Figure 1.
Fruit shape in longitudinal section and normal shoots. (a) Flat (Plot 14). (b) Round-flat (Plot 50). (c) Round (Plot 51). (d) Round-long (Plot 17).
Figure 2.
Citrus on tomato fruit. (a) Without citrus (Plot 65). (b) Citrus (Plot 72).
Figure 3.
Pipe fruit color of tomato collection. (a) Red (Plot 66). (b) Pink (Plot 68). (c) Yellow (Plot 27).
Figure 4.
Tree diagram based on 26 morphological traits for 50 tomato genotypes.
Figure 5.
Plant and fruit shapes of ten potential tomatoes selected at Plant Resouces Center 2023 crop. (a), (b) Caracolli (Plot 4). (c), (d) CLN 2026E (Plot 20). (e), (f) Mini yellow (Plot 27). (g), (h) CL32 (Plot 31). (i), (j) CL38 (Plot 32). (k), (l) Ca chua Thai Lan 1 (Plot 68). (m), (n) CLN 2413R (Plot 45). (o), (p) Ca chua (Plot 47). (q), (r) CLN 1466M (Plot 66). (s), (t) CL1351 B (Plot 69).
No. Name of accessions Genebank code Plot number No. Name of accessions Genebank code Plot number 1 Ca chua Ba Lan 3730 1 26 Ca chua 13507 38 2 Ba Lan 5682 3 27 Ca chua mui 13692 41 3 Caracolli 5684 4 28 Ca chua 13698 42 4 CL 5915 - 223 D4 -2-1-0 dang 1 5698 7 29 CLN 2714J 13699 43 5 CLN 475 BC 1F2 265-9-0 dang 1 5718 11 30 CLN 2413R 15424 45 6 FMTT 277 dang 1 5723 12 31 CLN 2418A 15425 46 7 FMTT 572 dang 1 5725 13 32 Ca chua 15430 47 8 FMTT 589 dang 1 5726 14 33 Ca chua VT3 15440 48 9 Hong lan 5736 15 34 CL35 16416 49 10 Xivia 5740 16 35 Ca chua 16419 50 11 Ca chua 5744 17 36 HT160 16423 51 12 Ca chua Hong Lan 5748 18 37 CLN 2237B 21925 53 13 Ca chua ta dang 1 6888 19 38 11Ca07 T22618 54 14 CLN 2026E 7466 20 39 13Ca01 T22630 55 15 Ca chua leng 7469 21 40 13Ca02 T22631 56 16 CL 1351 D 7508 23 41 Carioca 5686 59 17 Mini yellow 7518 27 42 CLN 1621-235-2-0 5711 61 18 CL8 7519 28 43 Ca chua 5745 64 19 CL18 7524 29 44 CLN 1621F 7467 65 20 CL32 7526 31 45 CLN 1466M 7672 66 21 CL38 7527 32 46 Ca chua Thai Lan 1 13510 68 22 Hooc mon 7671 33 47 CL1351 B 13691 69 23 CLN2026D (sure check) 8438 34 48 PLATENSE UCO-102N+VMT 15427 71 24 Kiem lung pieu 9550 36 49 Ca chua 15429 72 25 Ca chua 13504 37 50 CLN 2714H 15431 73 Table 1.
List of the tomato collection evaluated in 2023.
Characteristics Statistical variations Levels (d) No. of accessions Percentage Accessions Planting to flowering (d) Min = 38 < 45 27 54% Plot 7, 20, 34, 41, 61... Max = 58 45–50 13 26% Plot 15, 17, 27, 42, 49, 66... Mean = 46 > 50 10 20% Plot 13,14,16, 68... SD = 5 CV (%) = 12 Planting to the first fruit harvesting (d) Min = 90 < 100 32 64% Plot 04, 20, 32, 31, 49,51, 56, 66... Max = 104 ≥ 100 18 36% Plot 16, 68, 69... Mean = 100 SD = 4 CV (%) = 4 Time for fruit harvesting (d) Min = 8 < 10 6 12% Plot 11, 15, 33 ,43, 46, 48... Max = 32 18–25 43 86% Plot 04, 20, 32, 49, 51, 56, 68, 69... Mean = 19 > 30 1 2% Plot 42 SD = 5 CV (%) = 25 Maturing (d) Min = 142 < 150 37 74% Plot 4, 20, 31, 32, 47, 66... Max = 156 ≥ 150 13 26% Plot 27, 45, 68, 69... Mean = 148 SD = 5 CV (%) = 3 Growth habit Determinate 12 24% Plot 20... Semi-determinate 22 44% Plot 4, 31, 32, 45, 47, 66, 69... Indeterminate 16 32% Plot 27, 68... Table 2.
Characteristics growing and development of 50 tomato accessions evaluated in spring–summer crop 2023 at An Khanh, Hoai Duc, Ha Noi, Vietnam.
Characteristics Levels No. of accessions Percentages Accessions Fruit shape in longitudinal section Flatted 26 13% Plot 14, 15, 66, 69... Flattened-round 36 18% Plot 1, 13, 32, 45, 46, 50, 73... Round 28 14% Plot 4, 49, 51, 56, 68... Round-long 10 5% Plot 17, 20, 31, 36, 47... Cross section of fruit Round 43 86% Plot 4, 27, 47, 66... Irregular 7 14% Plot 21, 41, 61, 64... Ripe fruit color Red 46 92% Plot 4, 20, 31, 32, 40, 45, 47, 66... Pink 2 4% Plot 56, 68 Yellow 2 4% Plot 27, 42 Interior flesh color Yellow 2 4% Plot 27, 42 Red 48 96% Plot 4, 20, 31, 32, 40, 45, 47, 66, 68... Fruit firmness Soft 21 42% Plot 27, 50, 59, 48 Medium 23 46% Plot 20, 32, 49, 51, 66, 68, 69 Hard 6 12% Plot 04, 16, 31, 45, 47, 55 Fruit flesh thickness (mm) < 5 5 10% Plot 19, 27, 36, 47 ≥ 5 45 90% Plot 4, 20, 31, 32, 66, 45 Table 3.
Fruit characteristics of 50 tomato accessions evaluated in spring–summer crop 2023 at An Khanh, Hoai Duc, Ha Noi, Vietnam.
Characteristics Statistical variations Levels No. of accessions Percentage Accessions Number of fruit/plant (fruits) Min = 7 < 15 5 10% Plot 13, 14, 23, 71 Max = 234 15–30 19 38% Plot 32, 45, 66, 72... Mean = 46 > 30 25 50% Plot 4, 27, 31, 47, 68... SD = 39 CV (%) = 86 Fruit weight (g) Min = 9 < 50 14 28% Plot 17, 27, 33, 36, 47 Max = 183 50–100 19 38 Plot 18, 29, 34, 46, 56 Mean = 81 > 100 g 17 34% Plot 4, 11, 32, 45, 66 SD = 45 CV (%) = 56 Plant yield (kg) Min = 1.1 ≤ 2.5 32 64% Plot 31, 42, 47, 66, 68... Max = 4.3 > 2.5 18 36% Plot 1,4, 32, 49, 69 Mean = 2.45 SD = 0.8 CV (%) = 33 Actual yield (tons/ha) Min = 16.5 ≤ 30 24 48% Plot 27, 22, 42, 47, 65 Max = 52.6 > 30 26 52% Plot 20, 28, 32, 66, 69 Mean = 32.3 SD = 9.5 CV (%) = 29 Table 4.
Factors constituting productivity and productivity of 50 tomato accessions evaluated in spring–summer crop 2023 at An Khanh, Hoai Duc, Ha Noi, Vietnam.
No. Name of accession GC M
(d)GH CF FFC FF Brix
(ton/ha)1 Caracolli 5684 146 98 84 21 Semi-determinate Red Red Hard 4.8 3.4 47.9 2 CLN 2026E 7466 146 98 81 21 Determinate Red Red Medium 5.5 2.6 40.9 3 Mini yellow 7518 156 103 80 17 Indeterminate Yellow Yellow Soft 5.2 1.8 24.5 4 CL32 7526 146 98 85 21 Semi-determinate Red Red Hard 6.8 2.5 17.9 5 CL38 7527 146 98 78 21 Semi-determinate Red Red Medium 7.3 3.9 42.5 6 Ca chua Thai Lan 1 13510 156 103 86 17 Indeterminate Pink Red Medium 7.9 2.7 41.2 7 CLN 2413R 15424 156 103 78 17 Semi-determinate Red Red Hard 7.4 1.6 20.4 8 Ca chua 15430 146 98 91 21 Semi-determinate Red Red Hard 7.4 2.2 22.5 9 CLN 1466M 7672 146 89 78 21 Semi-determinate Red Red Medium 7.1 2.0 31.8 10 CL1351 B 13691 156 103 75 17 Semi-determinate Red Red Medium 7.2 2.9 39.4 GC: Genebank code; M: Maturing; PFH: Planting to the first harvesting; FR: Fruiting rate; TH: Time for harvesting; GH: Growing habit; CF: Color Fruit; FFC: Fresh fruit color; FF: Fruit firmness; WF: Weight of fruit/plant; FY: Fruit yield. Table 5.
Characteristics of ten tomato accessions protential 2023.
Indicator Statistical parameters Level of expression Accessions Expression Quantity (accession) Rate (%) Late blight Not infected 38 76 Plot 4, 20, 47, 66 Less than 20% of leaf and stem area infected 12 24 Plot 3, 11, 14, 28 From 20%–50% of the leaf and stem area is infected 0 0 From 51%–75% of leaf and stem area infected 0 0 From 76%–100% of leaf and stem area infected 0 0 Yellow leaf curl virus disease (% of infected plants) Max = 27.5 0% 19 38 Plot 20, 47, 69 Min = 0 1%–15% 23 46 Plot 4, 32, 45 TB = 6.5 >15% 8 16 Plot 1, 16, 31, 43 CV% = 110 Bacterial wilt
(% of plants infected)Max = 27.5 0% 36 72 Plot 1, 16, 20, 42 Min = 0 1%–15% 12 24 Plot 28, 46, 61 TB = 2.4 >15% 2 4 Plot 28, 59 CV% = 213 Fruit borer
(% damaged fruit)Max = 9 0% 26 52 Plot 4, 16, 20, 31 Min = 0 1%–9% 24 48 Plot 23, 64, 73 TB = 1.6 CV% = 132.3 Table 6.
Resistance to some major diseases on tomato varieties.