Protocorms Colchicine 0.05%−0.1%
for 2−3 dA, B, C, D [95] Hybrids of Dendrobium utopia 'Messenger' × Dendrobium Whiterabbit 'Sakurahime' Tube seedlings Colchicine 0.6 mg/L for 24 h C, D 62.2% [95] Phalaenopsis H-03 Seeds Colchicine 0.05% for 15d A, B, C, D 50.0% [100] Phalaenopsis Tailin 'Red Angle' leaves and adventitious buds Colchicine 0.01% for 30 d A, B, D 33.3% [100] Phalaenopsis 'TsueiFoa Lady' Protocormsand PLBs Colchicine 0.1% for 7 d A, B, D 30% [100] Phalaenopsis amabilis
Phalaenopsis aphroditeProtocorms Endopolyploid. in vitro regeneration A, C A large number of stable polyploid plants were obtained in a short time [100] Phalaenopsis aphrodite Protocorms Endopolyploid, Horizontal cutting Polyploid plants can be produced in large numbers [100] Phalaenopsis zhejiangensis Seeds Colchicine 0.2% for 1 d A, C, D 27.75% [100] Hybrids Cluster buds Colchicine 0.05% for 24 h A, B, D 20% [100] Ionopsis Ionopsis utricularioides Leaves and embryoids Colchicine 200 mg/L for 24 h A, C, D 8.53% [100] Arundina Arundina graminifoli Protocorms 0.1% colchicine for 12 h A, B, C, D 23.33% [100] Cremastra Cremastra appendiculata Protocorms Colchicine 0.05% for 1 d A, B 20% [101] Phaius Phaius tankervilleae Protocorms Colchicine 0.02% for 6 d A, B 22.5% [100] Pleione Pleione maculaata Protocorms Colchicine 0.2% for 60 h A, B 25.64% [100] Nervilia Nervilia fordii Rhizomes Colchicine 300 mg/L + DMSO
10 ml/L + 2.0 mg/LKT for 28 dA, B, D 50% [102] Spathoglottis Spathoglottis plicata Seeds and transverse thin cell layer Colchicine 0.3% for 30 d A, B, D 27.8% [100] Oncidium Oncidium flexuosum PLBs Colchicine 1,500 mg/L for 54 h A, B, C, D 26.67 % [100] Bletilla Bletilla striata PLBs Colchicine 0.2% for 36 h A, B, C, D 26.7% [100] Anoectochilus Anoectochilus roxburghii Stems Pendimethalin 90 mg/L for 48 h A, C 50.0% [100] Anoectochilus roxburghii Stems Colchicine 0.1% for 48 h A, B, D 48% [100] Anoectochilus roxburghii Stems Pendimethalin 200 μmol/L
for 8 dA, B, D 44.17% [100] Anoectochilus roxburghii Stems Colchicine 700 mg/L for 15 h A, B, D 53% [100] Anoectochilus roxburghii Stems Colchicine 300 mg/L for 13 d A, B 72.7% [100] Table 8.
Polyploidy induction of orchids.
Genus Mapping
typeTotal distance
of map (cM)Average
(cM)Number of markers QTL or eQTLs References Paphiopedilum Paphiopedilum concolor × Paphiopedilum hirsutissimum F1 95 SNP 1,616.18 0.19 8,410 12 QTLs linked to leaf length, leaf width, leaf thickness, and leaf number [13] Phalaenopsis Phalaenopsis '462' × Phalaenopsis '20' F1 88 AFLP Phal '462': 878.3
Phal '20': 820.35.0
122[118] Phalaenopsis aphrodite × Phalaenopsis equestris F1 117 SNP l5l92.05 0.l3 113,517 10 QTLs associated with four color related traits [119] Dendrobium Dendrobium Lucky Gal × Dendrobium Fantasy F1 90 RAPD 6,568.7 50.11 121 [118] Dendrobium Second Love × Dendrobium Sekand Rave F1 92 SSR Den. Second Love: 571
Den. Sekand Rave: 566.34.6
67[118] Dendrobium officinale × Dendrobium hercoglossum F1 90 RAPD
SRAPDen. officinale: 629.4
Den. ercoglossum: 1,304.611.2
112[118] Dendrobium officinale × Dendrobium moniliforme F1 90 EST-SSR, SRAP, ISSR, RAPD D. moniliforme: 1,332.6
D.officinale: 1,425.910.41
220[118] Dendrobium officinale × Dendrobium aduncum F1 140 SRAP
SSR1,580.4 11.89 157 [118] Dendrobium nobile × Dendrobium moniliform F1 90 RAPD
ISSRD. nobile: 1,474
D. moniliform: 1,326.514.75
117[118] Dendrobium moniliforme × Dendrobium officinale F1 111 SNP 2,737.49 0.32 8,573 5QTL for Polysaccharide content [120] Dendrobium nobile × Dendrobium wardianum F1 100 SNP 3,612.12 0.41 9,645 2 eQTL for stem length and 1 eQTL for stem diameter [12] Dendrobium mangosteen × Dendrobium Burana Pink No.2 F1 190 SSR, SRAP, RSAP, ISSR 1,421 9.56 274 [118] Dendrobium mangosteen × Dendrobium Burana Pink No.2 F1 190 SSR, SRAP, ISSR 1,548.9 9.91 230 [118] Cymbidium Cymbidium hybridum 'Yunv' × Cymbidium Sinense 'Huangyehongmo' F1 94 SSR 1,608.9 32.15 56 [118] Table 9.
Genetic map of orchids.
Species Explants Genetic transformation Report gene References Phalaenopsis PLB (PLBs) Agrobacterium ACS [132] PLB (PLBs) Agrobacterium LFY [132] PLB (PLBs) Agrobacterium GFP [132] PLB (PLBs) Agrobacterium VwF3'5'H, GUS [133] PLB (PLBs) Agrobacterium GFP, Hpt [132] PLB (PLBs) Agrobacterium CymMV-CP [132] PLB (PLBs) Agrobacterium ICE1 [133] PLB (PLBs) Agrobacterium CAMV, GUS, eGFP [133] PLB (PLBs) Agrobacterium GUS [133] PLB (PLBs) Agrobacterium YUCCA6, GUS, Hpt [133] Callus Agrobacterium LTP [133] Callus Agrobacterium GUS, Hpt [133] Pollen tube Agrobacterium Cbf1 [133] Immature embryo Agrobacterium LycB [133] Leaf Agrobacterium GAFP-NP1 [133] Ovary Agrobacterium GUS, Hpt [133] PLB (PLBs) Particle gun GUS [132] PLB (PLBs) Particle gun Hpt, GUS [133] PLB (PLBs) Particle gun PeUFGT3 [133] Dendrobium PLB (PLBs) Agrobacterium DOH1 [132] PLB (PLBs) Agrobacterium RTACO [133] PLB (PLBs) Agrobacterium ACS [132] PLB (PLBs) Agrobacterium aiiA-hacD [133] PLB (PLBs) Agrobacterium GUS [133] PLB (PLBs) Agrobacterium GUS, Hpt [132] PLB (PLBs) Agrobacterium PR1, PR10 [133] PLB (PLBs) Agrobacterium CHS, F3'5'H [133] PLB (PLBs) Agrobacterium CyMV-CP,
ORSV-CP[132] PLB (PLBs) Agrobacterium RTACS [133] PLB (PLBs) Agrobacterium NAC [133] PLB (PLBs) Agrobacterium GUS [133] Callus Agrobacterium DcOSEP1 [133] Callus Agrobacterium Hpt [133] Callus Agrobacterium AFP [133] Ovary Agrobacterium GUS, Hpt [133] PLB (PLBs) Particle gun GUS, Hpt [133] PLB (PLBs) Particle gun CymMV CP [133] PLB (PLBs) Particle gun LFY [133] Oncidium PLB (PLBs) Agrobacterium pflp [133] PLB (PLBs) Agrobacterium ACS [133] PLB (PLBs) Particle gun CBF3 [133] PLB (PLBs) Agrobacterium AtTIP5;1 [133] PLB (PLBs) Agrobacterium CyMV-CP ORSV-CP [133] Callus Agrobacterium GAFP-NP1 [133] Callus Agrobacterium GUS [133] PLB (PLBs) Agrobacterium GUS [134] Cymbidium PLB (PLBs) Agrobacterium ICE1 [133] PLB (PLBs) Agrobacterium GAFP [133] PLB (PLBs) Agrobacterium CyMV, ORSV [133] PLB (PLBs) Agrobacterium GUS [132] Somatic embryo Agrobacterium GAFP-NP1 [133] Rhizome Agrobacterium GUS [133] PLB (PLBs) Particle gun CiDREB1, PeDREB2, CYMV-CP [133] Doritis Ovary Agrobacterium GUS [127] Cattleya PLB (PLBs) Agrobacterium GUS, ORSV [126] Cymbidium goeringii × Cymbidium hybridum PLB (PLBs) Agrobacterium CLF [129] Archnis × Vanda PLB (PLBs) Particle gun GUS [130] Dendrobium × Phalaenopsis PLB (PLBs) Agrobacterium GUS [131] Table 10.
Transgenic research on orchids.