Figures (3)  Tables (2)
    • Figure 1. 

      Holistic and cost effective interventions to combat malnutrition.

    • Figure 2. 

      Policy interventions for promoting underutilized crops.

    • Figure 3. 

      Strategy for promoting underutilized crops.

    • NameScientific namePropertyNutrient compositionHealth benefitsRef.
      African yam beanSphenostylis stenocarpaLegumeHigh in protein, fiber, and antioxidantsImproves blood sugar control, boost immunity, and reduce inflammation[18]
      AmaranthAmaranthus spp.Gluten-free pseudocerealRich in essential amino acids, fiber, and micronutrientsHigh levels of squalene, which may have antioxidant and anti-inflammatory properties[19]
      Amur Cork TreePhellodendron amurenseSeeds from the amur cork treeContains silymarin and antioxidantsPotential liver-protective effects, may aid in digestion, and offer antioxidant properties[20]
      Bambara GroundnutVigna subterraneaLegumeHigh in protein, fiber, and ironImproves blood sugar control, reduce cholesterol levels, and promote weight loss[21]
      Bamboo RiceOryza rufipogonRice variety derived from bamboo seedsHigh in dietary fiber, vitamins, and mineralsSupport digestion, provide energy, and offer essential nutrients[22]
      Bamboo ShootsOryza rufipogonEdible shoots of bamboo plantsLow in calories, high in dietary fiberGood source of vitamins, minerals, and antioxidants[23]
      BaobabAdansonia digitataFruit pulp from the baobab treeHigh in vitamin C, fiber, and antioxidantsImmune-boosting and anti-inflammatory properties[24]
      Black CurrantsRibes nigrumBerries from the black currant shrubHigh in vitamin C, anthocyanins, and antioxidantsStrong antioxidant properties, may support immune function and cardiovascular health[25]
      BuckwheatFagopyrum esculentumGluten-free pseudocerealContains rutin (a flavonoid), fiber, and proteinPotential cardiovascular benefits due to rutin content[26]
      CamelinaCamelina sativaOil from camelina plant seedsRich in omega-3 fatty acidsPotential cardiovascular benefits[27]
      Camu CamuMyrciaria dubia
      Fruit from the camu camu treeExceptionally high in vitamin CImmune-boosting, potential anti-inflammatory effects, and skin health benefits[28]
      CeleriacApium graveolens var. rapaceum
      Root vegetableGood source of fiber, vitamins, and mineralsSupports digestive health, provides antioxidants, and may help regulate blood pressure[29]
      ChayoteSechium eduleGreen, wrinkled fruitLow in calories, high in fiber and antioxidantsPromotes weight loss, support heart health, and provide immune-boosting properties[30]
      ChiaSalvia hispanicaSeeds from the chia plantHigh in omega-3 fatty acids, fiber, and antioxidantsConsidered a superfood with various health benefits[31]
      ChokeberryAronia melanocarpa
      Fruit from the chokeberry shrubHigh in anthocyanins, vitamins, and antioxidantsSupports cardiovascular health, may have anti-inflammatory properties, and offer immune-boosting benefits[32]
      CloudberryRubus chamaemorusBerry from the cloudberry plantHigh in vitamin C, fiber, and antioxidantsSupports immune function, skin health, and may have potential anti-inflammatory properties[33]
      CowpeaVigna unguiculataLegumeHigh in protein, fiber, and folateImproves blood sugar control, boost immunity, and promote healthy pregnancy[34]
      ElderberriesSambucus nigraBerries from the elderberry shrubHigh in anthocyanins, vitamins, and fiberImmune-boosting, potential antiviral properties, and relief from cold and flu symptoms[35]
      FonioDigitaria exilisSmall-grained cerealGood protein and fiber contentNutrient-rich and gaining recognition for its nutritional value[36]
      Ground CherriesPhysalis peruvianaFruit from the ground cherry plantGood source of vitamin C, fiber, and beta-caroteneImmune-boosting, potential anti-inflammatory properties, and improved eye health[37]
      Jerusalem ArtichokeHelianthus tuberosusTuber of the Jerusalem artichoke plantContains inulin, a prebiotic fiberPromotes gut health and improved digestion[38]
      JicamaPachyrhizus erosusRoot vegetableLow in calories, high in fiber and vitamin CSupports digestion, promote weight loss, and provide immune-boosting benefits[39]
      Lacinato KaleBrassica oleracea var. sabellicaType of kaleRich in vitamins A, C, and K, and fiberSupports eye health, bone health, and digestion[40]
      Lotus RootNelumbo nuciferaRhizome of the lotus plantRich in dietary fiber, vitamins, and mineralsMay support digestion and overall health[41]
      MesquiteGenera ProsopisLeguminous tree or shrubHigh in protein, fiber, and mineralsMay help regulate blood sugar, support digestion, and have antioxidant properties[42]
      MilletVaried, e.g., Panicum miliaceumPseudocerealHigh in fibre, magnesium, and ironImproves blood sugar control, reduce cholesterol levels, and improve digestion[43]
      MoringaMoringa oleiferaLeaves and pods of the moringa treeRich source of vitamins, minerals, and antioxidantsAnti-inflammatory, anti-diabetic, and overall health-promoting properties[44]
      Nance FruitByrsonima crassifoliaFruit from the nance treeHigh in vitamin C, fiber, and antioxidantsImmune-boosting, potential anti-inflammatory properties, and digestive health benefits[45]
      Nopal CactusOpuntia spp.Pads of the prickly pear cactusRich in fiber, vitamins, and mineralsAid in weight management, support blood sugar control, and promote heart health[46]
      Perilla SeedsPerilla frutescensSeeds from the perilla plantRich in omega-3 fatty acids, fiber, and antioxidantsSupport heart health, reduce inflammation, and offer potential benefits for allergies and asthma[47]
      Purple CarrotsDaucus carotaVariety of carrots with purple fleshHigh in anthocyanins, vitamins, and fiberAntioxidant properties, supports eye health, and may have anti-inflammatory effects[48]
      QuinoaChenopodium quinoaWhole grain, complete protein sourceRich in essential amino acids, vitamins, and mineralsGluten-free and with antioxidant properties[49]
      Red CloverTrifolium pratenseLegume plantRich in isoflavones, vitamins, and mineralsSupports hormonal balance, may relieve menopausal symptoms, and offer antioxidant properties[50]
      Red SpinachAmaranthus dubiusVariety of spinachRich in vitamins A, C, and K, and antioxidantsSupports eye health, bone health, and offers potential anti-inflammatory benefits[51,52]
      Sea BuckthornHippophae rhamnoidesBerries from the sea buckthorn shrubRich in vitamins, omega fatty acids, and antioxidantsSupports skin health, may improve heart health, and have immune-boosting properties[53]
      Sea VegetablesVaried, e.g., Saccharina japonicaEdible seaweedsRich in vitamins, minerals, and iodineSupports thyroid health, may have detoxifying properties, and provide essential nutrients[54]
      SorghumSorghum bicolorWhole grain, gluten-freeRich in antioxidants, low glycemic indexGood option for individuals with diabetes and source of antioxidants[55]
      SoursopAnnona muricataFruit from the soursop treeContains vitamins, minerals, and bioactive compoundsMay have potential anticancer and anti-inflammatory properties[56]
      TeffEragrostis tefGluten-free whole grainHigh in fiber and protein, source of iron and calciumSuitable for those with dietary restrictions and potentially beneficial for health[57]
      Tiger NutsCyperus esculentusTubers from the tiger nut sedgeRich in fiber, healthy fats, and mineralsMay support digestion, provide energy, and have potential prebiotic effects[58]
      WatercressNasturtium officinaleLeafy green vegetableExcellent source of vitamin K, C, and antioxidantsSupports bone health, may reduce cancer risk, and promotes skin health[59]
      Winged BeansPsophocarpus tetragonolobus
      Leguminous plantRich in protein, fiber, and vitaminsGood source of essential nutrients, supports digestion, and may help regulate blood sugar[60]
      YaconSmallanthus sonchifoliusTuber of the yacon plantContains fructooligosaccharides (FOS) and antioxidantsSupports gut health, may aid in weight management, and improve blood sugar control[61]

      Table 1. 

      Health benefits of consuming underutilized crops.

    • BenefitDescriptionRef.
      Enhanced biodiversityPromotes agricultural diversity, preserving unique genetic resources[87]
      Nutritional diversityOffers a rich source of diverse nutrients for a balanced diet[70]
      Resilience to climate changeBetter adaptation to adverse weather, pests, and diseases[88]
      Economic opportunitiesAccess to niche markets, potentially higher prices for specialty crops[89]
      Soil health improvementBalances soil nutrient levels, breaking up soil compaction, suppressing weeds, fixing nitrogen, and improving soil tilth[90]
      Cultural significancePreserves traditional farming practices and local heritage[91]
      Reduced input costsLower requirements for fertilizers and pesticides[92,93]
      SustainabilityContributes to sustainable farming systems and ecological balance[94]
      Risk diversificationReduces economic risk by not relying on a single crop type[95]
      Market demand for noveltyMeets consumer demand for new and unique food products[96]
      Water efficiencySome underutilized crops require less water, beneficial in areas with water scarcity[97]
      Pest and disease resistanceNatural resistance to certain pests and diseases, reducing the need for pest control measures[98,99]
      Adaptability to marginal landsSuitable for growth in less fertile or challenging terrains, utilizing otherwise unproductive land[100]
      Local food securityContributes to local and regional food security by offering alternative food sources[101]
      Empowerment of smallholdersSmall-scale farmers can benefit from growing unique crops that are not viable for large-scale commercial farming[102,103]
      Improved community engagementCultivating traditional or local crops can strengthen community ties and knowledge sharing[104,105]
      Agro-tourism potentialUnique crops can attract tourists, offering additional income through farm visits and local markets[106]
      Heritage conservationHelps in preserving heirloom varieties and traditional farming methods, enriching cultural heritage[107]
      Alternative income sourcesOpportunities to sell crop by-products or engage in value-added processing[89]
      Learning and InnovationEncourages farmers to learn new agricultural techniques and innovate in crop management[108]

      Table 2. 

      Analysis of benefits to farmers from cultivation of underutilized crop species.