Figure 1.
Phylogeny tree of the SUTR family in Beta vulgaris (starting with Bv) and the dicot model plant Arabidopsis thaliana (starting with At).
Figure 2.
Range of exon numbers in BvSUTR genes based on phylogenetic analysis.
Figure 3.
Distribution of BvSUTR genes in the genome of Beta vulgaris.
Figure 4.
Prediction of the subcellular localization of (a) BvSUTRs, (b) the range of isoelectric points (pIs), five groups of BvSUTRs, (c) and the prediction of phosphorylation sites in BvSUTRs.
Figure 5.
Transmembrane helical structure of BvSUTRs.
Figure 6.
3D structure and binding sites of BvSUTRs. The red indicates the binding site in the 3D structure of the candidate BvSUTR proteins.
Figure 7.
Percentage of each amino acid in the pocket site of the BvSUTR groups based on phylogenetic analysis. Alanine (A); Cysteine (C); Aspartic acid (D); Glutamic acid (E); Phenylalanine (F); Glycine (G); Histidine (H); Isoleucine (I); Lysine (K); Leucine (L); Methionine (M); Asparagine (N); Proline (P); Glutamine (Q); Arginine (R); Serine (S); Threonine (T); Valine (V); Tryptophan (W); Tyrosine (Y).
Figure 8.
Promoter analysis of BvSUTRs. Classification of cis-regulatory elements present in the promoter site of (a) BvSUTR genes and (b) involved in the response to hormones. The full details are presented in Supplementary Table S2.
Figure 9.
Expression profile of SUTRs in response to abiotic stresses in (a) shoot and root tissues, and (b) expression profile of SUTRs in response to biotic stresses. B.c: Botrytis cinerea; P.s: Pseudomonas syringae; P.i: Phytophthora infestans; E.o: Erysiphe orontii; FLG22: flagellin 22.
Figure 10.
Interaction network of SUTRs. The background color of each node represents the molecular function.