Figure 1.
(a) Necrotrophic phenotype, and (b) lesion diameter of grapes after B. cinerea inoculation. Three biological replicates were performed for each group of five grapes.
Figure 2.
Contents of H2O2, superoxide anion, MDA, GSH, GSSG, and the antioxidant related enzymes activity of CAT, APX, and SOD.
Figure 3.
Expression of genes coding for key antioxidant enzymes, and genes involved in pathogen response, and phenylpropane metabolism genes in grapes.
Figure 4.
MiRNA omics analysis of grape response to B. cinerea. (a) Length and size distribution of unique sequences in sRNA libraries in grape. (b) Scatter map of miRNA differentially expressed between samples. (c) GO enrichment analysis of DEmiRNA target genes. (d) KEGG enrichment analysis of DEmiRNA target genes, (e) Relative expression level of miR395 and their target genes of grape inoculated with B. cinerea by qRT-PCR, compared to 0 h. (f) Target plot of the target cleaved by the miR395. Cleavage features in VvAPS1 mRNA by miR395 from the degradome library. (g) Sequence alignment of miR395 sequence with the complementary sequence of its target transcript.
Figure 5.
Verification of the function of vvi-miR395 in 'Shine Muscat' grape. (a) Necrotrophic phenotype and lesion diameter of grapes caused by B. cinerea after transient transformation with miR395. Three biological replicates were performed for each group of five grapes. Scale bars correspond to 10 mm. (b) Content of SO42−, and GSH in grapes after transient transformation with miR395. (c) Relative expression level of miR395 and its target gene and pathogen response-related genes in grapes after transient transformation with miR395.
Figure 6.
Verification of the function of VvAPS1 in 'Shine Muscat' grape. (a) Analysis of VvAPS1 subcellular localization in tobacco leaf. Scale bars correspond to 50 μm. (b) Necrotrophic phenotype and lesion diameter of grapes caused by B. cinerea after transient transformation with VvAPS1. Three biological replicates were performed for each group of five grapes. Scale bars correspond to 10 mm. (c) Content of SO42−, and GSH in grapes after transient transformation with VvAPS1. (d) Relative expression level of VvAPS1, sulfur metabolism-related genes, and pathogen response-related genes in grapes after transient transformation with VvAPS1.
Figure 7.
A proposed model of the miR395-APS1 module enhancing resistance to B. cinerea via the sulfur metabolism pathway in 'Shine Muscat' grapes. Red arrows indicate upregulation, and green arrows indicate downregulation.