Figures (2)  Tables (1)
    • Figure 1. 

      Collection of the high-quality genome of 300 plants from PLAZA ( Ultra-long sequencing dots are shown in red, and the rest are shown in green.

    • Figure 2. 

      Process of de novo assembly of the complete plant genomes. Sequencing platform, software, precautions, etc are noted in the figure alongside the steps.

    • ToolsFeaturesURL
      PacBio and ONT Assemblage relevant
      NextDenovo[33] (V2.5.0)String graph-based de novo assembler for long reads which uses
      a 'correct-then-assemble' strategy, but requires significantly less computing resources and storage.
      Hifiasm[26] (V0.16.1)Fast haplotype-resolved de novo assembler for PacBio HiFi reads.
      SMARTdenovo[34]A de novo assembler for PacBio and Oxford Nanopore (ONT) data.
      It produces an assembly from all-vs-all raw read alignments
      without an error correction stage.
      NGMLR[35] (V0.2.7)Long-read mapper designed to align PacBio or Oxford Nanopore (standard and ultra-long) to a reference genome with a focus on reads that span structural variations.
      CentroFlye[36] (V0.8.3)Algorithm for centromere assembly using long error-prone reads.
      Canu[21] (V2.2)Fork of the Celera Assembler, designed for high-noise single-molecule sequencing (such as the PacBio RS II/Sequel or Oxford Nanopore MinION).
      Wtdbg2[22] (V2.5)De novo sequence assembler for long noisy reads produced by
      PacBio or ONT which assembles raw reads without error correction and then builds the consensus from intermediate assembly output.
      HiCanu[25]Modification of the Canu assembler designed to leverage the full potential of HiFi reads via homopolymer compression, overlap-
      based error correction, and aggressive false overlap filtering.
      HINGE[20]Long read assembler based on OLC (Overlap-Layout-Consensus).
      PeregrineFast genome assembler for accurate long reads (length > 10 kb, accuracy > 99%).
      Flye[19] (V2.9)De novo assembler for single-molecule sequencing reads, such as those produced by PacBio and Oxford Nanopore Technologies designed for a wide range of datasets.
      Shasta[23] (V0.9)The goal of the Shasta long read assembler is to rapidly produce accurate assembled sequence using DNA reads generated by
      Oxford Nanopore flow cells as input.
      NECAT[37] (V0.01)Error correction and de novo assembly tool for Nanopore long
      noisy reads.
      Wengan[24] (V0.2)Wengan avoids entirely the all-vs-all read comparison. The key
      idea behind Wengan is that long-read alignments can be inferred by building paths on a sequence graph.
      NextPolish[38] (V1.4)NextPolish is used to fix base errors (SNV/Indel) in the genome generated by noisy long reads, it can be used with short read
      data only or long read data only or a combination of both.
      Miniasm[18] (V0.3)Very fast OLC-based de novo assembler for noisy long reads.
      Falcon[1517] (V0.3)Experimental PacBio diploid assembler
      Raven[39] (V1.7)De novo genome assembler for long uncorrected reads.
      HERA[40]Local assembly tool using assembled contigs and self-corrected
      long reads as input which can generate ultra-long, even chromosome-scale, contigs.
      Hi-C scaffolding relevant
      HiC-Pro[41] (V3.1)HiC-Pro was designed to process Hi-C data, from raw fastq files (paired-end Illumina data) to normalized contact maps.
      SALSA[42] (V2.3)A tool to scaffold long read assemblies with Hi-C.
      3D-DNA[28] (V201008)3D de novo assembly (3D DNA) pipeline.
      ALLHiC[29, 30]Phasing and scaffolding polyploid genomes based on Hi-C data.
      LACHESIS[27]First tool to use Hi-C data to assist genome assembly.

      Table 1. 

      Tools for assembling long reads and Hi-C reads.