Figure 1.
3D interaction of DNMT3 with luteolin-4-O-glucoside. The compound is shown in the center with balls in different colors.
Figure 2.
MD simulation result of the interaction of DNMT3 and luteolin-4-O-glucoside during 50 ns simulation period. The RMSD showing the interaction of the ligand (red) with the protein backbone (blue).
Figure 3.
MD simulation result of the interaction of DNMT3 and luteolin-4-O-glucoside. (a) Histogram showing the percentage of interacted residues with the compound, green bars indicate hydrogen bonds, purple bars hydrophobic interactions and blue water bridges. (b) 2D interaction of luteolin-4-O-glucoside with DNMT3 protein residues, residues colored according to charge, hydrogen bonds in violet and hydrophobic bonds in green.
Figure 4.
MD simulation result of the interaction of DNMT3 and kaempferol-3-O-glucoside during 50 ns simulation period. The RMSD showing the interaction of the ligand (red) with the protein backbone (blue).
Figure 5.
MD simulation result of the interaction of DNMT3 and kaempferol-3-O-glucoside. (a) Histogram showing the percentage of interacted residues with the compound, green bars indicate hydrogen bonds, purple bars hydrophobic interactions, and blue water bridges. (b) 2D interaction of luteolin-4-O-glucoside with DNMT3 protein residues, residues colored according to charge, hydrogen bonds in violet and hydrophobic bonds in green
Product PubChem ID mol MW XP GScore MMGBSA dG Bind (kcal/mol) 1 Luteolin-7-O-glucoside 5280637 448.382 −10.39 −52.8 2 Luteolin-4-O-glucoside 12304737 448.382 −10.27 −47.9 3 Kaempferol 3-O-glucoside 5282102 448.382 −8.9 −64.85 4 Isorhamnetin 5281654 316.267 −7.42 −43.55 5 Hesperetin 72281 302.283 −7.42 −43.55 6 Quercetin 5280343 302.24 −7.1 −43.56 7 Pinobanksin 73202 272.257 −5.9 −37.06 8 Sakuranetin 73571 286.284 −5.76 −40.08 9 Chrysin 5281607 254.242 −5.7 −42.8 10 Naringenin 439246 272.257 −5.7 −41.05 11 Coumestrol 5281707 268.225 −5.68 −41.93 12 Genistein 5280961 270.241 −5.28 −35.7 13 Acacetin 5280442 284.268 −5.11 −37.58 Table 1.
Molecular docking of 13 polyphenolic compounds of royal jelly with the Apis mellifera DNMT3 protein.
Product Structure No. of hydrogen bonds XP GScore MMGBSA dG Bind (kcal/mol) Hydrogen bond interactions Luteolin-7-O-glucoside 6 −10.39 −52.8 TYR 11, ILE 13, GLU 15, PHE 30,
ASP 86, and TYR 93Kaempferol 3-O-glucoside 4 −8.9 −64.85 TYR 11, ILE 13. ARG37, and TYR 93 Table 2.
Interactions and binding energies of luteolin-4-O-glucoside and kaempferol-3-O-glucoside with the Apis mellifera DNMT3.