Figure 1.
Brainstorm of the procedures of fire safety management practices using AI.
Figure 2.
Flowchart of the study.
Training Testing Visual
dataset 1
dataset 2
(Taiwan onsite)Visual
dataset 1
dataset 2
(Taiwan onsite)Accuracy 0.78 0.96 0.37 0.71 Precision 0.77 0.97 0.51 0.83 Recall 0.83 0.97 0.38 0.77 F1-score 0.80 0.97 0.44 0.80 Table 1.
Comparison of model performances using the two datasets.
Training Testing Visual
dataset 1
dataset 2
(Taiwan on-site)Visual
dataset 1
dataset 2
(Taiwan on-site)Firefighter 0.88 0.99 0.40 0.75 Non-firefighter 0.73 0.98 0.07 0.98 Firetruck 0.57 1.00 0.35 1.00 Table 2.
Comparison of the average precision for each class using the two datasets.