Figures (0)  Tables (2)
    • I. Physical (raw) quality attributes for washed coffee (40%)
      Shape (15%) Very good = 15, good = 12, fairly good = 10, average = 8, mixed = 6, and small = 4.
      Color (15%) Bluish = 5, grayish = 4, greenish = 3, coated = 2, faded = 1, and white = 0.
      Odor (10%) Clean = 10, fair clean = 8, trace = 6, light = 4, moderate = 2, and strong = 0.
      II. Physical (raw) quality attributes for unwashed coffee (40%)
      Shape (15%) Very good = 15, good = 12, fairly good = 10, average = 8, mixed = 6, and small = 4.
      Defect count (15%) Very good = ≤ 5, good = 6−15, fairly good = 16−30, average = 31−45, fair = 46−60.
      Odor (10%) Clean = 10, fair clean = 8, trace = 6, light = 4, moderate = 2, and strong = 0.
      III. Organoleptic cup quality attributes (60%)
      Aromatic intensity (5%) 0 = nil (unacceptable), 1 = very light, 2 = light, 3 = medium, 4 = strong, and 5 = very strong.
      Aromatic quality (5%) 0 = nil (>>), 1 = bad, 2 = regular, 3 = good, 4 = very good, and 5 = excellent.
      Acidity (10%) 0 = nil (>>), 2 = very light, 4 = light, 6 = medium, 8 = strong, and 10 = very strong.
      Astringency (5%) 5 = nil (>>), 4 = very light, 3 = light, 2 = medium, 1 = strong, and 0 = very strong.
      Body (1%) 0 = nil (>>), 2 = very light, 4 = light, 6 = medium, 8 = strong, and 10 = very strong.
      Bitterness (5%) 5 = nil (>>), 4 = very light, 3 = light, 2 = medium, 1 = strong, and 0 = very strong.
      Flavor (10%) 0 = nil (>>), 2 = bad, 4 = fire, 6 = average, 8 = good, and 10 = very good.
      Overall standard (10%) 0 = nil (>>), 2 = bad, 4 = regular, 6 = good, 8 = very good, and 10 = excellent.

      Table 1. 

      Grading of coffee as evaluated by experienced cupper experts.

    • No. Compounds Flavor attributes Content Shade Altitude
      1 Caffeine (%) Strength, body and bitterness 0.6 to 1.8 Increases Increases
      2 Trigonelline (%) Aromatic perception, bitterness 0.80 to1.82 Decreases Increases
      3 Chlorogenic acids (%) Acidity, astringency and bitterness 4.0 to 8.4 Decreases Increases
      4 Sucrose content (%) Flavour precursor 7.4 to11.1 Decreases Decreases
      5 Lipids (%) Flavour carriers, texture and mouth feel 15 Increases Increases
      Source: Adapted from Cheng et al.[15].

      Table 2. 

      Shade and altitude affect biochemical compounds related to bean quality.