Figures (7)  Tables (2)
    • Figure 1. 

      (a) Phylogenetic analysis of JAZ proteins in 11 C. sativus (Cs), 12 A. thaliana (At), 13 S. lycopersicum (Sl), 15 O. sativa (Os), 11 V. vinifera (Vv), and 12 P. trichocarpa (Pt). ClustalW multi-sequence alignment was performed and an unrooted phylogenetic neighbor-joining tree was constructed fromon JAZ protein by using MEGA X software. Genes IDs are listed in Supplemental Table S3. (b) Phylogeny, gene structure, and motif compositions of the JAZ gene family in cucumber. (c) Chromosome distribution of CsJAZ in the genome of cucumber. The chromosome numbers were demonstrated at the top of each bar and the scale is in megabases (Mb). (d) Gene duplication of CsJAZ genes on 7 chromosomes of cucumber genome. Gray lines represent all syntenic blocks in the cucumber genome. Duplicated gene pairs are identified with red lines inside the circle. Each chromosome number is represented using different colours.

    • Figure 2. 

      Prediction of cis-acting elements in CsJAZ promoters associated with plant hormones and stress are shown. The distribution of cis-acting elements in the 1.5 Kbp upstream promoter region of the CsJAZ genes associated with plant hormones, grow and stress are illustrated.

    • Figure 3. 

      Morphological changes and statistical collation in response to waterlogging and waterlogging+MeJA. (a) The response of WL and WL+MeJA after 3, 5, 7 d waterlogging treatment. (b) The survival rate of WL and WL+MeJA after 7 d of waterlogging treatment. (c) Comparison of the adventitious root (AR) number capacity of WL and WL+MeJA after 7 d of waterlogging treatment. ** p < 0.01.

    • Figure 4. 

      Expression of CsJAZ genes in response to waterlogging treatment. The different lowercase letters above the bars indicate the significance (p < 0.05) of the relative expression level between two samples. The data for quantitative RT-PCR analysis were the mean and standard deviation of three bio-duplicates in the hypocotyl and three technical duplicates in each biological sample. The Y-axis is the relative level of expression.

    • Figure 5. 

      Heatmap representation of CsJAZ genes in different tissue and post exogenous GA treatment of cucumber. The log2 transformation method was used to normalize and convert the RPKM values and displayed on the colored scale bar.

    • Figure 6. 

      Subcellular localization analysis of CsJAZ8-GFP fusion protein transiently expressed in Nicotiana tobaccum L. (a) Schematic representation of constructs used for subcellular localization of the CsJAZ8 protein. (b) The photographs were taken using green fluorescence (GFP), visible light, and merged light. Bar = 50 μm.

    • Figure 7. 

      Yeast two-hybrid analysis of Homo- and heteromeric interactions in CsJAZ proteins. The full-length CsJAZ was fused with pGADT7 and pGBKT7 to generate prey and bait vectors, respectively, and then transformed into the yeast strain AH109. The interactions were determined by growth on SD-Trp/-Leu/-His/-Ade nutritional selection medium. The mating of pGBKT7-53/pGADT7-T7 was used as a positive control, and pGBKT7-Lam/pGADT7-T7 was used as a negative control.

    • Gene nameGene identifierChrStart (bp)End (bp)ORF (aa)MW (KDa)PIGRAVY
      CsJAZ1Csa1G04292014573626457740534036 619.759.2−0.25
      CsJAZ2Csa1G4357201159959681599671715016 930.927.21−0.767
      CsJAZ3Csa1G5976901226929662269449423125 028.269.98−0.455
      CsJAZ4Csa2G2220602107117291071652033636 967.376.71−0.816
      CsJAZ5Csa3G6459403253502952535157620922 874.768.94−0.631
      CsJAZ6Csa4G00988041470022147628520022 487.176.98−0.553
      CsJAZ7Csa4G06240044986428499101312914 861.1810.42−0.425
      CsJAZ8Csa5G6286505254253072542929638139 666.799.3−0.236
      CsJAZ9Csa6G09193066249153625183118420 306.279.41−0.317
      CsJAZ10Csa6G5234606281266192812846513214 743.729.5−0.805
      CsJAZ11Csa7G4488107184084231841121429532 092.099.31−0.758

      Table 1. 

      Summary information on the CsJAZ gene family in cucumber.

    • MotifE-valueSitesWidthSequenceLogo

      Table 2. 

      Information on conserved motifs in cucumber JAZ proteins.