Figures (0)  Tables (3)
    • Score Implication
      95−100 Exceptional
      90−94 Very good
      85−89 Good
      80−84 Fair
      Less than 80 Poor

      Table 1. 

      Coffee rating interpretation.

    • Variable Mean Minimum Maximum SD
      Price (USD${\$} $) 23.629 4.65 206 16.375
      Size (ounce) 10.773 2.00 8.818 2.869
      Acidity 84.85 60.00 10.00 0.566
      Aroma 88.21 70.00 10.00 0.440
      Body 85.95 60.00 10.00 0.516
      Flavor 89.53 70.00 90.00 0.368
      Aftertaste score 80.83 60.00 90.00 0.494
      Variable N (%)
      Dark 4 (0.25)
      Medium 205 (12.80)
      Light 203 (12.68)
      Medium-dark 25 (1.56)
      Medium-light 1,164 (72.70)
      Coffee origin
      Africa 552 (34.48%)
      Asia 98 (6.12%)
      Central America 356 (22.24%)
      South America 299 (18.68%)
      Mixed 126 (7.87%)
      Other 170 (10.62%)
      N, number of observation (frequencies) for the categorical variable; SD, standard deviation.

      Table 2. 

      Summary statistics.

    • Model 1 Model 2 (log-log model) Model 3 interaction terms
      Variable Coefficients Coefficients Coefficients
      Intercept −105.463*** (15.635) −6.493*** (0.772) −4.843*** (0.862)
      Size −0.816*** (0.271) −0.126*** (0.048) −0.108** (0.047)
      Light roast −12.457** (5.454) −0.223 (0.200) −1.055 (1.679)
      Medium roast −12.053** (5.329) −0.284 (0.199) −1.933 (1.822)
      Medium-dark roast −7.402 (5.738) −0.219 (0.231) 7.047** (2.869)
      Medium-light roast −12.710** (5.336) −0.257 (0.199) −3.241** (1.395)
      Aroma 2.072* (1.108) 0.682*** (0.262) 3.041*** (0.328)
      Acidity 1.029 (0.999) 0.667*** (0.177) 1.229*** (0.303)
      Body 2.867*** (0.635) 0.828*** (0.155) −3.267*** (0.312)
      Flavor 5.892*** (1.769) 1.260*** (0.366) 1.635*** (0.457)
      Aftertaste 5.338*** (1.083) 1.214*** (0.215) 1.251*** (0.253)
      Continent Asia 1.090 (1.560) 0.103** (0.042) 0.115*** (0.042)
      Continent Central America 5.380*** (1.367) 0.150*** (0.030) 0.154*** (0.030)
      Continent mixed 1.024 (1.463) 0.048 (0.039) 0.037 (0.036)
      Continent other 10.839*** (2.045) 0.429*** (0.047) 0.439*** (0.047)
      Continent South America 2.509** (1.152) 0.111*** (0.026) 0.115*** (0.026)
      Light roast* aroma −3.652*** (0.884)
      Medium roast* aroma −1.978** (0.777)
      Medium-dark* aroma −5.219*** (1.683)
      Medium-light* aroma −2.231*** (0.412)
      Light roast* acid −0.894* (0.516)
      Medium roast* acid 0.163 (0.678)
      Medium-dark* acid 2.617 (1.696)
      Medium-light* acid −0.592 (0.366)
      Light roast* body 3.660*** (0.483)
      Medium roast* body 4.106*** (1.491)
      Medium-dark* body 8.076*** (1.491)
      Medium-light* body 4.177*** (0.334)
      Light roast* flavor 0.969 (1.149)
      Medium* flavor −1.360 (1.030)
      Medium-dark* flavor −6.799*** (2.477)
      Light roast* aftertaste 0.286 (0.606)
      Medium roast* aftertaste −0.162 (0.648)
      Medium-dark* aftertaste −2.050* (1.053)
      R-squared 0.195 0.295 0.314
      Adj R-qquared 0.186 0.288 0.298
      Residual standard error 15.176 0.371 0.368
      ***, ** and * denote significance at the 1%, 5% and 10% levels, respectively. The values in parentheses are standard errors.

      Table 3. 

      Estimated parameters of the linear regression models.