Figure 1.
Callus induction from needle explants and mature zygotic embyro explants in L. olgensis. (a) Sterilized stem sections for obtaining needle explants, bar = 0.7 cm. (b) Needle explants operated in DCR medium augmented with 3 mg·L−1 6-BA and 0.3 mg·L−1 NAA, bar = 1 cm. (c) Calli from needle explants generated in 4 w, bar = 1 cm. (d) Calli from needle explants generated in 8 w, bar = 0.6 cm. (e) Sterilized mature zygotic embryo as explants, bar = 1 cm. (f) Calli from mature zygotic embryo explants generated in 3.0 mg·L−1 6-BA combined with 0.3 mg·L−1 NAA, bar = 1 cm. (g) Calli from mature zygotic embryo explants generated in 4 w, bar = 1 cm. (h) Calli from mature zygotic embryo explants generated in 8 w, bar = 0.6 cm.
Figure 2.
Characteristic nature of Larix olgensis callus from different treatments. (a) DCR + 3 mg∙L−1 6-BA + 0.3 mg∙L−1 NAA (90%+). (b) DCR+2 mg∙L−1 6-BA+0.2 mg∙L−1 NAA. (c) DCR + 1 mg∙L−1 6-BA + 0.1 mg∙L−1 NAA. (d) DCR + 3 mg∙L−1 6-BA + 0.3 mg∙L−1 NAA, a genotype different from that in (a). (e) DCR + 1 mg∙L−1 6-BA + 1 mg∙L−1 NAA. (f) DCR + 0.3 mg∙L−1 6-BA + 3 mg∙L−1 NAA. (g) MS + 0.5 mg∙L−1 6-BA + 0.05 mg∙L−1 NAA. (h) DCR + 0.5 mg∙L−1 6-BA + 0.05 mg∙L−1 NAA. (i) DCR + 0.5 mg∙L−1 6-BA + 0.05 mg∙L−1 NAA transfer to DCR + 2 mg∙L−1 6-BA + 0.2 mg∙L−1 NAA. (j) DCR + 0.3 mg∙L−1 6-BA + 3 mg∙L−1 NAA (in dark). (k) MS+0.05 mg∙L−1 6-BA + 0.5 mg∙L−1 NAA (in dark). (l) MS + 3 mg∙L−1 6-BA + 0.3 mg∙L−1 NAA (in dark). (m), (n) Modified high auxin culture, the yellow callus turn red. (o) After subculture over five times, the callus turned brown. The bar in the pictures is 0.32 cm except in (n) which is 0.43 cm.
Figure 3.
Summary of in vitro propagation from callus of Larix olgensis. (a) New shoots developed from callus placed in the DCR medium supplemented with 1.0 mg∙L−1 BA and 0.1 mg∙L−1 NAA, bar = 0.6 cm. (b) Shoot organogenesis occurring on callus after 8 weeks in regeneration medium, bar = 0.6 cm. (c) Developed shoots from callus, bar = 0.6 cm. (d) Adventitious shoots elongation, bar = 0.6 cm. (e) Further shoot elongation, bar = 0.68 cm. (f) Rooting of in vitro regenerated shoots in DCR medium supplemented with 3 mg∙L−1 IBA and 100 mg∙L−1 PG, bar = 0.83 cm. (g) Roots of fully developed plantlets, bar = 0.61 cm. (h) Acclimatized potted plants, bar = 2 cm.
Order Basic
mediumPlant growth regulators (mg∙L−1) Mature zygotic embryo explants Needle explants Callus induction rate (%) Color Texture Callus induction
rate (%)Color Texture 1 MS 6-BA 3:NAA 0.3 90.2 ± 0.11a Rose red Compact 43.3 ± 1.91bc Brown Compact 2 6-BA 2:NAA 0.2 90.1 ± 1.73a Pink Compact 38.9 ± 1.13bcd Brown Compact 3 6-BA 1:NAA 0.1 78.2 ± 4.45b Red and white friable 35.6 ± 2.94cdc brown Compact 4 6-BA 0.5:NAA0.05 52.1 ± 1.41cd Red and white Friable 27.8 ± 1.11fg Brown Friable 5 6-BA 1: NAA 1 51.6 ± 1.86cd Cream Compact 43.3 ± 0bc Cream Friable 6 6-BA 0.05:NAA 0.5 32.2 ± 1.68f Cream Friable 38.9 ± 111bcd Yellow and green Friable 7 6-BA 0.1:NAA 1 43.4 ± 3.41de Yellow and green Friable 27.8 ± 1.11fg Yellow and green Friable 8 6-BA 0.3:NAA 3 44.5 ± 3.26de Yellow and green Friable 13.3 ± 1.93h Yellow and green Compact 9 DCR 6-BA 3:NAA 0.3 96.8 ± 1.86a Rose red Compact 86.7 ± 1.93a Rose red Compact 10 6-BA 2:NAA 0.2 92.2 ± 0.97a Rose red Compact 46.7 ± 1.93b Green Friable 11 6-BA 1:NAA 0.1 76.1 ± 1.94b Pink Friable 22.2 ± 1.11gh Yellow and green Friable 12 6-BA 0.5:NAA0.05 49.0 ± 5.35cd Pink Friable 14.55 ± 2.22h Dark brown Friable 13 6-BA 1: NAA 1 51.2 ± 2.46cd Red and white Compact 32.2 ± 1.11efg Green Compact 14 6-BA 0.05:NAA 0.5 36.6 ± 3.51ef Red and white Friable 34.5 ± 7.78cde Cream Friable 15 6-BA 0.1:NAA 1 50.1 ± 2.50cd Red and white Compact 32.2 ± 8.89efg Yellow and green Compact 16 6-BA 0.3:NAA 3 55.7 ± 4.93c Cream Compact 23.3 ± 0gh Yellow and green Compact Means ( ± standard error) within a column followed by the same superscript letter are not significantly different using Tukey’s multiple comparison test and p ≤ 0.05. Table 1.
Induction percentage and characteristics of callus from mature zygotic explants and needle explants of Larix olgensis.
Mature zygotic embryo explants Needle explants Plant growth regulators (mg∙L−1) Percentage shoot regeneration (%) Average number of adventitious shoots Percentage shoot regeneration (%) Average number of adventitious shoots 6-BA NAA 1 0.5 0.05 41.1 ± 2.94fg 304 ± 7.5d 32.22 ± 1.11de 120 ± 6.1h 2 0.5 0.1 42.2 ± 1.11fg 315 ± 4.5d 32.22 ± 2.22de 111 ± 3.8h 3 0.5 0.2 32.2 ± 1.11h 150 ± 14.8f 28.89 ± 1.11e 66 ± 2.3i 4 0.5 0.5 40.0 ± 1.93g 211 ± 5.5e 34.44 ± 1.11d 51 ± 1.8g 5 1 0.05 57.8 ± 1.11d 426 ± 13.9c 68.89 ± 1.11a 161 ± 6.2f 6 1 0.1 83.3 ± 1.93a 528 ± 11.5b 73.33 ± 1.93a 307 ± 1.8b 7 1 0.2 76.7 ± 1.93b 636 ± 21.7a 72.22 ± 1.11a 323 ± 3.8a 8 1 0.5 65.6 ± 2.22c 460 ± 22.8c 73.33 ± 1.93a 221 ± 6.4c 9 2 0.05 53.3 ± 3.85de 322 ± 11.7d 50.00 ± 1.93c 176 ± 5.5e 10 2 0.1 47.8 ± 2.94ef 237 ± 11.5d 51.11 ± 1.11c 141 ± 7.0g 11 2 0.2 46.7 ± 1.93efg 423 ± 23.5c 57.78 ± 2.22b 203 ± 3.9d 12 2 0.5 47.8 ± 1.11ef 200 ± 6.1e 33.33 ± 1.93de 57 ± 1.2ig Means (± standard error) within a column followed by the same superscript letter are not significantly different using Tukey’s multiple comparison test and p ≤ 0.05. Table 2.
Percentage shoot regeneration from calli of Larix olgensis.
Plant growth regulators and AC (mg∙L−1) Adventitious
shoot elongation
percentage (%)Average shoot length (cm) 1 6-BA 1:NAA 0.1 21.1 ± 2.22e 0.9 ± 0.03e 2 6-BA 0.5:NAA 0.05 65.6 ± 1.11b 1.6 ± 0.06d 3 6-BA 0.5:NAA 0.05:AC 2000 75.6 ± 2.94a 3.5 ± 0.11a 4 6-BA 0.3:NAA 0.03 46.7 ± 1.93c 1.3 ± 0.03d 5 6-BA 0.3:NAA 0.03:AC 2000 61.1 ± 1.11b 2.8 ± 0.12b 6 6-BA 0.1:NAA 0.01 21.1 ± 1.11e 1.4 ± 0.01d 7 6-BA 0.1:NAA 0.01:AC 2000 35.6 ± 2.22d 2.2 ± 0.10c Means (± standard error) within a column followed by the same superscript letter are not significantly different using Tukey’s multiple comparison test and p ≤ 0.05. Table 3.
Effect of different concentrations of 6-BA and NAA on adventitious bud elongation of Larix olgensis.
Basic medium Exogenous
additives (mg∙L−1)Adventitious
root induction
percentage (%)Rooting start time (d) DCR NAA 3 8.9 ± 2.22e 70 IBA 2:NAA 2 15.6 ± 2.22de 64 IBA 3:AC 2000 46.7 ± 3.85b 52 IBA 3 13.3 ± 0.00e 63 IBA 3:PG 50 33.3 ± 3.85c 45 IBA 3:PG 100 62.2 ± 5.88a 38 IBA 3:PG 150 57.8 ± 4.44ab 36 IBA 3:PG 100:AC 2000 53.3 ± 3.85b 32 1/2DCR NAA 3 15.56 ± 2.22de 70 IBA 2:NAA 2 22.22 ± 2.22d 63 IBA 3:AC 2000 35.56 ± 2.22c 60 IBA 3 11.11 ± 2.22e 60 IBA 3:PG 50 31.11 ± 4.44c 50 IBA 3:PG 100 48.89 ± 2.22b 41 IBA 3:PG 150 46.67 ± 0b 40 IBA 3:PG 100:AC 2000 37.78 ± 2.22c 36 Means (± standard error) within a column followed by the same superscript letter are not significantly different using Tukey’s multiple comparison test and p ≤ 0.05. Table 4.
Rooting of regenerated shoots in DCR media supplemented with auxin, AC and PG strength.