Figures (2)  Tables (7)
    • Figure 1. 

      Climogram of the study area. Data were obtained from July 2019 to June 2020.

    • Figure 2. 

      Grouping of Cenchrus purpureus accessions according to two main components: Factor 1. Agronomic characteristics and Factor 2. Yield parameters. (a), (c) dry season, (b), (d) rainy season.

    • Accession Variable
      ADLMR (kg/ha/d) LSR H (m) HF (d)
      Elephant 202.44ab 0.83a 1.85b 63.00b
      Merkeron 220.02a 0.88a 2.06ab 62.50b
      Purple 200.72ab 0.85a 1.90b 62.50b
      Taiwan 161.95b 0.82a 2.28a 83.00a
      King grass 154.07b 0.78a 2.16ab 83.00a
      CT-115 189.82ab 0.58b 2.05ab 83.00a
      Maralfalfa 170.04ab 0.70ab 2.15ab 83.00a
      s.e. 20.35 0.06 0.13 4.13
      ADLMR: Accumulated dry leaf matter rate. LSR: Leaf:stem ratio. H: Height. HF: Harvest frequency. Means within columns followed by different letters differ by Fisher test at 5% probability.

      Table 1. 

      Agronomic variables of seven Cenchrus purpureus accessions in the HAV in the rainy season.

    • Accession Variables
      ADLMR(kg/ha/d) LSR H (m) HF (d)
      Elephant grass 228.51a 0.93b 1.94a 79.00e
      Merkeron grass 108.84bc 0.91b 1.79ab 104.50a
      Purple grass 198.68a 1.22a 1.70b 98.00ab
      Taiwan 79.52c 0.92b 1.92a 94.00cb
      King grass 110.97bc 0.89b 1.84ab 85.50cde
      CT-115 91.02c 0.86b 1.72b 84.00de
      Maralfalfa 187.45ab 0.93b 1.86ab 92.50bcd
      s.e. 30.56 0.06 0.06 3.34
      ADLMR: Accumulated dry leaf matter rate. LSR: Leaf:stem ratio. H: Height. HF: Harvest frequency. Means within columns followed by different letters differ by Fisher test at 5% probability.

      Table 2. 

      Agronomic variables of seven Cenchrus purpureus accessions in the HAV on the dry season.

    • Accession Variables
      ADLMR (kg/ha/d) LSR H (m) HF (d)
      Elephant grass 215.47a 0.88ab 1.89a 71.0b
      Merkeron grass 164.42ab 0.89ab 1.92a 83.5ab
      Purple grass 199.70ab 1.03a 1.80a 80.2ab
      Taiwan 120.73b 0.87ab 2.09a 88.5a
      King grass 132.51b 0.83b 2.00a 84.2ab
      CT-115 140.42ab 0.72b 1.88a 83.5ab
      Maralfalfa 178.74ab 0.81b 2.00a 83.5ab
      Standard error 19.08 0.04 0.07 3.2
      Rainy 185.58a 0.78b 2.06a 74.2b
      Dry 143.56b 0.95a 1.82b 91.0a
      s.e. 10.20 0.02 0.37 1.7
      ADLMR: Accumulated dry leaf matter rate. LSR: Leaf:stem ratio. H: Height. HF: Harvest frequency. Means within columns followed by different letters differ by Fisher test at 5% probability.

      Table 3. 

      Annual analysis of agronomic variables in seven Cenchrus purpureus accessions in the HAV region.

    • Accession Rainy season Dry season Annual
      FW (t/ha) DM (t/ha) FW (t/ha) DM (t/ha) FW (t/ha) DM (t/ha) DM (%)
      Elephant grass 261.31a 54.39a 155.18abc 80.09b 416.50ab 134.49a 34.1a
      Merkeron grass 269.78a 55.60a 179.11a 46.71a 448.89ab 102.31ab 24.2b
      Purple grass 264.66a 61.65ab 153.46ab 69.30b 418.13ab 130.95a 32.7a
      Taiwan 252.66a 60.05ab 104.96c 29.21a 357.62a 89.27b 27.5ab
      King grass 259.79a 61.32ab 156.66ab 41.11a 416.46ab 102.44ab 26.3ab
      CT-115 321.14a 79.81b 120.01bc 32.20a 441.16ab 112.01ab 27.2ab
      Maralfalfa 295.95a 67.03ab 190.57a 67.37b 486.52b 134.41a 30.0ab
      s.e. 25.08 7.22 13.77 6.05 32.62 11.23 2.84
      FW: Fresh weight. DM: Dry matter. Means within columns followed by different letters differ by Fisher test at 5% probability.

      Table 4. 

      Cumulative yields of fresh weight and dry matter per season and cumulative annual yield of seven accessions of Cenchrus purpureus in the HAV region.

    • Accession Variable
      FW (t/ha) DM (t/ha)
      Elephant grass 208.25ab 67.24a
      Merkeron grass 224.44a 51.15ab
      Purple grass 209.06ab 65.47a
      Taiwan 178.81b 44.63b
      King grass 208.23ab 51.22ab
      CT-115 220.58ab 56.00ab
      Maralfalfa 243.26a 67.20a
      s.e. 15.01 6.19
      Rainy 275.04a 62.84a
      Dry 151.42b 52.28b
      s.e. 8.02 3.31
      FW: Fresh weight. DM: Dry matter. Means within columns followed by different letters differ by Fisher test at 5% probability.

      Table 5. 

      Average annual yields per cut of fresh weight and dry matter of seven Cenchrus purpureus accessions in the HAV region.

    • Variable r r2 α s.e. (a) p (a) β s.e. (b) p (b)
      H 0.192 0.037 12.826 6.743 0.059 8.218 3.580 0.023
      LSR 0.262 0.069 44.658 5.333 0.001 -19.545 6.116 0.002
      DLMAR 0.884 0.782 3.967 1.227 0.002 0.153 0.007 0.001
      FW 0.147 0.022 26.466 1.525 0.001 0.000 0.001 0.083
      ADLMR: Accumulated dry leaf matter rate. LSR: Leaf:stem ratio. H: Height. FW: Fresh weight. r2: Determination coefficient. a: intercept. b: slope. p: p-value.

      Table 6. 

      Correlation analysis between the DM and the agronomic variables of seven Cenchrus purpureus accessions grown in the HAV.

    • Variable Y = α + β1 + β2 + β3 + β4 + c r r2adjusted p MSE Method
      FW −27.2 0.10 −33.01 2.12 3.15 34.68 0.73 0.52 0.01 1202.92 F
      p value 0.84 0.10 0.01 0.01 0.01
      DM 11.08 −1.50 0.15 14.33 0.22 0.03 0.02 205.45 F
      p value 0.50 0.29 0.06
      H 3.64 0.00 −0.28 0.01 0.24 0.70 0.48 0.01 0.06 F
      p value 0.01 0.17 0.01 0.01
      LSR 2.90 −0.01 −0.01 0.16 0.53 0.28 0.01 0.02 B
      p value 0.01 0.01 0.01
      ADLMR 80.19 −16.99 1.45 80.36 0.32 0.08 0.01 6458.51 F
      p value 0.39 0.036 0.01
      Y model = α + β1X1 + β2X2 + β3X3 + β4X4 + c; α: Intercept; β1−4: Slope factor; X1: Accumulated precipitation (mm). X2: Average temperature (°C). X3: Global radiation (W/m2). X4: Relative humidity (%). c: Estimate error. FW: Fresh weight. DM: Dry matter. r2adjusted: Adjusted correlation coefficient. p: Probability value. MSE: Mean Square Error. F: forward method. B: backward method. (−): Variable not included in the model.

      Table 7. 

      Multiple linear regression models of the agronomic variables of seven Cenchrus purpureus accessions, associated with climatological variables of the HAV.