Figures (0)  Tables (5)
    • Season Months
      Oct Nov Dec Jan
      2022/23 Mean minimum temperature 26.6 26.1 24.4 19.8
      Mean maximum temperature 39.9 37.4 31.9 28.1
      Total rainfall 9.6 164 75 161
      Source: Lupane State University weather station.

      Table 1. 

      Rainfall (mm) and temperature (°C) data during the study period season (2022/23) at Lupane State University.

    • Source of variation DF Basal Acquired
      Mean squares Mean squares
      Set 1
      Temperature (T) 1 3,987.4*** 11,556.2***
      Genotype (G) 49 586.7*** 30.9***
      G × T 49 282.2*** 49.8***
      Error 1,400 119.2 6.5
      Set 2
      Temperature (T) 1 13,700.5*** 5,441.1***
      Genotype (G) 49 50.6*** 139.9***
      G × T 49 32.5*** 95.0***
      Error 1,400 6.7 16
      DF = degrees of freedom, *** significant at < 0.001.

      Table 2. 

      Analysis of Variance for basal and acquired thermotolerance in diverse tropical sorghum accessions done in two sets.

    • Treatments Basal thermotolerance Acquired thermotolerance
      Set 1 Set 2 Set 1 Set 2
      Heat shocked 20.54b 12.91b 3.40b 3.45b
      Non-heat shocked 23.80a 18.96a 8.96a 7.26a
      LSD (5%) 1.11 0.26 0.26 0.41
      Non heat shock for acquired thermotolerance means genotypes were acclimatized through incremental temperature increase. Means with similar superscripted letters in the same column were significantly different at (p < 0.05) measured as coleoptile length in millimeters.

      Table 3. 

      Mean comparison of coleoptile changes for heat treatments of sorghum emergents indicating basal and thermotolerance in two sets of each experiment.

    • Set 1 Set 2
      Genotype Heat shocked Non-heat shocked Genotype Heat shocked Non heat shocked
      Top 10 Top 10
      NPGRC1695 30.80abcdef 36.06ab NPGRC1704 16.72g-x 22.5ab
      IS24426 30.56abcdefg 28.86abcdefg IS9567 16.57h-z 22.13abc
      NPGRC1478 29.24bcdefgh 33.28abcd IS24426 16.22i>-z 18.48b-n
      NPGRC1592 22.77bcdefghi 27.67bcdefghi NPGRC1222 15.03l-D 18.31c-n
      NPGRC3087 22.95bcdefghi 26.33bcdefghi NPGRC175*9 14.86m-D 18.22c-o
      "MACIA" 19.11bcdefghi 26.20bcdefghi NPGRC1628 14.2Oo-D 19.32b-j
      NPGRC1868 22.80bcdefghi 24.91bcdefghi NPGRC1197 14.08o-D 18.45b-n
      IS2867 20.81bcdefghi 24.75bcdefghi NPGRC1868 14.07o-D 21.0a-f
      IS26191 13.47fghi 24.67bcdfghi NPGRC1178 14.07o-D 20.24a-i
      NPGRC1704 24.57bcdefghi 25.31bcdefghi NPGRC1782 13.98p-D 14.66n-D
      Bottom 5 Bottom 5
      IS9548 14.52fghi 18.34cdefghi IS12391 11.56D 17.97c-q
      IS9303 14.11fghi 19.09bcdefghi NPGRC3087 11.33D 18.63b-n
      IS6944 13.01ghi 18.81bcdefghi NPGRC3127 11.20D 15.94j-C
      IS30164 10.92hi 17.97cdefghi NPGRC3092 11.13D 19.02b-m
      NPGRC3127 9.65i 20.42bcdefghi SV4 11.0D 18.66b-m
      Overall mean 22.17 15.94
      LSD 7.82 1.85
      Means with similar superscripted letter(s) in the same column were significantly different at p < 0.05. Genotypes appeared in the top performers or at least performers common in both sets and genotypes in bold mantained superiority in both sets.

      Table 4. 

      Mean comparison of coleoptile changes for 50 sorghum genotypes indicating seedlings basal thermotolerance in two sets.

    • Set 1 Set 2
      Genotype Acclimatized Non- acclimatized Genotype Acclimatized Non -acclimatized
      Top 10
      IS13837 13.56a 1.88B-D NPGRC3124 22.32a 4.64d-j
      NPGRC1704 12.5ab 3.24s-D IS12391 18.2ab 7.18c-j
      NPGRC1619 12.09a-c 1.63CD IS29925 18.18ab 2.98g-j
      IS9567 11.99a-d 2.8v-D IS24272 13.30bc 2.32g-j
      NPGRC1699 11.65a-d 2.9t-D NPGRC3093 10.72cd 4.12e-j
      NPGRC1476 11.48a-d 2.75w-D NPGRC1197 10.11c-f 2.25g-j
      NPGRC3093 11.24a-e 1.94B-D NPGRC1868 10.02c-f 3.31g-j
      IS24272 11.21a-e 2.64y-D NPGRC1478 8.71c-g 2.76g-j
      NPGRC3195 11.13a-e 4.42o-D NPGRC1782 8.48c-h 5.8d-j
      IS9548 11.12a-e 3.40s-D IS30164 8.42c-i 4.98d-j
      Bottom five
      NPGRC3105 6.69g-y 1.74CD NPGRC3195 4.22e-j 4.55d-j
      IS13813 6.43i-z 5.07m-C NPGRC1862 3.78e-j 2.86g-j
      NPGRC3127 5.94k-B 3.51s-D NPGRC3105 3.6f-j 1.55j
      NPGRC1593 5.08m-C 2.89t-D IS9548 2.67g-j 3.15g-j
      NPGRC1782 4.66n-D 3.41s-D IS6944 2.45g-j 3.8e-j
      Overall mean 6.18 5.35
      LSD 1.83 2.87
      Means with similar superscripted letters in the same column were significantly different at p < 0.05 and genotypes in bold represent top performers in both sets.

      Table 5. 

      Mean comparison of seedlings coleoptile length changes for 50 sorghum genotypes acquired thermotolerance.