Figures (4)  Tables (1)
    • Figure 1. 

      Genome mapping of finger lemon. (a) Chromosomes. (b) Repeat density. (c) LTR_Gypsy (LTRs). (d) LTR_Copia (LTRs). (e) Gene density.

    • Figure 2. 

      Phylogeny and evolution of Citrus australasica. (a) Phylogenetic analysis based on homologous genes from 14 plant species, including five Saprotaceae species and two outgroups (Amborella trichopoda and Nymphaea L.), using the Orthfinder module. Pie charts represent the number of gene family expansions and contractions. (b) Frequency distribution of synonymous substitution rates (Ks) between homologous gene pairs in the syntenic blocks of C. australasica vs V. vinifera, C. australasica vs C. australasica, C. australasica vs C. sinensis, C. australasica vs C. clementina, C. australasica vs M. indica, C. australasica vs A. thaliana.

    • Figure 3. 

      Differential gene analysis of finger lemons. (a) Photographs of two finger lemon samples of different varieties 'JiaLiHong' and 'YaoJi' used for transcriptome analysis; I: 'JiaLiHong', II: 'YaoJi'. (b) Volcano plot of the expression of two different varieties of finger lemons after differential gene analysis; red indicates up-regulation; blue indicates down-regulation. (c) Enrichment results of up-regulated genes in the GO database. (d) Enrichment results of up-regulated genes in the KEGG database.

    • Figure 4. 

      Biosynthetic pathways of flavonoids and carotenoids. Normalized FPKM values were expressed using 'JiaLiHong' as control. (a) Flavonoid biosynthetic pathway. (b) Heat map of highly expressed genes for flavonoid biosynthesis in 'YaoJi'. (c) Carotenoid biosynthetic pathway d. Heat map of highly expressed genes for carotenoid biosynthesis in 'YaoJi'.

    • Genomic featureValue
      Genome size (Mb)313,916,163
      Chromosome-scale scaffolds314,637,567
      Total number of chromosomes9
      Number of contigs175
      Number of contigs N5015
      N50 of contigs (bp)6,642,737
      Number of contigs N8037
      Number of contigs N9057
      Total number of scaffolds28
      N50 of scaffold (bp)32,805,073
      N60 of scaffold (bp)32,750,318
      N70 of scaffold (bp)32,749,230
      N80 of scaffold (bp)31,439,114
      N90 of scaffold (bp)27,021,073
      N100 of scaffold (bp)20,247
      SD length of scaffold (bp)313,375,644
      GC content of the genome (%)34.26%
      Complete BUSCOs98.4%
      Quality value (QV)27.68
      LTR Assembly Index (LAI)15.19
      Repeat sequences (Gb)164,723,365 (52.35%)
      Total number of protein-coding genes21,154

      Table 1. 

      Features of Citrus australasica genome assembly.