Figures (7)  Tables (11)
    • Figure 1. 

      (a) Apapa port, (b) study region, and (c) climate and activities around its environ.

    • Figure 2. 

      Airborne particulate (left), noise level monitor counter (middle), and multigas monitor (right).

    • Figure 3. 

      Outcome of noise level scrutiny.

    • Figure 4. 

      Compliant and noncompliant levels of water attribute parameters.

    • Figure 5. 

      Water attribute scrutiny outcome for some parameters.

    • Figure 6. 

      Cluster investigation outcome of some parameters scrutinized.

    • Figure 7. 

      Common health problems among the (a) adult and (b) children population.

    • Parameters Units Acronyms Techniques and instruments
      Total suspended particles TSP Temptop PMD 351Handheld air borne aerosoil meter
      (HPPC6+) sum efficiency –50.0% @0.30 μm.
      Temperature, dew point, relative humidity and
      wind speed
      T (°C), DP
      RH and WS
      Kestrel 5500 weather meter was utilized for the measurements
      Heavy metals
      Manganese, lead, copper, nickel, cadmium, cobalt, zinc Mg, Pb, Cu, Ni, Cd, Co, Zn APHA 3111B, UNICAM 969 AAS
      Microbiology (cfu/mi)
      Coliform, E. coli, Staphylococcu,Vibrio, total coliforms,
      Aerobic plant count, yeast & mould
      APHA 9215C
      Nitrate, nitrite mg/L NO 3 , NO 2 APHA 4500, UN spectrophotometer
      Sulphate, phosphate mg/L SO 4, PO 4 3− APHA 4500B, UN spectrophotometer
      Calcium mg/L Ca APHA 4500A, UN spectrophotometer
      Hydrogen ion concentration pH pH meter/ in situ
      Colour Pt.Co APHA 2120A
      Dissolved oxygen mg/L APHA 5220A, DO meter
      Conductivity μs/cm Cond APHA 2510A, multi- parameter
      Chloride mg/L Cl APHA 4500 B, titration
      Total dissolve solids mg/L TDS APHA 2540A, gravimetric
      Total suspended solids mg/L TSS APHA 2540D
      Appearance APHA 2110
      Acidity mg/L APHA 2310B
      Ammonial nitrogen mg/L NH3C APHA 4500
      Turbidity mg/L Turb APHA 2130B, turbidity meter
      Bacterial oxygen demand mg/L BOD APHA 5210B, Incubator/winkler
      Chemical oxygen demand mg/L COD APHA 5220D, K2C-207 reflux
      Alkalinity mg/L Alk APHA 5220D, K2C-207 reflux
      Detergent mg/L APHA 5540C
      Oil and grease mg/L APHA 5520B

      Table 1. 

      Measurement techniques with water attributes physiognomies.

    • Parameters Instrument Techniques Above Permissible Limit Health Impact
      Sulphur IV oxide (SO 2) SO 2 Gas alert test meter Direct reading Causes irritation of the respiratory tract
      Particulate matter (PM) Gas alert test meter Gravimetric Causes catarrh, cough, lung infections and other respiratory diseases
      Combustible gas (CHN) Gas alert test meter Direct reading Induces a despondent and depressed state
      Carbon monoxide (CO) CO test meter Direct reading Lessens the oxygen-carrying blood capability to damage of the central nervous system
      Oxides of nitrogen (NO X) NOx test meter Direct reading Causes inflammation of the lungs but less toxic
      Noise Noise meter, Rion sound level
      meter NA model
      Direct reading

      Table 2. 

      Scrutiny techniques and some health impacts of contagions.

    • Site/parameter PM10
      (μg/m 3)
      (μg/m 3)
      NO 2
      H 2S
      CO 2
      SO 2
      O 2
      FMEnv limits 250 NS 0.03 0.313 0.008 425 8.53 0.01 NS NS NS NS
      1 (Near gate) 10.9 5.2 < 0.10 < 0.01 < 0.1 417.1 0.014 < 0.01 21.1 < 0.01 62.3 35.1
      2 (Generator) 8.1 4.3 < 0.10 < 0.01 < 0.1 398.2 0.013 < 0.01 20.8 < 0.01 61.1 33.9
      3 (Sitting room) 5.3 2.1 < 0.10 < 0.01 < 0.1 401.9 0.019 < 0.01 20.9 < 0.01 60.9 29.0
      4 (Water pump area) 12.1 6.9 < 0.10 < 0.01 < 0.1 692.8 0.357 < 0.01 21 < 0.01 63.2 34.1
      5 (Laboratory zone) 9.2 6.3 < 0.10 < 0.01 < 0.1 460.1 0.162 < 0.01 21.1 < 0.01 67.2 31.9
      6 (Tank Farm region) 10.8 7.9 < 0.10 < 0.01 < 0.1 397.9 0.000 < 0.01 21 < 0.01 68.9 32.0
      7 (Water treatment) 8.9 4.1 < 0.10 < 0.01 < 0.1 468.2 0.194 < 0.01 21 < 0.01 69.0 31.8
      8 (Water separator) 8.2 4 < 0.10 < 0.01 < 0.1 527.8 0.036 < 0.01 20.9 < 0.01 68.4 33.2
      9 (Loading zone) 9.3 2 < 0.10 <0.01 < 0.1 575.4 0.194 < 0.01 20.8 < 0.01 61.9 35.3
      10 (Jetty region) 7.2 3 < 0.10 < 0.01 < 0.1 397.9 0.056 < 0.01 21.0 < 0.1 65.3 35.0
      Within limits (%) 100 0 100 100 70 100 100
      Not within limits (%) 0 100 0 0 30 0 0
      NS, Not Seen; −, NIL.

      Table 3. 

      Outcome of ambient air quality at Apapa Lagos.

    • WHO limits 2007 Biern et al. 2015
      Receptor Noise level (dBA) Environ Health effect Noise level (dBA)
      (7.00 am−22.00 pm)
      (22.00 pm−7.00 am)
      Built-up, institutional, and education 55 45 Indoors bedroom Speech intelligibility, and moderate annoyance (daytime) 35
      Business, shopping, marketable, indoors, outdoors and traffic region 70 70 Sleep fracas (Nocturnal) 30
      Outside bedrooms Sleep fracas window open 45
      Outdoor, living room Serious annoyance (night time) 55
      Moderate annoyance
      (day/evening time)

      Table 4. 

      Guideline limits.

    • Site GPS coordinate Noise level (dBA) Limit remarks
      1 (Near gate) N 6°26'23.27649",
      E 3°20'1.36792"
      61.42 Not
      2 (Generator) N 6°26'20.63513",
      E 3°20ʼ0.899"
      89.88 Not
      3 (Sitting room) N 6°26'19.01821",
      E 3°20'1.1585"
      59.48 Not
      4 (Water pump area) N 6°26'18.85029",
      E 3°20'1.72881"
      61.79 Within
      5 (Laboratory zone) N 6°26'17.65008",
      E 3°20'0.24541"
      67.12 Within
      6 (Tank farm region) N 6°26'18.24981",
      E 3°19'57.87729"
      63.42 Within
      7 (Water treatment) N 6°26'16.64496",
      E 3°19'57.845"
      62.79 Within
      8 (Water separator) N 6°26'16.93323",
      E 3°20'0.22097"
      66.4 Within
      9 (Loading zone) N 6°26'17.69233",
      E 3°20'0.54988"
      70.39 Not
      World Bank %: Within – 44.4%; % Not within – 55.6%.

      Table 5. 

      Outcome of ambient noise in Apapa Lagos during the day time.

    • Variables Unit Sites Limits Compliant status (%)
      1 2 3 EGASPIN 2018 FEPA 1991 Compliant Non-within
      Calcium mg/L 26.7 26.8 26.5 NS NS 100 0
      Sulphate mg/L 15.7 15.6 15.8 NS 100
      Dissolved oxygen mg/L 4.88 4.90 4.87 NS NS
      COD mg/L 48.2 47.9 48.1 NS 40 0 100
      BOD mg/L 11.4 11.2 11.1 NS 10 0 100
      Ammonia mg/L 0.24 0.23 0.23 NS 0.2 0 100
      Total hardness mg/L 66.3 66.1 66.4 NS 200 100 0
      Total nitrogen mg/L 0.53 0.54 0.53 NS 10 100 0
      Total suspended solida mg/L 0.12 0.14 0.10 30 10 100 0
      Total suspended matter mg/L 124.9 124.8 125.1 NS NS
      Conductivity μS/cm 155.9 156.1 156.0 NS 1,000 100 0
      Total dissolved solids 78.2 78.0 79.8 < 2,000 500 100 0
      Turbidity NTU 22.1 22.3 22.4 10 5 0 100
      True colour/ Lovibond Hz 0.17 0.15 0.16 NS 7 100 0
      pH 6.7 6.8 6.9 6.5−8.5 6.5−8.5 100 0
      Temperature °C 24.8 24.9 25.1 Ambient ± 2 < 40 100 0
      Total alkalinity mg/L 51.8 51.9 52.0 NS NS
      Total phosphorus mg/L 0.34 0.32 0.33 NS NS
      Salinity % 0.00 0.01 0.00 NS NS
      Sodium mg/L 5.82 5.84 5.83 NS NS
      Nitrate mg/L <0.01 <0.01 <0.01 NS NS
      Hydroxide alkalinity mg/L 0.01 0.02 0.00 NS NS
      Carbonate alkalinity mg/L 0.01 0.02 0.00 NS NS
      Magnesium mg/L 9.67 9.68 9.69 NS NS
      Manganese mg/L 0.52 0.51 0.53 NS 0.05 0 100
      Chloride mg/L 14.7 14.8 14.9 NS 250 100 0
      Silica (SiO 2) mg/L 1.12 1.13 1.11 NS NS
      Acidity mg/L 1.12 1.13 1.11 NS NS
      Nitrite mg/L 0.32 0.33 0.31 NS NS
      Total iron mg/L 1.14 0.12 1.13 1.0 1.0 0 100
      Total oil and grease mg/L 0.03 0.04 0.03 NS 10 100 0
      Detergent mg/L ND ND ND NS NS
      ND, Not Detected; NS, Not Seen; −, NIL.

      Table 6. 

      Outcome of effluent from oil water separator.

    • Variables Unit Sites Limits Compliant status (%)
      1 2 3 EGASPIN 2018 FEPA 1991 Compliant Non-within
      Salmonella in 25 mL Absent Absent Absent NS NS
      Shigella in 25 mL Present Present Present NS NS
      E. coli CFU/mL 7.1 7.0 7.1 NS NS
      Yeast and mould CFU/mL 27.9 28.0 28.1 NS NS
      Staphylococcus CFU/mL 9.2 9.0 9.1 NS NS
      Vibrio CFU/mL 12.0 12.2 12.1 NS NS
      Total coliforms CFU/mL 11.2 11.1 11.0 NS NS
      Aerobic plant count CFU/mL 9 8.9 9.0 NS NS
      BTEX mg/L < 0.001 < 0.001 < 0.001 NS NS
      PAH mg/L < 0.001 < 0.001 < 0.001 10 NS 100 0
      Odour Objectionable NS NS
      Appearance Light brown with particles Colourless
      ND, Not Detected; NS, Not Seen; −, NIL.

      Table 7. 

      Outcome of effluent (microbiological and others) from oil water separator.

    • Contagions Health impacts
      Short term Long term
      Ethylbenzene Dizziness, eye and throat irritation Blood disorders
      Benzene Skin blister and irritation, upper respiratory tract Developmental and reproductive disorders
      n-Hexane Headache, giddiness and nausea Blurred vision, fatigue, extremities and headaches
      Toluene Sleep difficulty, dizziness, skin and eyes irritation Birth defects
      Xylenes Nose, gastric and throat irritation, neurological, vomiting and nausea Nervous system disorders

      Table 8. 

      Some contagions and effects.

    • Variables Unit Sites Limits Compliant status (%)
      1 2 3 FEPA WHO USEPA NIS EU Compliant Non-within
      pH 7.08 7.09 7.07 6.5−8.5 6.5−8.5 100 0
      Conductivity μs/cm 1,694.9 1,695 1,695.1 1,000 1,000 1,000 2,500 0 100
      Calcium mg/L 109.1 108.9 109.2 75 0 100
      Phosphate mg/L 1.01 1.00 1 < 5.0 NS 100 0
      Ammonia mg/L 0.48 0.47 0.49 0.05 0 100
      TSS mg/L 0.09 0.08 0.10 < 10 NS 100 0
      Temperature °C 25.4 25.5 25.3 Ambient 100 0
      Turbidity NTU 0.01 0.02 0.01 5 5 5 5 100 0
      Total acidity mg/L 61.4 61.3 61.4 NS
      TDS mg/L 847.2 847.4 847.3 500 500 500 0 100
      Total hardness mg/L 272.4 272.3 273.3 200 80−100 150 0 100
      Total alkalinity mg/L 408.4 408.2 408.3 200 0 100
      Total solids mg/L 1,039.9 1,040.2 1,040.3 NS
      Magnesium mg/L 39.8 39.7 39.8 20 0 100
      Sodium mg/L 10.7 10.8 10.6 200
      Chloride mg/L 26.8 26.9 26.7 250 250 250 250 250
      DO mg/L 2.07 2.06 2.07 2
      Nitrite mg/L 0.13 0.14 0.12 0.2
      Manganese mg/L 0.23 0.22 0.21 0.2
      Total iron mg/L < 0.01 < 0.01 < 0.01 0.3
      Sulphate mg/L 50.2 50.3 50.1 500 250 250 250 250 100 0
      Silica mg/L 3.93 3.94 3.92 40 100 0
      Salinity % 0.09 0.08 0.07 NS
      Nitrate mg/L < 0.01 < 0.01 < 0.01 50 50 50 50 50 100 0
      Total oil/grease mg/L 0.08 0.09 0.10 10 100 0
      Colour TCU 0.17 0.16 0.18 15 100 0
      Appearance Colourless Colourless
      Odour Objectionable Unobjectionable
      Taste Objectionable Unobjectionable
      ND, Not Detected; NS, Not Seen; −, NIL.

      Table 9. 

      Outcome of water attributes.

    • Variables Unit Sites Limits Compliant status (%)
      1 2 3 FEPA WHO EU USEPA NIS Compliant Non-within
      Salmonella in 25 mL Absent Absent Absent NS NS
      Shigella in 25 mL Absent Absent Absent NS
      E. coli CFU/mL 0.00 0.00 0.00 0 0 100 0
      Yeast/mould CFU/mL 7 7.1 7 0 100 0
      Staphylococcu CFU/mL 0 0 0 NS NS
      Vibrio CFU/mL 0 0 0 NS NS
      Aerobic plate count CFU/mL 26 26.1 26.2 NS 100 100 0
      Nigerian Industrial Standards for Drinking Water (NIS 554:2015). NS, Not Seen; −, NIL.

      Table 10. 

      Outcome of water attributes (microbiological).

    • Paramenter Initial Final
      C1 C2 C2
      Cl 26.5 26.8 26.75
      SO 2 15.8 15.6 15.65
      DO 4.87 4.9 4.89
      COD 48.1 47.9 48.05
      BOD 11.1 11.2 11.3
      AMMO 0.23 0.22 0.23
      TH 66.4 66.1 66.2
      Total Nitr 0.53 0.54 0.54
      TSS 0.1 0.14 0.13
      TSM 125.1 124.8 124.85
      Cond 156 156.1 156
      TDS 79.8 78 78.1
      Tur 22.4 22.3 22.2
      True Color 0.16 0.15 0.16
      pH 6.9 6.8 6.75
      T (°C) 25.1 24.9 24.85
      TA 52 51.9 51.85
      TPhos 0.33 0.32 0.33
      Mg 9.69 9.68 9.68
      Salinity 0 0.01 0.01
      Na 5.83 5.84 5.83
      HydrAlk 0 0.02 0.02
      NO 2 0 0 0
      Mn 0.53 0.51 0.52
      Cl 14.9 14.8 14.75
      SiO 2 1.13 1.11 1.12
      CaCO 3 1.11 1.13 1.13
      CarAlk 0.02 0 0.01

      Table 11. 

      Cluster scrutiny outcome.