Figures (4)  Tables (1)
    • Figure 1. 

      The conceptual framework (climate change and SDG-12).

    • Figure 2. 

      Climate change and sustainable crop production and consumption (SDG-12).

    • Figure 3. 

      Climate change and sustainable production.

    • Figure 4. 

      Climate change and sustainable consumption.

    • Themes Sub-themes Coding Informants
      i Less rainfall and reducing crop
      production stability
      Variability of temperatures and less precipitation Year-round variations in temperature and precipitation, decreased and delayed rainfall significantly. R1, R2, R3
      Decreases farmers' cost of agricultural output Extreme heat, drought catastrophically impair our farming system. R4, R5, R6
      ii Less rainfall and crop cultivation Less rainfall, leading to reduced crop yields Less rainfall leads to reduced crop yields and affects peoples' livelihoods as well as impacts on the national economy. R4, R5, R6
      iii Climatic factors and crop
      Producing diversified crops on
      their lands
      Climate variability affects to crop diversification.
      R7, R8, R9
      iv Climatic factors and soil fertility Less rainfall decreases the quantity
      and quality of agricultural land
      Crop diversification largely depends on soil fertility. R13, R14, R15
      v Climate change, market oscillation, financial risks, and price hikes Extreme weather leads to fluctuation
      of prices regularly
      Current state of climate change has caused financial difficulties for farmer. R16, R17, R18
      vi Climate change, less food availability Peasants harvests low-yielding crops Climate change affects the peasants to stock adequate crops. R18, R19
      vii Climate change, food stability Lack adequate nutrition Climate change affects the stability of local food supply. R19, R20

      Table 1. 

      Framework illustrating themes, and sub-themes.