Figures (5)  Tables (3)
    • Figure 1. 

      Map of soil sample collection areas.

    • Figure 2. 

      Effect of rhizobacteria isolates on GR-24 induced S. hermonthica germination in filter paper assay. Values are means of combined data of three replicates each. Means followed by the same letter are not statistically different at p ≤ 0.05 according to the Tukey-test.

    • Figure 3. 

      Glass fiber filter paper based S. hermonthica germination assay.

    • Figure 4. 

      Effects of rhizobacterial isolates on S. hermonthica seed germination in the presence of susceptible host plant.Values are means of combined data of three replicates each. Means followed by the same letter are not statistically different at p ≤ 0.05 according to the Tukey-test.

    • Figure 5. 

      Striga seed germination using agar gel assay.

    • CodeNameSourceCharacterSelection criteria
      G1ETSL101847TigrayLocal land raceLand race and widely used
      G2ETWS 90754AmharaWild typeWild type
      G3ETWS 91242BeneshangulWild typeWild type
      G4FramidaPurdue UniversityStriga resistanceStriga resistant and widely used
      G5ETSL100046Land raceLGSLand race and LGS
      G6ETSL101853Land raceHGSLand race, widely used and HGS
      G7MisikirMI_Drought_ScoreDrought tolerantDrought tolerant
      G8S35ICRISATStay greenStay green or Drought tolerant
      G9Shanqui redChinaStriga susceptible varietyHGS and Striga susceptible variety
      G10SR5-RibkaIBCStriga resistant and fusarium compatibilityStriga resistant and fusarium compatibility
      G11SRN39Purdue UniversityStriga resistanceStriga resistant and widely used
      G12TeshaleICRISATBest released susceptible varietiesWidely used
      LGS = low germination stimulant; HGS = high germination stimulant, G = genotype.

      Table 1. 

      Sorghum genotype selection for greenhouse planting and isolation of bacteria.

    • Isolates Morphological characterization
      PigmentShapeSizeElevationMarginGram staining
      + = Positive for a given test, – = Negative for a given test under consideration.

      Table 2. 

      Morphological characterization and identification of the most effective rhizobacteria isolates.

    • IsolatesBiochemical tests
      GlucoseFructoseSucroseCatalaseMethyl redTentative identification
      E19G6a++++Pseudomonas sp.
      E19G9++Pseudomonas sp.
      E19G6b+++Bacillus sp.
      E19G10+++Klebsiella sp.
      E19B++++Pseudomonas sp.
      E19G12+++Bacillus sp.
      E29G2a++Entrobacter sp.
      E29G7++++Pseudomonas sp.
      – = no sugar utilization, catalase and methyl red negative, + = sugar utilization, catalase and methyl red positive.

      Table 3. 

      Biochemical characterization of the most effective rhizobacteria isolates.