
Physiological Characteristics and Genetic Dissection of Quality- and Yield-traits in Coconut

The coconut, a versatile tree indigenous to tropical regions, holds the distinction of being Hainan Province's provincial tree. Revered as the “Tree of Life”, it holds profound significance for local inhabitants. Various components of the coconut tree serve diverse purposes: coconut water, a premium natural beverage abundant in nutrition; coconut meat, utilized for producing coconut flakes, oil, and milk; coconut shells, employed in activated carbon production; coconut husks, transformed into coir for mattresses; and coconut trunks, used in crafting furniture and handicrafts.

Enhancing quality and yield traits has always been a pivotal goal in fruit crop breeding. However, advancements in these attributes for coconut have been comparatively limited. This special issue endeavors to delve into the nutritional composition and functional bioactive elements found in coconut water and meat. Additionally, it aims to scrutinize the physiological traits contributing to quality and yield development. Furthermore, the issue seeks to unravel the genetic foundation of these traits through omics and population genetics approaches.

This special issue predominantly centers on the following focal aspects:

●  Identification of the nutritional composition and functional bioactive compounds in coconut.

●  The dynamic changes of physiological and chemical components during the developmental process of coconut fruit.

●  Identification of the crucial genes correlated with quality and yield traits in coconut using multiple omics approaches.

●  Genetic dissection of the quality and yield traits based on GWAS and QTL mapping in coconut.

●  Web-based bioinformatics tools and software for advancing coconut breeding.

●  Coconut tissue culture.

●  The effect of abiotic stress on coconut yield.

Guest Editors


Prof. Dr. Yong Xiao, Hainan University
His research interests include Coconut Breeding, Molecular biology, Genetics.


Dr. Zhihua Mu, Hainan University
His research interests include Coconut tissue culture.


Dr. Zhuang Yang, Hainan University
His research interests include Coconut bioinformatics.


Prof. Dr. Siwaret ARIKIT, Kasetsart University
His research interests include Plant Breeding, RNA, Molecular Biology, Genetics.


Prof. Dr. Nguyen Phuong Thao, Vietnam National University
Her research interests include Cell Culture, Plant Physiology, Gene Expression, Plant Biology.

Submission Deadline

The deadline for manuscript submissions is August 31, 2024, but we can accommodate extensions on a case-by-case basis. All papers will be published as open access articles upon acceptance.

Submission Instructions

Please submit the full manuscript to Beverage Plant Research via our online submission system. Additionally, please choose a topic of this special issue when submitting, and mention it in your cover letter. For further inquiries, please contact:

Prof. Dr. Yong Xiao (
Dr. Zhihua Mu (
Dr. Zhuang Yang (
Prof. Dr. Siwaret ARIKIT (
Prof. Dr. Nguyen Phuong Thao (