Figures (6)  Tables (2)
    • Figure 1. 

      Expression stability value of five candidate reference genes calculated by geNorm in 'Yanli' and 'Chuliandeweidao'. (a) M value of five candidate reference genes. A lower M-value indicates more stable gene expression. (b) Pairwise variation (V) analysis of five candidate reference genes. A lower value indicates a more stable combination number of reference genes.

    • Figure 2. 

      Expression stability value of five candidate reference genes calculated by NormFinder in 'Yanli' and 'Chuliandeweidao'. A lower value indicates more stable gene expression.

    • Figure 3. 

      Expression stability value of five candidate reference genes calculated by BestKeeper in 'Yanli' and 'Chuliandeweidao'. A lower value indicates more stable gene expression.

    • Figure 4. 

      Expression stability value of five candidate reference genes calculated by delta-CT method in 'Yanli' and 'Chuliandeweidao'. A lower value indicates more stable gene expression.

    • Figure 5. 

      Relative expression levels of FaMYB10, FaUGT1, and FaCHS in five different development stages of 'Yanli' fruit. The bars of different colors represent the relative expression levels of the validation genes calculated using different reference genes. (SG = Small Green, BG = Big Green, W = White, TR = Turning Red, R = Red).

    • Figure 6. 

      Boxplot analysis of the expression profiles of FaADPrf1, FaGAPC2, and Fa26S rRNA in root, crown stem, leaf, flower, and five fruit developmental stages. Solid dots represent the expression cycle threshold (CT) values of candidate reference genes in different organs. The line across the box represents the median. The boxes represent the 25/75 percentiles.

    • Gene symbolGene namePrimer sequence (5'-3')Amplification length (bp)Amplification efficiency (%)Correlation coefficiency (R2)
      ADPrf1ADP–ribosylation factor 1F: 5'-TGCGAATTCTGATGGTCGGT-3'
      144 bp95.43%0.9984
      GAPC2Glyceraldehyde-3-phosphate dehydrogenaseF: 5'-GAATCAACGGATTCGGAAGA-3'
      231 bp101.51%0.9996
      EF1-αElongation factor 1 - alphaF: 5'-CACATCAACATTGTGGTCAT-3'
      187 bp99.69%0.9984
      PPC1Peptidyl-prolyl cis-trans isomerase 1F: 5'-TACAAGGGATCGTCCTTCCA-3'
      258 bp89.21%0.9955
      26S rRNA26S ribosomal RNAF: 5'-TAACCGCATCAGGTCTCCAA-3'
      132 bp95.69%0.9996

      Table 1. 

      Primers sequence and amplification characteristics of five candidate reference genes.

    • RankYanliChuliandeweidao
      Gene nameRanking valueGene nameRanking value

      Table 2. 

      The comprehensive ranking of five candidate reference genes in 'Yanli' and 'Chuliandeweidao' analyzed by RefFinder.