Figure 1.
Map of the experimental site.
Figure 2.
Changes in microbial populations with time during composting.
Figure 3.
Changes in temperature and pH with time during composting.
Figure 4.
Variation in moisture, carbon content, and C: N ratio with time during composting.
Figure 5.
Changes in total nitrogen and electrical conductivity with time during composting.
Figure 6.
Changes in concentration of mineral elements during the composting period.
Compost + soil combinations Plant height (cm) Number of leaves 100% compost 66.04 ± 0.57a 22 ± 0.57b 75% compost + 25% soil 60.96 ± 0.57b 21 ± 0.57b 50% compost + 50% soil 58.42 ± 0.57b 18 ± 0.57c 100% soil 50.80 ± 0.57c 15 ± 0.57d Values are mean of three replicates ± SEM. Means with different superscripts within the column are significantly different at the 0.05 level. Table 1.
Effect of different combinations of compost and soil on the growth of Amaranthus amaranthus.
Physicochemical parameters Bacterial count
(× 106 cfu/mL)Fungal count
(× 106 cfu/mL)Plant height (cm) Number of leaves Temperature –0.132 0.453 0.604* 0.776** pH –0.474 –0.790** –0.874** –0.853** Moisture 0.426 0.836** 0.872** 0.890** Carbon 0.393 0.798** 0.934** 0.957** Nitrogen 0.137 0.447 0.806** 0.830** C/N-ratio 0.448 0.873** 0.858** 0.898** Electrical conductivity –0.575* –0.912** –0.871** –0.874** Cobolt 0.383 0.776** 0.934** 0.973** Copper –0.340 –0.791** –0.732** –0.810** Phosphorus –0.587 –0.878** –0.890** –0.904** Potassium –0.468 –0.854** –0.883** –0.897** Lead –0.504 –0.865** –0.886** –0.878** Chromium 0.345 0.768** 0.941** 0.990** ** Correlation is significant at the 0.01 level (2-tailed). * Correlation is significant at the 0.05 level (2-tailed). Table 2.
Relationship between the microbial count, plant height, number of leaves and the physicochemical parameters.