Figures (4)  Tables (1)
    • Figure 1. 

      The structure of anthers and pollen. In Arabidopsis, each anther has four anther locules (pollen sacs), and the anther wall around the anther locule is composed of the epidermis, endothecium, middle layer and tapetum. Mature pollen grains are produced inside the anther locule. A pollen grain has two sperm cells in the cytoplasm of the large vegetative cell and is covered with a complex pollen wall outside of the plasma membrane. Ep, epidermis; En, endothecium; ML, middle layer; T, tapetum; Vn, vegetative nucleus; Sc, sperm cell; PM, plasma membrane.

    • Figure 2. 

      The cell wall undergoes a tremendous change during pollen development. The orange quadrilaterals represent the tapetal cells, and the corresponding microspores or pollen at specific anther stages are shown under the tapetum cells. At stage 7, the four microspores are enclosed inside the callose wall and the outer pectin wall. At late stage 7, the sexine and nexine precursors start to deposit outside the membrane. During stages 9 to 10, the tapetum begins to degenerate and becomes spongy. The intine layer appears between the plasma membrane and nexine layer at stage 10. At stage 11, the tapetum evidently degenerates, and the pollen coat precursor start to fill the sculptured cavities of the sexine. At stages 12 and 13, the tapetum cell degenerates completely, and all layers of the pollen wall are established.

    • Figure 3. 

      Gene regulatory network in the tapetum of Arabidopsis and rice. Lines terminating in arrows represent positive regulation, lines with semicircle ends indicate interaction. Orange ovals and grey ovals mark the key transcription factors in Arabidopsis and rice respectively. In Arabidopsis, DYT1-TDF1-AMS are responsible for early tapetum development. AMS regulates nexine and sexine formation via TEK and MS188, respectively. MS1 is responsible for pollen coat formation. Abbreviations: TEK, transposable element silencing via AT-hook; BES1, BRI1 EMS SUPPRESSOR 1; UDT1, UNDEVELOPED TAPETUM 1; TDR, TAPETUM DEGENERATION RETARDATION; PTC1, PERSISTANT TAPETAL CELL 1.

    • Figure 4. 

      Molecular pathways in tapetum contribution to pollen formation. The orange irregular shape represents the tapetal cell. The pathway regulates a large number of genes for pollen growth, which are shown below the tapetal cell, to provide Mg for pollen growth, to secrete enzymes for degradation of the pectin wall, for the callose wall to release microspores, to provide precursors of nexine and sexine, and to provide materials for pollen coat formation.

    • NameIDProteinFunctionReference
      DYT1AT4G21330bHLH transcription factorEarly tapetum development[30]
      TDF1AT3G28470MYB transcription factorEarly tapetum development[32]
      AMSAT2G16910bHLH transcription factorEarly tapetum development[29,31]
      MS188/MYB80/MYB103AT5G56110MYB transcription factorTapetum PCD, microspore release, exine formation[24,35,47]
      MS1AT5G22260PHD-finger transcription factorTapetum PCD, exine and pollen coat formation[33,34]
      OsUDT1Os07g0549600bHLH transcription factorDYT1 ortholog; early tapetum development[49]
      OsTDF1Os03g18480MYB transcription factorTDF1 ortholog; early tapetum development[53]
      OsTDROs02g0120500bHLH transcription factorAMS ortholog; tapetum development[50,54]
      OsMS188/OsMYB80Os04g39470MYB transcription factorMS188 ortholog; tapetum PCD, exine formation[51,55,56]
      OsPTC1/OsMS1Os09g0449000PHD-finger transcriptional factorMS1 ortholog; tapetum PCD, exine formation[50,52,54]
      ZmMs32GRMZM2G163233bHLH transcription factorDYT1 ortholog; tapetum development[21,57,62]
      ZmMs9GRMZM2G308034MYB transcription factorTDF1 ortholog; tapetum development[57,61]
      ZmbHLH51Zm00001d053895bHLH transcription factorAMS ortholog; tapetum development[57]
      ZmMYB84Zm00001d025664MYB transcription factorMS188 ortholog; tapetum development[57]
      ZmMs7GRMZM5G890224PHD-finger transcriptional factorMS1 ortholog; tapetum development[5759]
      MYB33AT5G06100GAMYB transcription factorTapetum and pollen development[39]
      MYB65AT3G11440GAMYB transcription factorTapetum and pollen development[39]
      bHLH010AT2G31220bHLH transcription factorbHLH010, bHLH089 and bHLH091 redundantly required for tapetum and pollen development[40]
      bHLH089AT1G06170bHLH transcription factor[40]
      bHLH091AT2G31210bHLH transcription factor[40]
      EAT1/DTD1/bHLH141Os04g0599300bHLH transcription factorTapetum PCD[63,64]
      TIP2/bHLH142Os01g0293100bHLH transcription factorTapetum PCD[65,66]
      MGT5AT4G28580Transmembrane magnesium transporterTransport Mg from tapetum to anther locule[91]
      Pectin dissolution[10,98]
      A6AT4G14080β-1,3-glucanaseCallose dissolution[107,110]
      UPEX1/KNS4/RES3AT1G33430Arabinogalactan β-(1,3)-galactosyltransferaseInfluence the secretion of A6 from tapetum[110]
      ACOS5AT1G62940Fatty acyl-CoA synthetaseSporopollenin synthesis[112]
      CYP703A2At1G01280Hemethiolate monooxygenase (P450)Sporopollenin synthesis[47,113]
      CYP704B1AT1G69500Hemethiolate monooxygenase (P450)Sporopollenin synthesis[114]
      PKSAAT1G02050AcyltransferaseSporopollenin synthesis[116,118]
      PKSBAT4G34850AcyltransferaseSporopollenin synthesis[116,118]
      TKPR1AT4G35420Tetraketide alpha-pyrone reductaseSporopollenin synthesis[117]
      TKPR2AT1G68540Tetraketide alpha-pyrone reductaseSporopollenin synthesis[117]
      MS2AT3G11980Fatty acid reductaseSporopollenin synthesis[115,116]
      ABCG26AT3G13220ATP binding cassette transporterSporopollenin transportation[120,121]
      ABCG15AT3G21090ATP binding cassette transporterSporopollenin transportation[123]
      TEKAT2G42940AT-hook nuclear localized (AHL) proteinNexine formation[44,103]
      OsOSC12Os08g0223900Bicyclic triterpene poaceatapetol synthasePollen coat formation[139]
      GRP17AT5G07530Glycine-rich proteinPollen coat protein[140,141]
      EXL4AT1G75910Lipase proteinPollen coat protein[140,142]
      EXL6AT1G75930Lipase proteinPollen coat protein[140]
      CER1AT1G02205DecarbonylasesPollen coat synthesis: very long chain alkane synthesis[152,153]
      CER3/FLP1/WAX2/YREAT5G57800DecarbonylasesPollen coat synthesis: very long chain alkane synthesis[149151,153]
      KCS7AT1G711603-ketoacyl-CoA synthasePollen coat synthesis: fatty acid elongation[146]
      KCS15AT3G521603-ketoacyl-CoA synthasePollen coat synthesis: fatty acid elongation[146]
      KCS21AT5G490703-ketoacyl-CoA synthasePollen coat synthesis: fatty acid elongation[146]
      Dcl5Zm00001eb104810EndoribonucleaseGeneration of 24-nt phasiRNAs in the tapetum in maize[181]
      CLSY3AT1G05490HelicaseGeneration of 24-nt siRNAs in the anther in Arabidopsis[182]

      Table 1. 

      The summary of the key genes and their functions during anther or pollen development.