Figures (5)  Tables (1)
    • Figure 1. 

      The growth condition of six Scutellaria hairy roots. (a) Six Scutellaria hairy roots cultured in B5 liquid medium. (b) The growth rate of the five hairy roots. S. barbata hairy roots; S.bai: S. baicalensis hairy roots; S.ind: S. indica hairy roots; S.str: S. strigilosa hairy roots; S.obt: S. obtusifolia hairy roots. Five hairy roots were cultured for 40 d. Growth rate (g/day) = (fresh weight of hairy roots cultured for 40 d − fresh weight of hairy roots at initial inoculation)/40. Significance was determined by tukey, and different letters above the bars indicate significantly different values (p < 0.05).

    • Figure 2. 

      Chromatograms of flavones in the hairy roots of (a) S. barbata, (b) S. strigilosa, (c) S. baicalensis, (d) S. obtusifolia, (e) S. indica, and (f) S. altissima. Compounds identified in chromatographic peaks: 1, Scutellarin; 2, Scutellarein; 3, Baicalin; 4, Wogonoside; 5, Apigenin; 6, Baicalein; 7, Wogonin; 8, Chrysin. S.bai: S. baicalensis hairy roots; S. barbata hairy roots; S.alt: S. altissima hairy roots; S.ind: S. indica hairy roots; S.obt: S. obtusifolia hairy roots; S.str: S. strigilosa hairy roots.

    • Figure 3. 

      Comparison of the contents of different flavones in the hairy roots of (a) S. baicalensis, (b) S. barbata, (c) S. indica, (d) S. strigilosa, (e) S. obtusifolia, and (f) S. altissima. S.bai: S. baicalensis hairy roots; S. barbata hairy roots; S.alt: S. altissima hairy roots; S.ind: S. indica hairy roots; S.obt: S. obtusifolia hairy roots; S.str: S. strigilosa hairy roots. Significance was determined by tukey, and different letters above the bars indicate significantly different values (p < 0.05).

    • Figure 4. 

      Comparison of contents of the same flavones among different hairy roots. Contents of (a) baicalin, (b) wogonoside, (c) baicalein, (d) wogonin, and (e) scutellarin in the different Scutellaria hairy roots. S.bai: S. baicalensis hairy roots; S. barbata hairy roots; S.alt: S. altissima hairy roots; S.ind: S. indica hairy roots; S.obt: S. obtusifolia hairy roots; S.str: S. strigilosa hairy roots. 'Bin', 'Bein', 'Wde', 'Win', and 'Sin' represent baicalin, baicalein, wogonoside, wogonin, and scutellarin, respectively. Significance was determined by tukey, and different letters above the bars indicate significantly different values (p < 0.05).

    • Figure 5. 

      Comparison of flavone contents between the six Scutellaria hairy roots and their natural roots. Flavone levels in the hairy roots and natural roots of (a) S. baicalensis, (b) S. barbata, (c) S. indica, (d) S. strigilosa, (e) S. obtusifolia, and (f) S.altissima. Significance was determined by Student's t test; * 0.01 < p < 0.05 and ** p < 0.01 were considered to indicate significant and highly significant levels, respectively.

    • SpeciesBaicalinWogonosideBaicaleinWogoninScutellarinScutellareinApigeninChrysinOroxylin A
      S. baicalensis
      Leaves2.28 ± 1.2420.59 ± 7.68
      Roots124.96 ± 36.5927.06 ± 2.518.68 ± 5.971.74 ± 1.052.18 ± 0.620.62 ± 0.71
      Leaves7.94 ± 1.340.12 ± 0.0829.50 ± 10.30
      Roots18.44 ± 2.310.78 ± 1.961.48 ± 0.070.68 ± 0.072.35 ± 0.630.57 ± 0.190.05 ± 0.02
      S. indica
      Leaves0.23 ± 0.0435.66 ± 3.02
      Roots3.12 ± 0.664.7 ± 1.920.71 ± 0.051.34 ± 0.742.02 ± 0.56
      S. strigilosa
      Leaves97.53 ± 17.607.21 ± 1.061.38 ± 0.336.97 ± 4.05
      Roots15.59 ± 2.168.39 ± 2.001.15 ± 0.463.04 ± 1.120.28 ± 0.180.42 ± 0.37
      S. obtusifolia
      Leaves0.80 ± 0.37
      Roots6.45 ± 4.053.00 ± 0.400.89 ± 0.242.03 ± 0.200.87 ± 0.37
      S. altissima
      Leaves0.07 ± 0.0330.16 ± 6.89
      Roots31.41 ± 8.639.48 ± 2.440.29 ± 0.170.81 ± 0.08

      Table 1. 

      Contents of flavones in roots and leaves of six Scutellaria species.