Figures (5)  Tables (0)
    • Figure 1. 

      Components required for betalain biosynthesis. (a) Chemical reactions for converting tyrosine into betalain, according to Zhao et al.[11]. (b) Two promoters, DR5 and E8, were used to drive the expression of the Ruby gene.

    • Figure 2. 

      Ruby was effective for noninvasively selecting transformation events in tomato. (a) The Hpt assay from seven regenerated plantlets; P3, P5, P10, P18, P25 and P31 were positive; P2, P6, P14 and P17 were negative. M, maker; W, water; C, negative nontransgenic control; P, positive plasmid control; (b) The Ruby gene was expressed in tomato calli. The red color was distinguished in positively transformed calli (red) and nontransgenic calli (green).

    • Figure 3. 

      Characteristics of DR5::Ruby transgenic tomato plants in different tissues. (a) Seeds; (b) Stems and leaves; (c) Axillary buds; (d) Flowers and fruits; (e) Plants; (f) qRT-PCR analysis of DR5 expression in different tomato organs. (g) The IAA content of different tissues. IMG, immature green stage; MG, mature green stage; BR, breaker stage; YR, yellow ripe stage; RR, red ripe stage.

    • Figure 4. 

      The expression of the Ruby gene in 'Moneymaker' plants.

    • Figure 5. 

      Characteristics of E8::Ruby transgenic tomato plants in different tissues and different tomato varieties (red, white and yellow). (a) Seeds and seedlings; (b) Different tomato varieties red fruit bearing 'Moneymaker', white fruit bearing '06883' and yellow fruit bearing '19458'; (c) The section observation of the tomato fruits. IMG, immature green stage; MG, mature green stage; BR, breaker stage; YR, yellow ripe stage; RR, red ripe stage.