Figure 1.
Overall circuit structure of the proposed WPT system and circuit structure of the WPT system working in CV mode.
Figure 2.
Circuit structure and equivalent circuit of the WPT system working in CC mode. (a) Circuit structure diagram. (b) Equivalent circuit diagram.
Figure 3.
Equivalent circuit of the WPT system working in CV mode.
Figure 4.
Experimental prototype.
Figure 5.
Experimental waveforms. (a) RB = 5 Ω. (b) RB = 10 Ω. (c) RB = 30 Ω. (d) RB = 40 Ω. (e) RB = 100 Ω. (f) RB = 150 Ω.
Figure 6.
Measured IB, UB, and efficiency curve vs RB.
Parameters Value CP, CS, CR (nF) 175.4, 175.4, 175.4 LP, LS, LR, M (μH) 50, 50, 28.5, 19.2 Table 1.
Specific compensation parameters of the proposed system.