Figures (3)  Tables (4)
    • Figure 1. 

      The biological morphology and organs of A. andraeanum.

    • Figure 2. 

      Some parent species used for anthurium breeding. The publicly accessible websites for downloading these images are listed in Supplementary Table S1.

    • Figure 3. 

      Typical spathe colors and types in anthurium. (a)−(g) Display standard-shaped spathes in various colors. (h)−(n) Present tulip-shaped spathes in different colors. (o)−(t) Feature obake (bio-colored) spathes. The cultivar names corresponding to (a)−(t) can be found in Supplementary Table S2.

    • Source Tissue Number of unigenes/miRNAs Mean length (bp) Accession number (NCBI) Ref.
      'Albama'/'Xueyu' Spathe 111,674 987 SAMN08322140−SAMN08322145 [37]
      'Albama'/anthocyanin-loss mutant Spathe 47,563 652 Not released [38]
      'Albama' Leaf 37,396 1,356 Not released [39]
      E (cold-tolerant)/MH (cold-sensitive) Leaf 132,108 648 PR-JNA973051 [40]
      'Albama' Callus 225,752 1,299 SRP152774 [41]
      'Sonate' Leaf 41,017 768 GBKP00000000 [42]
      Eight anthurium cultivars Spathe 62,013 200 SAMN34164547−SAMN34164553
      'Sasha'/'Honduras'/'Rapido' Spathe 151,652 91 Not released [44]
      'Alabama' Stem, leaf 44,382 60 E-MTAB-1955 [36]
      A. amnicola Root, spathe, leaf, spadix 19,458 No data SAMN03839010−SAMN03839021 [45]

      Table 1. 

      List of the reported transcriptomes of anthurium.

    • Species/cultivars Parent materials Origin Ref.
      'Bai xue Gongzhu' 'Pink Champion' × 'Colorado' Guangzhou Flower Research Center, China MARA
      'Zhao Xia' 'Toscane' × 'Colorado' Guangzhou Flower Research Center, China MARA
      'Xu Ri' 'Pink Champion' × 'Fiesta' Guangzhou Flower Research Center, China MARA
      'Xiao Jiao' 'Texana' × 'Sierra' Guangzhou Flower Research Center, China [77]
      'Shuang Guan' 'Pink champion' × 'Orange champion' Guangzhou Flower Research Center, China [78]
      'Xia Yan' 'Arizona' × 'Dakota' Chinese Academy of Tropical Agricultural Sciences, China [79]
      'Victory Flag' 'Tropical' × 'Choco' Chinese Academy of Tropical Agricultural Sciences, China [80]
      'Ming nong Yue hua' 'Sempre' × 'Big Beauty' Sanming Academy of Agricultural Sciences, China [75]
      'Royal champion'a 'Dakota' × 'Sierra' the Netherlands MARA
      'Cherry Red'a 'Red hot' × 'Kozohara' Hawaii, USA MARA
      'Kapoho Welo' 'Acropolis' × 'Tropic Fire' Hawaii, USA [81]
      'Red hot' 'Southern Blush' × 'Lady Jane' Hawaii, USA [27]
      'Tropic', 'Sunrise' 'Anuenue' × 'Soga Orange' Obake' Hawaii, USA [23]
      'Apapane' UH931 × 'Tropic Fire' Hawaii, USA [23]
      'I'iwi' UH931 × 'Tropic Fire' Hawaii, USA [23]
      'Lē'ahi' UH931 × 'Blushing Bride' Hawaii, USA [23]
      a Indicates that the information about this variety comes from The International Gardening Association. MARA: The Science and Technology Development Center of the Ministry of Agriculture and Rural Affairs of the People's Republic of China (

      Table 2. 

      Information of some reported intraspecific hybrids of A. andraeanum.

    • A. Andraeanum cultivars Parent materials Origin Ref.
      'Southern Blush' A. andraeanum × A. amnicola × A. andraeanum 'Lady Jane' Hawaii [2426]
      'Hokuloa' A. antioquiense × A. andraeanum 'Tatsuta' Hawaii [23]
      'Manoa mist' A. antioquiense × A. andraeanum 'Marian Seefurth' Hawaii [23]
      'Sundial' (A. amnicola × A. andraeanum) × ((A. antioquense × (A. antioquense × A. andraeanum)) ×
      A. andraeanum 'Lady Jane')
      Hawaii [23]
      'Pink Champagne' A. andraeanum 'Anuenue' × A. amnicola the Netherlands [23]
      'New Era' A494 × A. andraeanum × A. antioquiense × pink UH507 Hawaii [23]
      'Blushing Bride' (A. andraeanum (pink) × A. antioquiense) × A. andraeanum Hawaii [23]
      'Maggie Inouye' ((Uniwai × A.kamemotoanum) × A.formosum) × A. amnicola Hawaii [23]
      'Princess Aiko' A. antioquiense × A. Andraeanum 'Tatsuta' Hawaii [23]
      'Electron' Unnamed seedling × seedling 94-4:(7-2:(3-1:(A. amnicola × A. andraeanum) ×
      4-1:(A. antioquense × 1-1:(A. antioquense × A. andraeanum)))) × A. andraeanum 'Lady Jane')
      Hawaii [23]
      'Mini Gem' 'ARCS' × A. amnicola Hawaii, [23]
      'Kalapana' 'Diamond Jubilee' × 'Paradise Pink' Hawaii, [23]
      'White Lady' (('Uniwai' × A. lindenianum) × A. amnicola)) × (A. andraeanum × A. antioquiense) Hawaii, [23]
      'Hilo Moon' 'Tropic Mist' × (A. antioquiense × 'Marian Seefurth') Hawaii [23]
      'Waimea' 'Paradise Pink' × (A. antioquiense × 'Marian Seefurth') Hawaii [23]

      Table 3. 

      Information of reported interspecific hybrids of A. andraeanum.

    • Species/cultivars Explants Transformation methods Transgene Promoter Transformation results Ref.
      A. andraeanum Etiolated internodes, leaf, petiole Agrobacterium No data No data Tumors formed on etiolated internodes (32%), green leaves (2%), petiole explants (3%) [17]
      A. andraeanum, A. lindenianum, A. kamemotoanum Roots Agrobacterium nptII, att, uidA CaMV35S; NOS No data [118]
      A. andraeanum, 'Rudolph', 'UH1060' Etiolated internodes Agrobacterium nptII, att, uidA CaMV35S; NOS Western analysis confirmed the expression of attacin protein in callus induced from laminae of regenerated kanamycin resistant 'Rudolph' plantlets [119]
      A. andraeanum 'Anuenue' Roots Agrobacterium att, neo CaMV35S; NOS 1.3% [120]
      A. andraeanum, A. lindenianum, A. kamemotoanum Etiolated internodes Agrobacterium nptII, uidA CaMV35S; NO No data [123]
      A. andraeanum 'Paradise Pink', Hybrid 'Tropic Flame' Etiolated internodes Agrobacterium Shiva-1 (with PR1 secretion signal) Double CaMV35S Stable (several-year-long) insertion and expression of Shiva-1 gene in the transgenic lines by PCR, RT-PCR and ELISA [124]
      A. andraeanum 'Marian Seefurth', A. andraeanum 'Paradise Pink' Etiolated shoots or leaf Agrobacterium Gene of Modified rice cysteine protease (D86) No data No data [125]
      A. Andraeanum 'Arizona' Leaf Agrobacterium PhCHS CaMV35S; NOS No data [126]
      A. andraeanum 'Arizona'; A. andraeanum 'Atlantic' Petiole, etiolated internodes Agrobacterium Gene gun LycB CaMV35S; NOS No data [127]
      A. andraeanum 'T × P'; A. andraeanum 'Arizona' Callus Agrobacterium LycB CaMV35S; NOS 3.4% [128]
      A. Andraeanum 'Arizona' Petiole Agrobacterium AtFT, PttFT1 Double CaMV35S Eight cell lines of AtFT transformed plants and one cell line of PttFT1 transformed plantsin the transgenic lines by PCR and GFP [129]
      A. Andraeanum Red varieties Leaf, callus Agrobacterium AaAMP CaMV35S; NOS Insertion by PCR, PCR sequencing. [130]
      A. andraeanum Callus Agrobacterium CBF1 CaMV35S; NOS No data (resistant healing tissues showed the highest survival and differentiation rates of 48.65% and 11.46%) [131]
      A. andraeanum 'Pink Champion';
      A. andraeanum 'Robino Champion'
      Leaf Agrobacterium AtCBF3;
      CaMV35S; NOS AtCBF3: one transgenic plants were obtained; PaFT: 1 transgenic plants were obtained [132]
      A. andraeanum 'Pink Champion' Leaf, root, callus Agrobacterium CBF3 CaMV35S; NOS No data [133]
      A. andraeanum 'Sonate' Leaf, callus Agrobacterium DREB No data 11 transgenic plants were obtained [134]
      A. andraeanum 'Pink Champagne' Leaf Agrobacterium gfp, nptII CaMV35S; NOS Seven transgenic plants were obtained [135]
      A. andraeanum 'Arizona' Callus Agrobacterium API-A, API-B, gfp, nptII CaMV35S; NO 1.71% [136]
      A. andraeanum 'Marian Seefurth' A. andraeanum 'Midori' Emobryogenic callus Agrobacterium NPR1, nptII, NPRI, att, T4 lysozyme, Cowpeat rypsin Inhibitor genes CaMV35S; NOS Up to nine selected lines/100 mg fresh weight of callus (for T4 lysozyme) [137]
      A. Andraeanum 'Local Pink',
      A. andraeanum 'Pierrot',
      A. andraeanum 'Lydia', Sonata',
      A. andraeanum 'KAIRI2010',
      A. andraeanum 'Honduras',
      A. andraeanum 'Mirjam',
      A. andraeanum 'Tropical'
      Leaf discs to test; cultivar effects; leaf, spathe and
      spadixto test explant and developmental stage effects
      Agrobacterium Gus plus with rice glycine-Rich protein signal peptide sequence No data Transient transformation Efficiency varied with anthurium cultivars from 0% ('Tropical') up to 83 ± 1.05% ('Local Pink') before protocol's optimization.
      After optimization, it reached 100%. both in 'Local Pink' and 'KAIRI2010' (before optimatization it was
      below 5%)
      A. andraeanum 'Marian Seefurth' Lamina somatic embryos and roots Bombardment uidA Ubiquitin 2, Actin 1, Cytochrome C1 from rice
      Ubiquitin 1 from
      maize; CaMV35S
      No data [139]

      Table 4. 

      Transgenic research on anthurium.