Figures (4)  Tables (1)
    • Figure 1. 

      Simulated (lines) and measured (data points) values of dry matter of (a) early- and (b) late-maturity cultivars.

    • Figure 2. 

      Simulated (lines) and measured values (data points) of leaf area index (LAI) of (a) early- and (b) late-maturity cultivars.

    • Figure 3. 

      (a) Simulated vs measured grain yield, (b) dry matter and (c) maximum LAI of common bean in different treatments (2020 and 2021 field experiments). Continuous line : 1 to 1 line.

    • Figure 4. 

      Comparison of simulated (lines) and observed (data points) soil moisture content at the top soil layer (0–20 cm) in two growing seasons: (a) 2020 and (b) 2021.

    • ParameterUnitsParameter descriptionLate-maturity
      Cardinal temperatures for thermal time calculation°CBase temperature7.57.5
      Optimum temperature3030
      Maximum temperature4040
      Shoot_rateDegree-days/mmThermal time required per mm elongation by young shoot before emergence0.60.56
      node_app_rateDegree-daysThermal time required for node appearance on main stem10092
      Leaves_per_nodelf/nodeNo. of leaves per plant per main stem node22
      Extinction_coefExtinction coefficient (at default row spacing)0.400.40
      Rueg/MJRadiation-use efficiency0.940.94
      frac_leaf_pre_flowerFraction allocated to leaves pre-flowering0.550.60
      frac_leaf_grain_fillFraction allocated to leaves in grain fill0.300.35
      frac_stem2 podFraction allocated to pod before grain fill0.460.49
      frac_pod2 grainFraction allocated to pod relative to grain during grain fill0.280.28
      n_conc_critg/gCritical nitrogen concentration of grain0.0450.045
      Specific_root_lengthmm/gSpecific root length6500065000
      Trans_eff_coefPaTranspiration efficiency coefficient0.00550.0055

      Table 1. 

      Cultivar-specific parameters for a early- and late-maturity common bean cultivars.