Figures (6)  Tables (4)
    • Figure 1. 

      Sequence analysis was used to analyse the flowering-related genes of C. lavandulifolium. (a) The percentage of CpG islands in the 42 homologous genes associated with flowering: (1) Photoperiod pathway; (2) Vernalization pathway; (3) GA pathway; (4) Autonomous pathway; (5) Floral pathway integrator. (b) CpG loci information of 143 genes in homologous genes. (c) Genetic classification based on the percentage of homologous CpG islands. (0−2,000 bp represents the promoter region). (d) Network of floral induction pathways in C. lavandulifolium (modified from Wang et al.[47]). Labelling of genes regulated by DNA methylation: black crowns refer to those that may be regulated by methylation genes, pink crowns refers to those highly likely regulated by methylation genes.

    • Figure 2. 

      MBD sequencing technology was used to screen the results of DNA methylated regulatory genes. (a) Boxplot of methylation levels for six samples. (b) The length distribution of nucleotides in MBD-seq sequencing results. (c) Nr annotation results in species statistics. (d) Nr annotation result sequence type statistics. (e, f) The volcano figure and heat map of differentially enriched genes between the seedling stage and bud stage.

    • Figure 3. 

      The expression result of candidate genes in the floral induction process of Chrysanthemum lavandulifolium. (a) Dynamic changes of differentially expressed genes. (b) Differential expression screening of the WRKY gene family by RT-PCR. (c) Relative gene expression during floral induction of C. lavandulifolium. (d) Gene expression and DNA methylation status markers of ClWRKY21, the red arrows represent the disappearance of DNA methylation at this stage.

    • Figure 4. 

      The result of DNA methylation of key genes and construction of a floral induction network of C. lavandulifolium. (a) The expression level and methylation level of key flowering genes. (b) Role of the ClWRKY21 gene in floral induction of C. lavandulifolium.

    • Figure 5. 

      Plant materials and genetic resources of Chrysanthemum lavandulifolium. (a) Mature plant with 14 leaves. (b) Capitulum. (c) Vegetative growth stage material (G1-0). (d) Bud stage material (G1-1). (e) Candidate gene resources for floral induction. (f) The model of MBD protein enrichment DNA fragment. MBD (methyl-CpG binding domain protein) can capture CpG-methylated dsDNA on beads and capture of dsDNA facilitates ligation of double-stranded adaptors for high-throughput sequencing. Bars = 1 cm.

    • Figure 6. 

      Nodes in the gene regulatory network flower induction pathway may be regulated by DNA methylation.

    • Contig No.SpeciesNr annotation
      7Artemisia annuaaldehyde reductase (DBR2) gene
      2Artemisia annuaALDH1 gene
      2Artemisia annua allene oxide cyclase (AOC) gene
      12Artemisia annuaartemisinic aldehyde delta11(13) reductase (DBR2) gene
      140Artemisia annuaC4-sterol methyl oxidase gene
      1Artemisia annuaamorpha-4,11-diene 12-hydroxylase
      2Artemisia annuacytochrome P450 reductase (CPR) gene
      24Artemisia annuaepi-cedrol synthase gene
      5Artemisia annualinalool synthase (LS) gene
      1Artemisia annua WRKY-like transcription factor gene

      Table 1. 

      The result of enrichment of promoter difference sequence.

    • Contig No.SpeciesNr annotation
      1Artemisia annuacytochrome P450 mono-oxygenase (cyp03)
      1Artemisia annuaDELLA protein (DELLA)
      1Chrysanthemum × morifoliumChlH mRNA for magnesium chelatase subunit H
      1Chrysanthemum × morifoliumDOF transcription factor 17
      1Chrysanthemum × morifoliumGRAS protein (GRAS17)
      1Chrysanthemum x morifoliumGRAS protein (GRAS3) mRNA,
      1Chrysanthemum × morifoliumHD-ZIP protein (HB15)
      1Chrysanthemum × morifoliumnitrate transporter 2.3
      3Chrysanthemum × morifoliumtrihelix protein (TH11)
      6Gymnocladus dioicasuccinate dehydrogenase subunit 4 (sdh4)
      1Helianthus annuusknotted-1-like protein 2
      1Medicago truncatulaSPRY domain protein
      1Morus notabilisCalcium-transporting ATPase 2
      1Nicotiana tabacumS-adenosyl-L-homocysteine hydrolase (SAHH3)
      1Arachis duranensistubulin alpha-4 chain
      1Beta vulgarisalanine--tRNA ligase
      1Beta vulgarisUDP-glucuronate 4-epimerase 6
      1Beta vulgariszinc finger MYM-type protein 1-like
      1Brassica rapa1-aminocyclopropane-1-carboxylate synthase 5
      1Brassica rapacondensin complex subunit 2
      1Camelina sativaL-ascorbate oxidase homolog
      1Capsicum annuumABC transporter F family member 1
      1Capsicum annuumchaperone protein dnaJ 11
      1Capsicum annuumprobable pectate lyase 8
      1Citrus sinensisF-box/kelch-repeat protein
      1Daucus carotaE3 ubiquitin-protein ligase UPL1
      1Daucus carotaESCRT-related protein CHMP1B
      1Daucus carotainositol-tetrakisphosphate 1-kinase 1-like
      1Drosophila ficusphilaglycine-rich cell wall structural protein 1.0
      1Erythranthe guttatusDNA topoisomerase 2
      1Fragaria vescatranscription factor MYB46
      1Gossypium hirsutumheat shock protein-like
      1Jatropha curcasABC transporter C family member 4
      1Malus x domesticapectinesterase 3-like
      1Nicotiana sylvestrisprobable methyltransferase PMT11
      1Phoenix dactyliferaMYB44
      1Ricinus communisATP synthase subunit a
      1Sesamum indicumglycylpeptide N-tetradecanoyltransferase 1-like
      1Solanum tuberosumtranscription elongation factor SPT5

      Table 2. 

      Results for the enrichment of mRNA difference sequence.

    • GenesType of methylation analysis
      CpG islandsPromotermRNAEnrichment of differences
      WRKY transcription factors family40.00%YesYesYes
      GRAS protein family61.29%YesYes
      DOF transcription factors family38.13%YesYes
      DELLA protein family100.00%YesYes

      Table 3. 

      Summary and analysis of key candidate genes in C. lavandulifolium.

    • TypeGene nameFlowering induction stageConclusion
      Quantitative changeClFT-M+++++++Both
      ClFT- U+++++++
      DFL- U+++++++
      ClMET- U+++++++
      Toqualitative changeClWRKY12-M×××××××Unmethylation
      ClWRKY12- U+++++++
      ClWRKY17-M+++++×+Dynamic change
      ClWRKY17- U+++++++
      ClWRKY21-M++×+++×Dynamic change
      ClWRKY21- U+++++++

      Table 4. 

      MSP results and DNA methylation status analysis.