Figures (2)  Tables (0)
    • Figure 1. 

      Images showing the different aspects of apple scab infection: Distinctive scab lesions on the apple (a) fruit and (b) leaves. (c) V. inaequalis ascospores following ejection from pseudothecia, imaged under a stereomicroscope. (d) Leaf scab lesion made up of fungal mycelium, imaged using a scanning electron microscope (VEGA3 TESCAN). All images taken by Katherine Stewart, 2022/2023.

    • Figure 2. 

      Simplified diagram outlining the reproductive cycle of Venturia inaequalis throughout the year. The life cycle comprises a sexual and asexual phase of reproduction, where ascospores and conidiospores are formed, respectively. Ascospores develop and mature over winter, infecting new leaves upon release in spring, subsequently forming lesions which release conidia. Conidial infection can occur throughout the growing season and can develop from buds, wood and secondary lesions of leaves and fruit.