Figures (2)  Tables (3)
    • Figure 1. 

      Bi-plot principal component analysis (PCA) of volatile compounds in muscles (L. lumborum) of Nellore cattle 1-d post-irradiation (3, 6, and 9 kGy). NF = chilled (never-frozen) samples; and FT (filled in gray) = frozen (−18 °C/24 h), irradiated (or not) and thawed (4 °C/24 h) samples.

    • Figure 2. 

      Bi-plot principal component analysis (PCA) of volatile compounds in muscles (L. lumborum) of Nellore cattle 14-d post-irradiation (3, 6, and 9 kGy). NF = chilled (never-frozen) samples; and FT (filled in gray) = frozen (−18 °C/24 h), irradiated (or not) and thawed (4 °C/24 h) samples.

    • Volatile compound Non-irradiated Irradiated > Aging (d) SEM
      NF FT NFI FIT 1 14
      1-Butanol, 3-methyl 18 nd 2A 29B nd 28 7
      1-Heptanol 22 11 5 5 4 12 4
      1-Hexanol, 2-ethyl- 107 165 123 142 6A 261B 20
      1-Nonanol 118 139 35 27 nd 111 19
      1-Octanol 352A 196B 203 174 172A 248B 24
      Ethanol 27 29 10 15 10 23 4
      Butanal 11 nd 18A 4B 3A 17B 4
      Butanal, 2-methyl nd 18 nd 6 nd 9 3
      Butanal, 3-methyl nd 32 nd 12 nd 17 5
      Decanal 100A 27B 45 70 14A 104A 12
      Heptanal 145A 46B 135 137 125 127 15
      Hexanal 264A 35B 275A 208B 245A 192B 23
      Nonanal 1,821A 1236B 1,358 1,511 1,166A 1,750A 126
      Octanal 435A 246B 368 372 326 399 40
      Tetradecanal 183 147 250 223 98A 339A 20
      2-Ethylhexyl salicylate nd 8 47 15 nd 48 9
      Ethyl acetate 36 nd 25A 3B nd 30 9
      Propane, 2-methoxy-2-methyl 24A 266B 102A 320B 40A 335B 46
      Hydrocarbons (aliphatic)
      1-Dodecene 860 nd nd 5 nd 218 107
      1-Tridecene 20 nd 7 nd nd 10 3
      1-Undecene 33A 112B 235A 313B nd 447 77
      Heptane nd 12 8A 18B 1A 21B 1
      Hexane 218A 687B 453 452 192A 712B 93
      Hexane, 2,2,5-trimethyl nd 7 nd 5 nd 5 2
      Nonane 9 nd 4 1 nd 6 2
      Octane 135A 92B 101 89 31A 169B 15
      Pentane, 2,3,4-trimethyl nd 11 nd 5 nd 7 2
      Pentane, 3-methyl 18A 162B 82 112 16A 174B 26
      Hydrocarbons (alicyclic)
      Cyclopentane, methyl 19A 264B 186 194 29A 327B 46
      Hydrocarbons (aromatic)
      Benzene nd nd 19 4 4 13 3
      Benzene, 1,3-bis(1,1-dimethylethyl) nd nd 149A 19B nd 126 22
      Benzene, methyl (Toluene) 72A 752B 726A 664B 122A 1127B 137
      2-Butanone, 3-hydroxy (Acetoin) 247A 184B 23A 322B 105A 262B 69
      2-Dodecanone nd nd 15 17 nd 24 7
      2-Heptanone 99 nd 11 12 nd 42 13
      2-Propanone 60 35 40 34 44 35 4
      Sulfur compounds
      Sulfide, dimethyl 39 38 96 54 48 84 10
      Σ Alcohols 644 540 378 393 192 682 47
      Σ Aldehydes 2,959 1,786 2,450 2,543 1,977 2,954 204
      Σ Esters 36 8 72 18 nd 78 14
      Σ Ethers 24 266 200 204 40 335 46
      Σ Hydrocarbons 1,383 2,098 1,970 1,882 396 3,363 304
      Σ Ketones 407 219 89 386 150 364 73
      Σ Sulfur compounds 39 38 96 54 48 84 10
      Total 5,491 4,956 5,255 5,481 2,803 7,861 455
      Treatments (from four animal pooled samples): NF = chilled (never-frozen) samples; FT = frozen (−18 °C/24 h) and thawed (4 °C/24 h) samples; NFI = never-frozen irradiated (3, 6 and 9 kGy) samples; FIT = frozen (−18 °C/24 h), irradiated (3, 6, and 9 kGy) and thawed (4 °C/24 h) samples; SEM = standard error of the mean (n = 12). Uppercase letters A and B represent followed by different letters in each row, corresponding to different groups (non-irradiated, irradiated, and aging), differ (p < 0.05) by F test.

      Table 1. 

      Average values (total ion count ×104) of volatile compounds identified in irradiated (up to 9 kGy) and non-irradiated Nellore cattle muscles (L. lumborum) regard aging and freezing treatments.

    • Volatile compound Non-irradiated Irradiated SEM
      1-Heptanol nd nd nd 10 3
      1-Hexanol, 2-ethyl- 7a nd nd 14b 5
      1-Octanol 179 189 178 159 26
      Ethanol 32a 18ab 6b 4b 5
      Butanal nd nd 7 nd 2
      Decanal nd nd 11 27 6
      Heptanal 90b 26b 159a 136a 22
      Hexanal 172b 63c 294a 281a 30
      Nonanal 1,029ab 940b 1,221a 1,232a 150
      Octanal 253b 218b 367a 346a 50
      Tetradecanal 59b 48b 115a 111a 9
      Propane, 2-methoxy-2-methyl 49b 82a 48b 15c 9
      Hydrocarbons (aliphatic)
      Heptane nd nd 3 nd 1
      Hexane 436a 362a 152b 96b 38
      Octane 22 23 38 29 3
      Pentane, 3-methyl 35 44 10 8 4
      Hydrocarbons (alicyclic)
      Cyclopentane, methyl 37ab 54a 31b 15c 7
      Hydrocarbons (aromatic)
      Benzene nd nd 8 4 2
      Benzene, methyl (Toluene) 145ab 113b 168a 72b 28
      2-Butanone, 3-hydroxy (Acetoin) 468a 369b nd 2c 73
      2-Propanone 44 39 43 48 3
      Sulfur compounds
      Sulfide, dimethyl nd nd 78 49 10
      Σ Alcohols 218 208 184 187 28
      Σ Aldehydes 1,602 1,295 2,173 2,134 245
      Σ Ethers 49 82 48 15 9
      ΣHydrocarbons 674 595 409 224 69
      Σ Ketones 512 408 43 50 74
      Σ Sulfur compounds nd nd 78 49 10
      Total 3,056 2,588 2,933 2,659 319
      Treatments (from four animal pooled samples): NF = chilled (never-frozen) samples; FT = frozen (−18 °C/24 h) and thawed (4 °C/24 h) samples; NFI = never-frozen irradiated (3, 6, and 9 kGy) samples; FIT = frozen (−18 °C/24 h), irradiated (3, 6, and 9 kGy) and thawed (4 °C/24 h) samples. SEM = standard error of the mean (n = 6). Lowercase letters ac represent followed by different letters in each row differ (p < 0.05) by Tukey test.

      Table 2. 

      Average values (total ion count ×104) of volatile compounds identified in Nellore cattle muscles (L. lumborum) 1-day post-irradiation.

    • Volatile compound Non-irradiated Irradiated SEM
      1-Butanol, 3-methyl 36a nd 3b 59a 13
      1-Heptanol 44a 21ab 11b nd 7
      1-Hexanol, 2-ethyl- 207b 330a 246ab 270ab 24
      1-Nonanol 236a 278a 70b 54b 35
      1-Octanol 525a 202b 228b 190b 39
      Ethanol 21 41 15 27 8
      Butanal 22a nd 30a 8b 7
      Butanal, 2-methyl nd 36a nd 12b 5
      Butanal, 3-methyl nd 63a nd 24b 9
      Decanal 200a 55b 79b 114ab 20
      Heptanal 201a 66b 112b 138ab 22
      Hexanal 356a 7d 256b 134c 34
      Nonanal 2,614a 1,532b 1,496b 1,789b 189
      Octanal 616a 274b 369b 398b 62
      Tetradecanal 306b 246b 385a 335ab 25
      2-Ethylhexyl salicylate nd 16b 94a 29b 17
      Ethyl acetate 71a nd 50a 6b 17
      Propane, 2-methoxy-2-methyl nd 450a 352b 392ab 85
      Hydrocarbons (aliphatic)
      1-Dodecene 1,719a nd nd 10b 215
      1-Tridecene 40a nd 14b nd 6
      1-Undecene 65d 224b 470b 626a 145
      Heptane nd 24 11 36 9
      Hexane nd 1,012a 754b 808b 171
      Hexane, 2,2,5-trimethyl nd 14 nd 10 3
      Nonane 18 nd 7 3 3
      Octane 249a 160b 164b 149b 24
      Pentane, 2,3,4-trimethyl nd 21 nd 11 3
      Pentane, 3-methyl nd 280a 155a 217a 48
      Hydrocarbons (alicyclic)
      Cyclopentane, methyl nd 474a 340b 373ab 84
      Hydrocarbons (aromatic)
      Benzene nd nd 31a 4b 6
      Benzene, 1,3-bis(1,1-dimethylethyl) nd nd 299a 38b 41
      Benzene, methyl (Toluene) nd 1,391a 1,284a 1,256a 243
      2-Butanone, 3-hydroxy (Acetoin) 27b nd 47b 643a 117
      2-Dodecanone nd nd 30 35 14
      2-Heptanone 198 nd 22 25 26
      2-Propanone 77a 31b 37b 21b 7
      Sulfur compounds
      Sulfide, dimethyl 78b 77b 115a 59b 16
      Σ Alcohols 1,069 872 572 599 66
      Σ Aldehydes 4,315 2,278 2,727 2,953 306
      Σ Esters 71 16 144 36 26
      Σ Ethers nd 450 352 392 85
      Σ Hydrocarbons 2,091 3,600 3,530 3,541 478
      Σ Ketones 302 31 135 723 126
      Σ Sulfur compounds 78 77 115 59 16
      Total 7,927 7,324 7,575 8,302 572
      Treatments (from four animal pooled samples): NF = chilled (never-frozen) samples; FT = frozen (−18 °C/24 h) and thawed (4 °C/24 h) samples; NFI = never-frozen irradiated (3, 6, and 9 kGy) samples; FIT = frozen (−18 °C/24 h), irradiated (3, 6, and 9 kGy) and thawed (4 °C/24 h) samples. SEM = standard error of the mean (n = 6). Lowercase letters ad represent followed by different letters in each row differ (p < 0.05) by Tukey test.

      Table 3. 

      Average values (total ion count ×104) of volatile compounds identified in Nellore cattle muscles (L. lumborum) 14-d post-irradiation.