Figures (2)  Tables (1)
    • Figure 1. 

      Effects of night shifts on healthcare workers.

    • Figure 2. 

      Effects of chronic stress on health.

    • Reference Population Results
      Phillips et al.[34] 182 nurses Caffeine use was high with 92% of nurses in Korea, 90.8% in Italy and 88.1% in the US.
      Okechukwu et al.[37] 22 nurses CaffEQ score was 2.69 on a scale of 1−5.
      Higbee et al.[38] 476 nurses Energy drinks consumption 107 subjects (22.5%), caffeine only consumers 299 (62.8%), non-caffeine consumers 70 subjects (14.7%).
      Mattioli & Sabatini[41] 500 undergraduate
      medical school students
      24% students reported that an increase frequency and quantity of energy drinks consumption.
      Higbee et al.[36] 272 nursing students Nursing students who consumed energy drinks reported poorer sleep quality, fewer sleep hours, and higher levels of perceived stress than caffeine-only consumers and non-caffeine consumers.

      Table 1. 

      Perspective and cohort studies on caffeine consumption in healthcare personnel and nursing students.